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PvEers/ Raiders/ SPvPers/WvWers/Fractalers etc what do you want next that will satisfy you in GW2?

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@Swagger.1459 said:

@"Knighthonor.4061" said:PvEers/ Raiders/ SPvPers/WvWers/Fractalers etc what do you want next that will satisfy you in GW2?

Give a clear answer to what exactly you want to be done to the game that will make you happy.

The devs made different sections on the forums purposely, and that’s where specific feedback about those modes go... Use them if you had ideas, because the devs aren’t going to sort through this thread in the general section...

I will counter that, moderators have already said they review and forward summarize feedback. If anything this thread has value since it concatenates those in one spot.

No, sorry. There is a reason why modes are separated out. 1- It’s logical. 2- It makes it easier to go through information being posted.

There were also individuals in charge of monitoring specific sections and reporting back any useful or interesting info back to the devs. Also makes the devs job easier to scan for anything interesting in sections that relate to what their role is.

Are you new to the forums?

Yes you have never seen any of my 1.1K replies nor me of any of your 1.1K replies. Nice to meet you, its always good for new people to meet other new posters. Swagger, really, why go there, we have agreed and disagreed in the past on other things. Really, with a cheap shot?

Agree in the past they used non-devs to summarize sections of the forum and I have not seen if they are or are not doing that now. I have seen recently where the web moderators say they are checking into things with other devs. But the dev team has been more directly active over time with the community and the community teams has been more active to post they are sharing feedback with developers on issues. My guess is some are more and some less active on the forum. I don't disagree that conversations posted in more detailed subsections might have better chance to draw an eye of a dev, but to think that the general discussion is ignored, I don't agree there.

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Going back and fixing things in older maps, especially meta events like the Orr temples. There are quite a few things in Core Tyria that could benefit from the treatment newer maps have gotten. Even some of the Living World maps could use a bit of a touch up.

As for the PvP modes...better balance and better rewards for WvW in particular. If the rewards for WvW don't improve I'll also accept sPvP getting a Gift of Battle reward track instead. Though to my understanding, it looks like they're working on both of those already.

Edit: Oh yeah. And for Season 1 to somehow return. And for dungeons to be worked on.

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3-dimensional exploration maps like Tangled Depths and Draconis Mons

scavenger hunt collections like some of the precursor/legendary journeys or the Skyscale collection

craftable minis like the Aurene mini from Bitterfrost, with a good mix of special (dropped) and regular (wood, ore, ...) ingredients (dungeon mini collection anyone?)

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While it's too late to be in timely fashion, I'd like Anet to come good on the promises to the WvW and PvP community. I don't play either of the game modes nearly enough myself, but the neglect is just embarrassing now.From a PvE perspective, I would like to see a new expansion with the following features in no particular order

New story in a giant chunk as opposed to short 2h format every 2-3 monthsNew elite specsNew old school dungeons with story and challenge modesNew raidsNew fractalsNew weapon typesNew masteries for more horizontal progressionReworking of crafting to make it more meaningful across all proficiencies

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My list:

  • New playable content; something worth doing more than once.
  • Bring dungeons back to life.
  • New raid.
  • Weapon reworks: necro staff, rifle engi, hammer guardian and more.
  • Some skill reworks. They did it with Guardian's spirit weapons and Thief's traps. Now I want to see minions and turrets.
  • Make World Bosses more rewarding.
  • Dyeable backpacks.
  • When you play condi ele with dagger mainhand and AA doesn't inflict burning, but you literally shot fire.
  • More Mystic Coin sources. They're expensive af and you can get them only from login reward (20 per month) or fractals.
  • Allow us to store KPs from raids in Material Storage. They're crafting materials for scribe.

My super idea for loot system:An option, a personal list of items that won't appear in your backpack. You can add every item you like and you're sure you won't loot it anymore, e.g. you got a Broken Lockpick. Right-click -> Add to no-loot list -> Done, you won't see it anymore in your inventory.


  • Make markings in LFG for HoT and PoF maps or separate them somehow.
  • Disable invisible walls on some objects like Octovines or Forged Canons. I play deadeye, I can't use Deadeye's Mark because "No line of sigh".
  • Make stealth break enemy's targeting. I'm sick of getting attacked in stealth because some mob triggered me.
  • Fix a bug with invulnerability on PoF mobs (Branded Awakened). No, I didn't drag them too far from their spawn. THEY WERE AT THEIR SPAWN.
  • Rifts in Jahai, increase chance to spawn an event.
  • Fix areas that prevent us to use teleport skills, e.g. in Specimen Chamber. "No valid path".
  • Fix random skill interrupt. Sometimes you can cancel channeling a skill only by moving. I failed my rotation countless times only because 1 skill didn't work (and got +3 secs CD).
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General (all game modes):

  1. Edited Addition Please for the love of God make the guild system actually integrate into many more things in it already does. Raise the importance of what it means to be in the guild. Whether that means additional services, locations, items, Etc., just add more guild-centric content! The fact that ESO has a better Guild system than Guild Wars 2 is a little bit ludicrous. Also, I know the "Guild Wars" are a historical period in the game lore, but come on! Lean into it more! See my comments below for more GvG content!

  2. Make Spear and Trident terrestrial weapons. Both can be used as martial or caster weapons if need be. One handed or two handed.

  3. Related to 1., more weapon types, not just reshuffling weapons on elite specs. I'm just suggesting, implementation is up to Anet.

  4. Toughness Reimagined: Every certain amount of toughness over 1000 is not only a flat damage reduction as it exists, but additionally REMOVES critical damage received. Some of these damage spikes in the competitive modes are absurd, and it might be nice to wade into a crazy melee in PvE and CC things for days as your job or something.

  5. New Elite Specializations or Class (I know class is unlikely or not at all likely, but I'll take a surprise)

  6. New Maps for each game mode. Just a sign of attention and curating each mode.

  7. Going back to older content to make sure it's up to snuff.


  9. All gemstore items are available for purchase at any time. Rotating sales are still possible, just allow every item to be picked up at the players discretion. It's called artificial scarcity the way things are right now, and it's not psychologically healthy and rides the line between ethical/unethical.

PvE (Including Raids/Fractals):

  1. Elite Zones. Full maps that encourage more organized small-group to mid-sized group play to push metas. Think Underwold, Fissure of Woe, and Domain of Anguish from the first game. Even if it has to be queued.
  2. General redesign of what PvE encounters mean. More mini-boss type mobs that encourage people to group to take down.
  3. Rewards that mean something. Even including raids and fractals, seeing a bunch of loot boxes that open up into green, blue, and even yellow items is not really very significant at this time. If Exotics and Ascended/Leg equipment is easy for people to get through various means across game modes, then armor/weapon loot as they exist don't have any significance except monetary for the TP or salvage. I'm not saying I want "less" off those, I'm saying consider other items, rewards that are tangible and mean something.
  4. Mastery localization. Many masteries are only useful in certain geographic locations, limiting the impact of the system. Must be addressed.
  5. Much, MUCH more profession related content. Story, mentors, disciples, etc Your character is part of a PROFESSION. Time to profess.
  6. If following an episodic story telling format between large drops [read: expansions]…. please make them a bit beefier than a few hours on an evening for story.
  7. An expansion.


  1. More game modes. Stronghold was a good idea, just not supported/changed enough to make it a competitor to conquest. Frankly, take ideas from your GW1 examples: Fort Aspenwood/Jade Quarry: (GW2 only players look it up in GW1 wiki). FA: Assault/Defense style map with multiple points of progress and win conditions. Jade Quarry: Escort/Node Generation mission with predetermined paths that allowed for niche builds to exist. This would also happen in GW2, believe me.
  2. Balance. Just. Balance.
  3. Community Events: Bonus events for non-ranked PvP that provide players with very tangible rewards. As a result, hopefully more people will flood ranked and then take the same idea, but make Ranked have significant rewards. (I know ranked already has a monetary reward in pip tracks, but this is more of a "come play PvP" outreach idea.
  4. Try things. Try anything. Just show people the mode means something and is trying to be innovative. Heck, even if it's not innovative, we likely don't have it in there and it would be a new experience.
  5. An Expansion.


  1. Balance. Steps in the right direction with communication appear to be being taken, so good.
  2. Roll out that alliance update. It's a very important change that has many implications for how "business" is handled in WvW.
  3. Try new things. Then get feedback. Then try a new version. Refine. Horray!
  4. Oddly Specific: Please allow shield generator "Force Wall" skill to dismount or otherwise impair mounted cavalry as they attempt to cross. It can do a lot for choke point defense and the "2nd Healthbar" that mounts provide. Also, possibly mount-target only traps that dismount or remove some endurance.
  5. An Expansion.

Possibly add:

Dedicated Guild Vs Guild content. Alliance Battles (not WvW, but smaller scale GvG content. Something like 16v16) use Guild Halls as the staging grounds. They're each large enough to be assaulted in various ways and can be really neat competitive maps if changed slightly. I've got many different ideas on how it could work.And an expansion.

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I would like gvg or pvp arenas in the middle of major cities...blocked off and not interfering with activites but observable by allregular wvw focused events and updatesnew elite specsrarely used weapon and skill updateswvw victories that mean something

and for everyone else:Pve, give them housing...they have patiently waitedPVP give them maps and new games other than conquest....they deserve varietyMake attempts at communicating with all aspects of the game on a regular, community-wide basis

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infusion drop (worth 5k + gold)permanent kits drop from black lion chests. (hairstyle or bank or extract)

fishing like in wow. (but others first)

and maybe some nice outfit or glider or mount skins from black lion chest (drop) for me.

want to have aurene outfit code

further nothing i want.

this is all to make me happy again. i am a loot goblin. there were times i got nice loot and when i am happy i sometimes buy gems for support and upgrades for me. but now i first want expensive loot. everything i want is expensive or behind rng.

the aurene outfit code can make me happy again (irl i am happy)

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Norn update, more appropriate to their lore. (They should either go beast form whenever in combat, or have a choice to always be in it.) With longer hairs, beards and more viking/celtic themed items and armor.

Charr update (Optional upright posture.) more horns, and better hairs that don't look stupid.

More E-specs or a new class, potentially a new race to spice things up. (It's content for me, don't care of people wouldn't like it. New ways to play is cool, new people to play as are cooler.)

Guilds being worth something, and more guild halls and things to do as a guild.

WvW remake, alongside the restructure and new maps for WvW of the quality of today's standards. Bring in all the masteries from HoT (updrafts, leyline gliding, mushrooms ect) and make larger more dynamic maps.

New weapon types

hopefully we are getting a better story than PoF, since its the two best races in the game center stage.

More re-playable content thats fun to do and isn't just stuff to increase Acheivo-points while being centered around collections. (make it worth doing on different chars.)

Core map overhauls

A slider so I Can turn off peoples infusions/legendary effects so I only see mine. (I legit just want to see my legendary weapon, not the glitter balls people decide to make out of themselves.)

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General:New Elite Specs, as new tools to play content with can refresh all existing content somewhat while providing plenty of content in of itself with build craft etc.More Core Trait, weapon and Utility reworks of Traits and Skills which are under performing/rarely if ever used since years.

Fractals:Return to and bigger focus on Fractal CM's, as the last one was added over 2 years ago, which isn't exactly a survivable pace for endgame content.New goals/titles/rewards/reward systems, while I'm sure I'm a minority in the fact that I could buy Fractal God a second time all over again by now, there is nothing really to go for or spend things on aside from ascended gear which is already piling up even though frequently salvaged anyway. Anything new and potentially repeatable for vets to go for would be nice.Just more frequent Fractals.

Raids:Some sort of reward system for repeating Raids, even if it's just half of what you get for the first weekly clear.Some incentive to repeat CM's.Just more frequent Raids.

sPvP:Better balance, although that seems to be coming along lately.Otherwise most of my issues with the game mode stem from the extremely low population which in part is leading to horrendous matchmaking turning most matches into a complete stomp either way.

WvW:Alliance system.Buff to rewards gained in the game mode/pips.Incentive to win "matches" and the facilitation of competing communities.Lot's of balancing.

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