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Portable Composter Bug


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Hey! so ive done EVERYTHING in the "Gourmet Training" achievment except from the final few steps in the Sylvari line of things, more specifically, i never got the recipie to craft the portable composter... (Pic for "proof" https://imgur.com/IKIbSDH ) Ive already tried talking to every NPC i can think off, googled a lot and checked the forums not just once but twice, any help appreciated and a potentional fix even more appreciated.

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Did you have the requisite Seeds in inventory? Try a -repair of the client?


@RoseofGilead.8907 said:What Inculpatus said. Are you certain you went to Mender Earie with the varietal herb seeds in your inventory?

I repair'd my game and for some reason its appearing now, thank you very much both of you :)

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