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$USD 500+ to change mount skins, it's yours, just take it


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Just get rid of the gambling. I am with the OP here, there is tons of things I would have bought if they were offered. But instead, I have to gamble for them. I loathe gambling and refuse to do it. I experience no fun from gambling in games or casinos. It's a snooze to me. When I go to a casino, it's to drink for free while playing the cheap machines at the bar very slowly.

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@Ryukai.6524 said:

@Roamer.3259 said:I don't see the problem, you can buy a selection license and choose the exact mount skin of the set that you want instead of praying for rng.

I think it's more of a case that you CAN'T see what mountskins the licenses include IN-GAME via a rightclick/preview menu in the gemstore itself, BEFORE you purchase it. That includes both the random and the select licenses.

You have to go to an externaly run site just to find out :/

Yes you CAN see what mounts are included. Just go to the mount tab in game. Mouse over any mount and it tells you exactly what license or pack that mount comes from.

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@SinisterSlay.6973 said:Just get rid of the gambling. I am with the OP here, there is tons of things I would have bought if they were offered. But instead, I have to gamble for them. I loathe gambling and refuse to do it. I experience no fun from gambling in games or casinos. It's a snooze to me. When I go to a casino, it's to drink for free while playing the cheap machines at the bar very slowly.

Lucky for you, you can buy the mount SELECT license! You can choose whatever mount you want, no need to gamble!

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@MachineManXX.9746 said:

@Roamer.3259 said:I don't see the problem, you can buy a selection license and choose the exact mount skin of the set that you want instead of praying for rng.

I think it's more of a case that you CAN'T see what mountskins the licenses include IN-GAME via a rightclick/preview menu in the gemstore itself, BEFORE you purchase it. That includes both the random and the select licenses.

You have to go to an externaly run site just to find out :/

Yes you CAN see what mounts are included. Just go to the mount tab in game. Mouse over any mount and it tells you exactly what license or pack that mount comes from.

Yes its possible but my point is its super awkward. Consider storage expansion. It says exactly what it is and there is a big buy button on it. Perfect. Even the outfit packages break into a screen where you can preview each item. That's be fine. The black lion chest preview shows you all the stuff you can get. That's fine.

Hovering around in the mounts tab over 50 mounts to find the two that are included... then seeing like 4 way better skins that aren't for sale right now... then forgetting which license it is again... bleh. If there was a buy button on the mounts page that would be something.

But that's minor. I'd deal with all that. But I want the sets finished. Branded is almost done, that's good. Exo-suit would be nice, I could deal with buying one select mount each for beetle warclaw and skyscale... if they existed. And complete sets for the new cools kins. Like a full starbound or exalted set. Starbound is almost there.

But yeah minor it'd be nice if the button was right there. Like, cmon, I'm trying to spend money here. This should be super easy. It ain't like a jumping puzzle where I should be frustrated as hell so I get that feeling of accomplishment after. I'm buying something. I should feel like a super satisfied customer. Should really, really not feel like someone who got so frustrated I didn't bother spending my money.

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@crepuscular.9047 said:isnt there's a more expensive version called a mount selection license that you can select the one you want? pretty sure they implemented that after the initial backlash

I personally only get the select license when it's discounted to a reasonable price. 1200 gems on the select license is overpriced considering that the RND is 400 gems. I would like to see them group some of the skins into one package but if someone has one or more of them unlocked already they need to give them another license to unlock. RNG would be ok in that case as long as you can select the mount type. That's probably the only time I'd be OK with RNG mount skins.

I really wish they could do a series of achievements to unlock 4 color channel skins for each of the default mount skins.

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@MachineManXX.9746 said:

@Roamer.3259 said:I don't see the problem, you can buy a selection license and choose the exact mount skin of the set that you want instead of praying for rng.

I think it's more of a case that you CAN'T see what mountskins the licenses include IN-GAME via a rightclick/preview menu in the gemstore itself, BEFORE you purchase it. That includes both the random and the select licenses.

You have to go to an externaly run site just to find out :/

Yes you CAN see what mounts are included. Just go to the mount tab in game. Mouse over any mount and it tells you exactly what license or pack that mount comes from.

I know that but it's incredibly time-consuming to go through 171 mount skins to try and figure out which few are related to which license. They could easily add a preview button to the store mount license window. As the preview ui already exists in game as it shows up when you click on the license in your inventory.

It's just that it would be nice to quickly see what mounts are available with regards to specific licenses in the gem store itself, rather than have it be all convoluted.

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@Piney.3076 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Unfortunate. There's always the Wiki, though.

Isn't it weird though? I expect to hit the wiki when I'm figuring out ascended cooking or trying new boss encounter. But to figure out what I'm getting for my money? Like, NO OTHER purchase does this. Black lion keys you can check out the chests. Packages show lists of the items. Even that warclaw set that I hated, you could preview those right? Why make it super weird to purchase what should be a cash cow?

Even better why not a buy button like right on the mounts page? Starbound roller beetle. Put a nice big buy button right on it. I might click it if it's on sale, even when I really want to hold out for the full set.

All good points. I’d have preferred buying mounts this way too.

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@MachineManXX.9746 said:

@SinisterSlay.6973 said:Just get rid of the gambling. I am with the OP here, there is tons of things I would have bought if they were offered. But instead, I have to gamble for them. I loathe gambling and refuse to do it. I experience no fun from gambling in games or casinos. It's a snooze to me. When I go to a casino, it's to drink for free while playing the cheap machines at the bar very slowly.

Lucky for you, you can buy the mount SELECT license! You can choose whatever mount you want, no need to gamble!

That's true but they are almost $20 each in gems. A hard sell when the game is only $30 currently.

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