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First time seeing a legitimate hacker

H a z Z y.1762

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Never seen someone hack before, but tonight i did. This guy didn't even try to hide it. On kylo, he would teleport from mid to our home node over n over. Decapping/capping. Then he would vanish on the node, like stealth, but u couldn't hit/reveal him but he would still keep the node contested.

Anyone seen this before?

Also, this is the first time i actually went to report someone and noticed there is no "cheating" option so i selected "scamming" (closest option lol).

The character played like a bot too. When you could actually hit him, hed barely do anything back. Like his hacks had cooldowns.

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If u Google there are quite a few hacks available for gw2 2 for any losers who feel the need to hack to feel like their good players lol. Ranges from position hacks, perma swiftness, perma evade frames so etc etc. I've fought a ranger in arena that stood in front of me moving side to side as I fed him great sword hits to his face over and over while his hp didn't move. I asked him how he said he was evading. he was not dodging or using weapon evade frames or stone signet as I watched while downed him fight three other people and after literally half a minute or so the players where typing wtf above their heads and miraculously he all the sudden was burst down as if he was suddenly able to take damage lmao.

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