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When is botting in Modri Caverns going to be dealt with?


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It's pretty evident that they are but because you can't hack their webcam and prove they're not sitting there, nobody takes notice. There are solo players casting skills all of the time whether there are enemies there or not, on small ledges or one prominent ledge where there are a group of people are, usually with one person overlooking the group to give grief to anyone who calls them out.

I've reported about 8 people for botting in about 15 minutes ago. Recorded some too. I am not abusing the report system, so I'll be sure to keep whatever footage I record. Modri Caverns is a hotspot and all it takes is one sly Anet employee to go take a look and see.

If you keep turning a blind eye to this you may as well just remove the botting report option.

Edit: Just saw a guy with 3 accounts (all starting with the same name before the account number). I find it highly doubtful that one person can run skills on three separate machines without difficulty at a very obvious botting point in Modri Caverns. He was talking on one account, not the others and claimed "it's not breaking the rules" to having 3 accounts... no it isn't, but it is when 2 of those accounts are actively botting. There was also a whole bunch of other people there afk, farming away.

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Nothing will be done, they have been there for many, many months.I have also reported a shed load of players, but they are all still there day in day out, day after day, week after week, month after month.ANET should of jumped on this years ago, but now there are just too many players doing it in too many places in the game.And.. just like every other thread that brings this issue up, it will be consigned to the trash can over coffee break.

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https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013658134-Policy-Dual-or-Multi-Boxing - Provided its one person, three computers and three accounts running simultaneously there is no EULA break. Its only an issue if they are macro'd or controlled via one controller, I.E three characters executing the same skills at the same time and moving around the world at the same time.

Report non-the-less and let ANET do the investigation which I'm sure they do... but just make sure you can see the actual botting-like behavior and not just multi accounts being used at a spot to farm something.

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@Divine Monk.2401 said:Over the years i have played i have reported many players that were obviously botting, and action had been taken against them. To this day i don't see them anymore so Anet is listening and taking action it just is a ongoing battle for countering botters.

There is multiple botting accounts who farming elder wood with relatively simple script for at least a year. Teleporting them around proved that there is no human behind them, and yet ANet ignored all my reports. We talking about 4-5 accounts with over 40 characters. Why? I think after one of incidents with false-positive flaging, they decide to never bother with that specific zone.

Not saying they ignore all reports, but in some cases I just gave up.

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