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Siege is now useless in wvw

Amicas Freewalker.7643

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Siege is now useless in wvw . How do you like fields reaching up 25ft towers covering whole walk ways and halfway down the other side. Ground troops can take them out with no effort. Oh yes fight in a tower on the ground. What a joke. In old school days took 30 min to a hr just to take one tower siege battles to take down walls our gate then troops ran in to fight each other. Oh yes don't forget a knee high wall that obstructs you from firing back even if you could stand on wall to return fire, To funny thxs anet for turning one of the best games ever into a total joke.

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30 min to a hr just to take one tower siege battles

Glad I didnt play back then. Must have been very fun to afk on siege, pressing 2.

You do know that you dont have to stand on the wall to damage the enemy, right? If they are stacked, you can cloud around them all over the place. If they chase you, you can focus them 1 by 1 on top of siege support. L2P

Did you copy paste your post from 2 years ago..?

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@Amicas Freewalker.7643 said:yup, figured someone would have a assume comment like yours. Hang in there with 2 full servers left. Game is rocking. To funny. Let me know next time you fight in one so I can watch and learn from your great expertise.

Just join Gandara and learn from them. That server has mastered the use of siege and clouding in general, but sadly that's the only thing they can do.

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@"c space cowboy.2764" said:Use different tactics? Like hardened siege?

So instead of siege vaporizing in 1-3 seconds it now vaporizes in 2-6 seconds? A real game changer there...

How about this, players and siege are invulnerable until the attacker is inside the tower or keep. No more pulling off walls, no more damaging on walls, no more damaging siege from outside (unless its actual siege damage outside the structure as in a ballista, catapult, or treb). This includes being invulnerable to wells, shades, meteors, barrage and the like.

Are people going to turtle inside of structures? Yes. Will it be primarily fight guilds that turtle inside of structures? Yes. However, if people or groups are as good as they think they are (because many think they are the greatest thing since sliced bread), it should be absolutely no problem still breaking into a structure, whether or not people lose the ability to damage or yank people off walls. Where there is a will, there is a way. Throw a bone to defenders, because currently, there is absolutely no defense against a sustaining stacked zerg on alpha/guild golems or rams, especially when you toss a shield gen in the mix. The advantage is completely in the attackers court, and the main culprit behind that is our friend the Guardian. Drastically kneecap the guardian, the groups lose a good chunk of their sustain. Losing the sustain means it will really no longer be possible to simply stack on one another and absorb all damage. Ending that will suddenly swing the advantage over to the defenders (as it should be).

Then we will hear things like "just come out and fight", well people aren't going to come out and fight if groups persist on blobbing. If groups want the 5-10 to come out and fight, don't come to the party with 50-70, come to the party with 5-10.

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@Amicas Freewalker.7643 said:Siege is now useless in wvw . How do you like fields reaching up 25ft towers covering whole walk ways and halfway down the other side. Ground troops can take them out with no effort. Oh yes fight in a tower on the ground. What a joke. In old school days took 30 min to a hr just to take one tower siege battles to take down walls our gate then troops ran in to fight each other. Oh yes don't forget a knee high wall that obstructs you from firing back even if you could stand on wall to return fire, To funny thxs anet for turning one of the best games ever into a total joke.

I agree with you in general. Fortified positions are supposed to be a significant advantage providing few a chance to counter many. It's not supposed to be easy to just overwhelm a fortress or a fortified tower protected by arrow carts and ballistae. It's supposed to take a siege to do it, not just a bum rush. I would definitely prefer it if taking objectives required planning, patience, time, effort.

However, the fact is that that wouldn't be the type of game most players here want. They want to fight way more than they care to strategize. This is simply a gamestyle preference which happens to be the overwhelming majority choice in WvW, leaving Anet little choice other than to accommodate its player base. If it takes more than 5 minutes to take an objective, people complain it's not worth it.

So this is the game we get, and it's still a dam good one even if it's dumbed down to 99% fighting. There's still a lot to enjoy in fighting.

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@"Ged Kealmen.7210" said:I agree with you in general. Fortified positions are supposed to be a significant advantage providing few a chance to counter many. It's not supposed to be easy to just overwhelm a fortress or a fortified tower protected by arrow carts and ballistae. It's supposed to take a siege to do it, not just a bum rush. I would definitely prefer it if taking objectives required planning, patience, time, effort.So what exact part of this is not true for current WvW?

T3 is still insanely strong for defense and 10-20 can delay a 50 man for a long time - often through 3+ assaults since siege gets destroyed, they get repelled, a 50 man defense force arrive, still sups available etc.

Heaven forbid you got less than that to attack. Most small groups just bypass defended T3 because its not worth the 1+ hour it takes to finally, maybe cap it - usually because defenders got tired or busy elsewhere.

When keeps are "easily" taken its either due to absolutely overwhelming force (70+ with 6 rams or golems or similar vs like... The 5 defenders that show up because no one says anything in chat) or due to the fact there simply isnt anyone bothering to defend. I've taken T3 spawntowers with 3 people while outmanned because no one came, the enemy zoneblob (literally no roamers) was busy.

They hardly represent the defensive capabilities of objectives.

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Siege is fine as it is, if you know how to place it. Only thing that should be changed is more ways to deter direct assault on the objectives. Right now is NO way to stop 4+ rams and 2 shieldgens on your gates if you don't have your own zerg and invuln tactics is run out. You can have a million of ACs, trebs and catas inside - it's all doesn't matter. And if you will man the oil - damage is laughable against rams and you will eat a million condis while trying to do so.More damage from AC could be nice as well, because groups with FB now can literally /dance under 3+ AC fire and never go down, but that's mostly because of the absolutely absurd strength of FB+scrapper duo. Without them people are melting good enough.

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@steki.1478 said:

@Amicas Freewalker.7643 said:yup, figured someone would have a assume comment like yours. Hang in there with 2 full servers left. Game is rocking. To funny. Let me know next time you fight in one so I can watch and learn from your great expertise.

Just join Gandara and learn from them. That server has mastered the use of siege and clouding in general, but sadly that's the only thing they can do.

We have a similar server in NA.

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It's just stupid that people want to defend a structure in a 5v50 situation, it seems normal to you to be able to win a 5v50 (even though it's your structure) ? I really don't think it is even close to be fair.If 5 person can defend against 50 then how can these 50 people siege a simple tower against 20 ? How stale will the game be ? Which comm will want to tag up knowing that meeting 5 random guy will instantly give him aids just by looking at him from the top of a tower ?You're absolutly not looking for a fair/strategic/fun gameplay, you just want something that is an advantage to you (ppl that scouts structures), you're just being biased and selfish.Then you may ask "how to defenderino then ?", you can win by clouding with ~20-25 players with a few sieges against 50, seems fair to me to be able to win while being half as big as they are.

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@steki.1478 said:

@"Amicas Freewalker.7643" said:yup, figured someone would have a assume comment like yours. Hang in there with 2 full servers left. Game is rocking. To funny. Let me know next time you fight in one so I can watch and learn from your great expertise.

Just join Gandara and learn from them. That server has mastered the use of siege and clouding in general, but sadly that's the only thing they can do.

I don't know what you mean, my good Sir!


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@steki.1478 said:

@Amicas Freewalker.7643 said:yup, figured someone would have a assume comment like yours. Hang in there with 2 full servers left. Game is rocking. To funny. Let me know next time you fight in one so I can watch and learn from your great expertise.

Just join Gandara and learn from them. That server has mastered the use of siege and clouding in general, but sadly that's the only thing they can do.

Lol, well it's still better than deso that cannot do a single damn thing in wvw :D

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@aspirine.6852 said:

@Amicas Freewalker.7643 said:yup, figured someone would have a assume comment like yours. Hang in there with 2 full servers left. Game is rocking. To funny. Let me know next time you fight in one so I can watch and learn from your great expertise.

Just join Gandara and learn from them. That server has mastered the use of siege and clouding in general, but sadly that's the only thing they can do.

Lol, well it's still better than deso that cannot do a single kitten thing in wvw :D

Say that when you reach positive k/d :D

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@"cgMatt.5162" said:Personally not a fan of turtling in structures with afk siege gameplay. Not very fun, imo.

glad you only speak for yourself here, because I love when early WvW would have large scale fights in structures other than just Keeps and SMC.

Probably because early wvw had a lot of people 24/7 for those large scale fights and they didnt know how to fight so they had to use siege and "strategize". Everyone was using training wheels gear (PVT - soldier) which just shows what kind of quality it really was.

There'd still be fights inside objectives if defenders wouldn't fly off as soon as someone gets in, but sure, blame the siege.

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@steki.1478 said:

@"cgMatt.5162" said:Personally not a fan of turtling in structures with afk siege gameplay. Not very fun, imo.

glad you only speak for yourself here, because I love when early WvW would have large scale fights in structures other than just Keeps and SMC.

Probably because early wvw had a lot of people 24/7 for those large scale fights and they didnt know how to fight so they had to use siege and "strategize". Everyone was using training wheels gear (PVT - soldier) which just shows what kind of quality it really was.

There'd still be fights inside objectives if defenders wouldn't fly off as soon as someone gets in, but sure, blame the siege.The power creeped objectives is a huge part of this though, not only players. Guild halls changed the entire dynamic of objectives (to the point Anet had to boost siege just to keep WvW playable).

I do miss the 2+ hour continous fights in garrison, where we eventually had to surrender by exhaustion. I think the lord was bannered 50+ times lol.

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