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Completing Hearts of Thorns *thoughts*


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I haven't played Guild Wars 2 for a very long time, since Scarlet attacked Lion's Arch back in the day. I have to say, I was blown away! I completed Living World Season 2 and started on Hearts Of Thorns. The battle against Mordremoth was freakn awesome!! The new enemies, mini bosses and over all look and feel of the map was nice! The change in the way the players and NPC's communicate is 100x better in my opinion. The old cut scene with the player and NPC talking back and fourth got kind of old and boring in the original content. The verticality of the map took a bit to get used to but I had no complaints. I also really enjoyed the small things like playing a Sylvari and directly hearing Mordremoth trying to get in your head. That was so cool! I'm so looking forward to Living world Season 3, Path of Fire, and Season 4. Loving this game. Thanks for the great content ArenaNet!

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@Eraser.9860 said:I haven't played Guild Wars 2 for a very long time, since Scarlet attacked Lion's Arch back in the day. I have to say, I was blown away! I completed Living World Season 2 and started on Hearts Of Thorns. The battle against Mordremoth was freakn awesome!! The new enemies, mini bosses and over all look and feel of the map was nice! The change in the way the players and NPC's communicate is 100x better in my opinion. The old cut scene with the player and NPC talking back and fourth got kind of old and boring in the original content. The verticality of the map took a bit to get used to but I had no complaints. I also really enjoyed the small things like playing a Sylvari and directly hearing Mordremoth trying to get in your head. That was so cool! I'm so looking forward to Living world Season 3, Path of Fire, and Season 4. Loving this game. Thanks for the great content ArenaNet!

I suggest skipping HoT and going to PoF, get the Mounts, then come back to HoT. Much better experience.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@Eraser.9860 said:I haven't played Guild Wars 2 for a very long time, since Scarlet attacked Lion's Arch back in the day. I have to say, I was blown away! I completed Living World Season 2 and started on Hearts Of Thorns. The battle against Mordremoth was freakn awesome!! The new enemies, mini bosses and over all look and feel of the map was nice! The change in the way the players and NPC's communicate is 100x better in my opinion. The old cut scene with the player and NPC talking back and fourth got kind of old and boring in the original content. The verticality of the map took a bit to get used to but I had no complaints. I also really enjoyed the small things like playing a Sylvari and directly hearing Mordremoth trying to get in your head. That was so cool! I'm so looking forward to Living world Season 3, Path of Fire, and Season 4. Loving this game. Thanks for the great content ArenaNet!

I suggest skipping HoT and going to PoF, get the Mounts, then come back to HoT. Much better experience.

+1 hot maps have alot of ups and downs and some mounts feel completely natural on them, like griffon in Vb or bunny in tarrir map.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@Eraser.9860 said:I haven't played Guild Wars 2 for a very long time, since Scarlet attacked Lion's Arch back in the day. I have to say, I was blown away! I completed Living World Season 2 and started on Hearts Of Thorns. The battle against Mordremoth was freakn awesome!! The new enemies, mini bosses and over all look and feel of the map was nice! The change in the way the players and NPC's communicate is 100x better in my opinion. The old cut scene with the player and NPC talking back and fourth got kind of old and boring in the original content. The verticality of the map took a bit to get used to but I had no complaints. I also really enjoyed the small things like playing a Sylvari and directly hearing Mordremoth trying to get in your head. That was so cool! I'm so looking forward to Living world Season 3, Path of Fire, and Season 4. Loving this game. Thanks for the great content ArenaNet!

I suggest skipping HoT and going to PoF, get the Mounts, then come back to HoT. Much better experience.

hot maps have alot of ups and downs
and some mounts feel completely natural on them, like griffon in Vb or bunny in tarrir map.

They literally do.

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From mob balance to layout, PoF > HoT. Though I do still like Verdant Brink and Auric Basin, even moreso with mounts to come back to. Even Dragon Stand, if one can get into the One Sacred Map once in that two-hour block, is worth going back to. Shame about that Tangled Depths and an unreadable map that goes with it.Though the bigger shame of HoT is that the enemy balance was so close, but there just wasn't enough counter-play for some of the cheapo crap many of the enemies had.

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@Rauderi.8706 said:From mob balance to layout, PoF > HoT. Though I do still like Verdant Brink and Auric Basin, even moreso with mounts to come back to. Even Dragon Stand, if one can get into the One Sacred Map once in that two-hour block, is worth going back to. Shame about that Tangled Depths and an unreadable map that goes with it.Though the bigger shame of HoT is that the enemy balance was so close, but there just wasn't enough counter-play for some of the cheapo kitten many of the enemies had.

Actually prefer hot mob aproach, much more compact and roam on groups, in pof they are all spread all over the place and they can aggro you all the way from ascalon.

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HoT maps have the best design of whole Tyria so far. When you like to explore: Don't get the mounts. All maps are designed that you don't need them, you just can skip a lot of those "orientation-puzzles" when using them. When you just want to complete and don't care about that, feel free to get your mounts first, though you will miss out a huge part of what makes HoT special.

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by the criteria u used to like HoT, the PoF will blow your mind, the history and their development is still better in PoF. (hot was a history-rushed content). HoT history development is pale compared to PoF.

first time i did PoF, was 12 hours playing non-stop when it launched. latter, its take 1~2 hours max to complete the history.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:I suggest skipping HoT and going to PoF, get the Mounts, then come back to HoT. Much better experience.

For the sake of any shred of gamer in you DO NOT DO THIS or at least think about it. If you are here to explore the world and like platforming I suggest you play at least the main story part and explore Hot maps and metas on foot with glider and other hot masteries. The maps are really explorer's and platformer's paradise. I did it and looking back I would totally destroy my experience if I did it with mounts (bought game after pof).If you dislike exploring and platforming and there is something else going for you in game than go ahead and use mounts.

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NGL, I think you missed out. On launch, HoT was a dangerous place that shown just how bad at the game we were. Pocket raptors were biting at everyone's ankles, Mordrem Snipers killed players in droves and the Frogs were neigh unkillable. Balthazar help you when night fell on verdent brink or took a wrong turn in Tangled Depths...

After repeated nerfs, HoT is still my favourite expac, but feels somewhat lacking knowing what it used to be.

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I suggest skipping HoT and going to PoF, get the Mounts, then come back to HoT. Much better experience.

This! When I returned to GW2 just before the release of PoF, I was excited to dive into HoT.. but I got so overwhelmed. Somehow it was much easier to get back into everything while playing PoF. I've completed HoT, but I still have the feeling I haven't tamed the jungle hahaha :s

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I'm in the minority. I love the variety in Tangled Depths as well as the fact that it's the only map in the game left for me that I can sometimes still get lost in. Sometimes it feels like I'm always discovering something new in it despite how much I tell myself I have it all figured out finally due to how often I'm helping people with HPs.

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I agree, Hearts of Thorns grew on me big time over the years. I have done all the Masteries and quit a bit of the Achievements, as well as made a HoT Legendary, yet the expansion will never be truly finished for me. I still do not really know my way around a lot of the Map even though I have done all the Meta's dozens of times. It feels both familiar and alien to me.

And that keeps the challenge and mystery alive for me. Big fan of the verticality and jungle theme too and the mobs have the right amount of challenge. It's better then PoF with the annoying aggro ranges. PoF mobs aren't even that hard, it is just the range.

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