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Just some of my thoughts - we tend to forget devs are also human


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@wickedkae.4980 said:If all these devs were doing this for free, then I would not have anything to say. However, I have spent quite a bit of money on this game and as a PAYING CUSTOMER I have demands. The devs do not get the luxury of me caring. Do your job anet or tell us you are not capable so we can all move on.

You are a customer, not an investor.

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@Mewcifer.5198 said:

@"wickedkae.4980" said:If all these devs were doing this for free, then I would not have anything to say. However, I have spent quite a bit of money on this game and as a PAYING CUSTOMER I have demands. The devs do not get the luxury of me caring. Do your job anet or tell us you are not capable so we can all move on.

You are a customer, not an investor.

It is easy to blur that line. As customers the only power we have is to continue or discontinue spending money on the product. Money spent equals sunk costs. It gains us nothing more than what was exchanged for it. I don't say this to be rude but they have not ever sold us a "right to have a say about the game's direction" at any point. As far as the "luxury of me caring" goes, I give that out pretty freely. It helps me remember who I'm dealing with, other people. You are right that it is a good idea for them to pay attention to paying customer's demands. I don't think these forums give us a good indication of the majority's demands though.

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@wickedkae.4980 said:If all these devs were doing this for free, then I would not have anything to say. However, I have spent quite a bit of money on this game and as a PAYING CUSTOMER I have demands. The devs do not get the luxury of me caring. Do your job anet or tell us you are not capable so we can all move on.

Sorry, this is the post I meant to quote.

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To be fair I have been exceedingly harsh to them over the past years; Mainly because I as a person who grew up with guild wars became attached to the world, lore and the way things are ,I hate seeing them torn apart for the sake of ~Insert reason here~. I don't care for the community because I've learned that we have many, many, many people who either hate X game mode over Y game mode or vice versa. That being said I can understand why the devs might feel as they do, we are passionate people and we very much do lash out when we grow concerned or upset. (All of the above happened on the 30th.) However....

  1. Outside of open world PvE the game is in a bad state AT this moment and time. Fractals, not fast enough. Raids, not fast enough. WvW and PvP need dire help and need reworks and restructures im not sure the company or people working on the game can actually pull off.
  2. Faith has been shaken and that is entirly on the fault of the lead developer, not the others but the leader. This announcement was poorly constructed and DID NOT SHOW ENOUGH. Not to say the saga doesn't have enough but they showed us so little its hard to see why anyone would be completely "Content" with what we got.
  3. (Bias incoming duck in cover!) The norn need dire help with customization and need more flair because compared to everything else in game, they lack SO much its ludicrous.
  4. Class design and balance is a hot mess right now, needs to be fixed because 90% of the game is playing as X class and they all kinda feel bleh. (Unless you're a warrior ... then you haven't really changed much.)
  5. All this comes down to is being transparent with the above and we would be fine. That and talking to us about E-specs; We need to know what is coming if its a "Saga" (Living world) intending to live up to expansions. It's clear they don't and have any intention of ever doing another expansion, they merely want living world to be the end game and if thats the case then they need to give us information to keep us hyped. Im looking forward to the 17th but it doesn't mean that I have much faith in the future of the game, because all the non-answers are the same from pre-HoT back when they were determined to make living world be the end game. It didn't work then and It probably won't work now...
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I dont see anyone attacking devs as individuals. I see a lot of bashing of ANet and NCSoft, tho. And those are companies, aka soulless entities whose only reason for existing is maximizing profits for their shareholders. They dont need you defending them OP, they dont have feelings that can be hurt in the first place, they are things

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And you need to learn that they are a COMPANY, that literally has millions of $. No one says anything about them individually, we only ever critique Anet as a company. You need to understand that you're just a mere player in their huge game and you're, like I, like anyone else... insignificant and expendable. Any of us leaving wouldn't matter unless its on a mass scale. They (as a company) don't care. Any one that works with millions doesn't care about little people like you and me, which you can see from every day life in any business.Do you also get pissed about Windows bugs for example and then say "I should remember they're people, they made this beautiful OS that lets me run my beautiful games" ... no you don't. You're aware they're billion dollar company and all you're there for is money.

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