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“Bound by Blood” is coming on September 17!

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:O man I hate the charr....they destroyed old Ascalon back in that day. And they set up there home on there graves and repeatedly kill human Ascalonian ghosts. All charr from child to grown up needs to be exterminated, and there lands returned to there rightful owners of the Ascalonian decendants ...humans otherwise...if I could help jormag kill every charr and invade there home land like they did in the searing days. Things might be right again in tyria.

Long live Ascalon!

Uhm... someone needs to brush up on their history lessons. ;) The Ascalonian territory originally belonged to the Charr. Then Humans invaded the place, and the Charr took it back. If anything, it
belongs to the Charr, not the Humans, who set up
new home on the graves of Charr Ascalonian citizens (although one might argue that we don't know who was there before the Charr - claiming land is always a debateable action).

I miss old Ascalon, too, and hated the Charr for what they did, but after seven years of GW2 I have long gotten over that. ;)

You sure old Ascalon was originally charr? I read it was always human dominate and they build the wall to protect themself

Humans took it from Charr who took it from the race(s) that lived there before

The race that was there before mmm....I'd bet a lot of gold those before were humonz.

You'd lose a lot of gold ;)

Guess I did...but in the wake of the charr civilization I say the land has become ungly and uncivilized. They need to leave and return it to human control....old Ascalon was so beautiful before the charr invasion. All the charr did to the land is uglify the landscape.And massacure the inhabitants.

And they broke Gwen's flute.

Some things can never be forgiven..

Ha yes that to...as well as destroy 2 civilizations the forgotten and the humans and leave the land a waistland. Only way to make peace with the charr is for them to leave Ascalon. It was never there home.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:but in the wake of the charr civilization I say the land has become ungly and uncivilized. They need to leave and return it to human control....old Ascalon was so beautiful before the charr invasion. All the charr did to the land is uglify the landscape.

Nope. What we see are desolated landscapes still bearing the marks of war and haunted by ghosts. Very few Charr actually live there, with the exception of the Iron Legion military base, namely the Black Citadel, and a couple of farmers, who probably provide for the Citadel. In the upcoming episode, you will get to see actual charr civilization, which combines human Ascalonian with charr architecture. Quite intriguing.

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@Arden.7480 said:

@Arden.7480 said:I feel so betrayed.

Internet video game company does something different than usual.

"This is worse than a close personal friend suddenly stabbing me in the back with a knife unexpectedly!"

Can I tell anything to not get whiteknighted by someone? Or is it impossible in the gaming world anymore?

He's not whiteknighting you, he's making complete sense...a company dares to do something different and unconventional and they get lambasted by those that want the status quo, if I wanted the status quo I'd play another game. I happen to like what they're doing, most of the information was in the digital magazine in "print" format, this is just turning it into video(game footage) format.

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@Arden.7480 said:

@Arden.7480 said:No wonder "a trailer" comes with the prologue... they have really nothing to show with this prologue just charr bashing this, charr crashing this. All of this followed by a "big announcement".

My guess is what they are trying to do is show little bits of various things and then tie it up with the full trailer on release day.

Not only is that not a sensible way to do things imo, it also eliminates the week of speculation and theory crafting players used to enjoy leading up to release.

exactly, they even stopped doing the stuff we used to get, there was always a trailer one or more week before the story release, and even this tradition was abandoned for no reason....

I feel so betrayed.

because there is no story release on tuesday. The story release will be in November. So we get a trailer 2 month early. Next tuesday will be just another festival.

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

@Arden.7480 said:No wonder "a trailer" comes with the prologue... they have really nothing to show with this prologue just charr bashing this, charr crashing this. All of this followed by a "big announcement".

My guess is what they are trying to do is show little bits of various things and then tie it up with the full trailer on release day.

Not only is that not a sensible way to do things imo, it also eliminates the week of speculation and theory crafting players used to enjoy leading up to release.

exactly, they even stopped doing the stuff we used to get, there was always a trailer one or more week before the story release, and even this tradition was abandoned for no reason....

I feel so betrayed.

because there is no story release on tuesday. The story release will be in November. So we get a trailer 2 month early. Next tuesday will be just another festival.

There will be story in next weeks update shown by the cutscene of Rytlock talking to that other charr guy. Also festivals go away this map is staying in the game for good. Its a prologue to the Icebrood Sage.

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

@Arden.7480 said:No wonder "a trailer" comes with the prologue... they have really nothing to show with this prologue just charr bashing this, charr crashing this. All of this followed by a "big announcement".

My guess is what they are trying to do is show little bits of various things and then tie it up with the full trailer on release day.

Not only is that not a sensible way to do things imo, it also eliminates the week of speculation and theory crafting players used to enjoy leading up to release.

exactly, they even stopped doing the stuff we used to get, there was always a trailer one or more week before the story release, and even this tradition was abandoned for no reason....

I feel so betrayed.

because there is no story release on tuesday. The story release will be in November. So we get a trailer 2 month early. Next tuesday will be just another festival.

excuse me?

They stated on the twitter that they will release the trailer for Bound by Blood AKA the Prologue together with the release.

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@sevenDEADLY.5281 said:

@"Arden.7480" said:Can I tell anything to not get whiteknighted by someone? Or is it impossible in the gaming world anymore?

Or just don't be so overdramatic that you call small changes to a video game "so betrayed"

Ah! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

Sorry, I couldn't resist! continues to play with plastic dinosaurs <3

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Will there be major structural updates and modernizations to the game or a map and a story chapter?

Where is 10v10 conquest?

Where is Minecraft-like WvW and guild hall building?

Where are changes to the combination system to increase complexity and reward?

Will boss mobs ever dodge red circles or have boon-hate or even heal-hate?

Explain your path toward supporting virtual reality.

Is there a plan to permanently split skills between game modes and balance them separately?

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@Crystal Paladin.3871 said:Will full trailer reveal a new legendary weapon?

Or... Braham get converted by jormag's words and become an icebrood?

lol Highly doubt they'll do legendary weapons for awhile but I guess ya never know.

The fact that they keep showing bits that we've already seen for these teasers or linking wiki articles makes me think there probably isn't much more to it than, new map, activities, MAYBE somekind of meta event, and a strike mission boss.

If the trailer shows anything we haven't seen, it MIGHT advertise somekind of new armor or weapon set or more screenshots of the map. I can get that this could just be a different approach to marketing, but my gut feeling tells me that there just isn't anything to show that we haven't already devised from watching the trailers we've already seen. So, MAYBE a new armor or weapon set bought/made with map currency, but highly doubtful about any kind of legendary, a new fractal, or anything outside of a new map with a few events and activities. Just keep low expectations and be pleasantly surprised if there's something more.

We may get to see some more cute little baby charr though, so that's a plus.

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@Randulf.7614 said:I so hope that isn't anything to do with Aurene. I cannot describe how utterly I want rid of that character from the story or at least an entire arc/saga without any indication of her

What? Now, that the character has finally become interesting? I find the other dragons a lot more annoying, because there seems to be no end to them being the center of pretty much every GW2 plot. I am looking forward to them finally being dealt with so that we can move on to other tales.

In any case, I am looking forward to seeing her again, just not as a main character. I hope she will help make my aforementioned wish come true rather sooner than later.

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