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@Leo.5829 said:Rangers are useless in WvW anyway. There are superior choices for both roaming and organised Teamplay. So the nerf is irrelevant.

Rangers are not useless in WvW at all, just in the Zerg. Rangers are some of the best ranged single target snipers in the game that ignore reflects because they can just make their attacks unblockable. And even IF another class is superior in roaming, like Thief, that doesn’t make rangers bad at it. Also news flash, Thief sucks in zergs too.

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@CutesySylveon.8290 said:

@Leo.5829 said:Rangers are useless in WvW anyway. There are superior choices for both roaming and organised Teamplay. So the nerf is irrelevant.

Rangers are not useless in WvW at all, just in the Zerg. Rangers are some of the best ranged single target snipers in the game that ignore reflects because they can just make their attacks unblockable. And even IF another class is superior in roaming, like Thief, that doesn’t make rangers bad at it. Also news flash, Thief sucks in zergs too.

It just means that if you roam you are outperformed by other classes and when you play zerg you are outpeformed by other classes. Might as well play other classes in WvW.

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Unless every single roamer is a core thief player that is extremely skilled, you should be able to perform just fine. You aren’t hard countered by a class because it can do something better than yours. Ranger is easy compared to Thief when it comes to roaming anyway, so you have much more to work with and more backup plans.

Again, this isn’t even the point.

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It's like saying this spec here is really good at roaming but not the best and isnt great for zergs so let's nerf the things that make it really good for roaming so it's just ok at roaming and bad for zergs lol seems legit.be good if there were some good compensations to balance out the proposed nerfs....... but there never is lol

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Ignoring LoS isn’t a roaming or zerging thing and if it was changed then ranger wouldn’t be hurt in any way, stop being hyperbolic. I’m not asking to nerf its mobility, stealth, sustain, or even its damage (The things that make it good at roaming, btw), just stop letting this weapon ignore LoS like any other skill. If you really think this one change would make rangers go from great roamers to only okay roamers, you’re just ridiculously biased.

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@CutesySylveon.8290 said:Ignoring LoS isn’t a roaming or zerging thing and if it was changed then ranger wouldn’t be hurt in any way, stop being hyperbolic. I’m not asking to nerf its mobility, stealth, sustain, or even its damage (The things that make it good at roaming, btw), just stop letting this weapon ignore LoS like any other skill. If you really think this one change would make rangers go from great roamers to only okay roamers, you’re just ridiculously biased.

I play ranger here and there but 90% of my time I'm roaming or doing anything really on thief, and yeah I've been burst to downstate by rapid fire many of times lol yeah it's annoying but it's what they do. Biased though I'm definitely not.

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@YTKafka.4681 said:Hey if you think it's OK Barrage doesn't need LoS because it's projectiles come from above... you're probably have no problem vouching for the same change to Elementalist Meteor Shower right? I mean it's basically the same thing.

Yeah this is a great point as I think it should act the same. It has obvious tell as well. Its silly it doesn't work the same.

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@YTKafka.4681 said:Hey if you think it's OK Barrage doesn't need LoS because it's projectiles come from above... you're probably have no problem vouching for the same change to Elementalist Meteor Shower right? I mean it's basically the same thing.

Whether or not Meteor shower does, I wonder about frost bow #4? It’s effectively barrage...

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@YTKafka.4681 said:Hey if you think it's OK Barrage doesn't need LoS because it's projectiles come from above... you're probably have no problem vouching for the same change to Elementalist Meteor Shower right? I mean it's basically the same thing.

Agreed. I would have no problem with meteor shower working the same. I'd use ele more if it did.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@YTKafka.4681 said:Hey if you think it's OK Barrage doesn't need LoS because it's projectiles come from above... you're probably have no problem vouching for the same change to Elementalist Meteor Shower right? I mean it's basically the same thing.

Yeah this is a great point as I think it should act the same. It has obvious tell as well. Its silly it doesn't work the same.

Probably because it’s already a great skill that needs no buffs. These changes do nothing but hurt smaller defense groups by effectively cheesing their siege and ability to defend against much larger groups inside of objectives. Lowering the effectiveness of siege by putting more limitations on the amount and placement would be better than being able to destroy it with cheesy things like Barrage and MS.

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@CutesySylveon.8290 said:

@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:Rangers won’t have this taken away. It’s actually a documented update regarding the way it works now. We grin, you bear it. ?

You grin until the Zerg comes and you’re salty you can’t join it.

lol nope. I and a couple others are a regular part of our raid squads. When you know what you’re doing squads know how to use you. ?

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@Kovu.7560 said:

@CutesySylveon.8290 said:I said it was annoying.

Well darn, lets mitigate the profession's already severely limited wvw utility because this person has been inconvenienced by it.(No seriously, we need
ways to de-siege places as far as I'm concerned.)

~ Kovu

As a roamer who enjoys hitting seige, and a wall defender...im torn. If the radius and/or damage is less than ele's meteor then im game. Thats the only skill I see that can almost destroy siege in 1 casting (which is insane imo)

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@"Balthazzarr.1349" said:As noted it’s working as designed. Arrows can be shot in a arc unlike other high speed projectiles. Frankly it’s easy to get out of the aoe.

But an Arrow Cart does not have the same property or when a Ranger is on top of the wall trying to return fire you get a line of sight message so the skill is not working as intended

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:I would just like to see where if a class in on a wall, it has the same ability, using the same skills as it’s same class on the ground, to hit opponents on the ground.

If ele fireball can hit me on the wall, I should be able to hit them in the same spot on the ground with ele fireball. ?

Same with any projectile skill that can hit a toon on the wall, that same skill should be able to hit a toon on the ground with the same skill.

It doesn't work that way the one on top of the wall has to have line of sight and be on the very edge of the wall to hit outside

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@Biermeister.4678 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:I would just like to see where if a class in on a wall, it has the same ability, using the same skills as it’s same class on the ground, to hit opponents on the ground.

If ele fireball can hit me on the wall, I should be able to hit them in the same spot on the ground with ele fireball. ?

Same with any projectile skill that can hit a toon on the wall, that same skill should be able to hit a toon on the ground with the same skill.

It doesn't work that way the one on top of the wall has to have line of sight and be on the very edge of the wall to hit outside

I know... this the part where I say ‘I would like to just see’.

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None of our skills can fire through a wall. The closest thing we have is Barrage. And if your near a GATE, there is a small aperture above the gate, and below the wall that is an open air area....we can fire Barrage through that and hit whoever is on the other side of the gate. Otherwise no....we can't fire through walls. And as far as I know, in order to fire over the wall, it has to be an elevated piece of land just outside the wall, and you have to be an Asura Ranger. :) Yah, I've seen it. I think it's crap, but HELL, i'm not the fool that programmed the game. And again, it only works for Barrage or skill like Barrage. Think Revenants have a skill pretty close to Barrage.

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@Emprer.7256 said:You are saying it like most rangers in WvW know this. 90% of the rangers I see don't do jack kitten when they can take out ac's where other classes can't.Also, you call barrage cheesy as if camping AC's/siege isn't. Go out and fight. Stop complaining about things that don't need changing.

Yes, go outside when a Zerg comes to our outnumbered map and fight them head on. Smart idea, really. 10/10 Would never have thought about that.

Siege is how you defend against groups way larger than you that you have no chance of stopping. This isn’t a Ktrain in EotM.

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