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The Life of a Loner in PVP


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I know there's Guild's out there for PVP. However, in PVP matches I'm a bit vocal, especially when winning.

It's just for fun. At times I like to tease the other team by saying "Boom!" after I scored a good kill or post "I am the best ever" it's just for harmless fun. In a Guild, you have act a certain way you have to different in PVP.

I was winning in this one match against this team and I was overexcited my joy for winning. I discovered the guy was in a guild of mine. I had a choice in that moment to bow in submission to the rules of the guild or to crave my own path.

I had made my choice and I stand by it. I just feel more freedom without a guild. I feel like a PVP guild you have change who you are to fit in among the normals.

Anyone else feels they play better alone than with a guild?

Or maybe your reason for not joining a guild is different than mine.

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@TheMaverick.6104 said:Ofc, depending on how excactly you react, but nobody likes being around a condecending kitten either. Might be good for the rest of is if you are, but idk.

It's not like it's cuss words. It's just mostly being over-excited winning or expressing joy when killing someone. More annoying than insulting. It depends on how you take it.

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@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Yeah I donno if someone wrecks me and says boom or I'm just too good I'd laugh and respond yeah I just ate those hits hard lol unless there's actual insults I think that type of banter adds to the mode

I was doing banter and I noticed the guy was in the same guild as me after and he messaged me "How old are you" that's when you know it's going be a problem. He was salty about losing and in my joy for winning might have rubbed him the wrong way. I think he just took too personally.

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@Icemanfrost.5428 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Yeah I donno if someone wrecks me and says boom or I'm just too good I'd laugh and respond yeah I just ate those hits hard lol unless there's actual insults I think that type of banter adds to the mode

I was doing banter and I noticed the guy was in the same guild as me after and he messaged me "How old are you" that's when you know it's going be a problem. He was salty about losing and in my joy for winning might have rubbed him the wrong way. I think he just took too personally.

At that point all u can do is say sry was just having fun and not communicate with that player again about anything someone could be sensitive about I gues lol

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Yeah I donno if someone wrecks me and says boom or I'm just too good I'd laugh and respond yeah I just ate those hits hard lol unless there's actual insults I think that type of banter adds to the mode

I was doing banter and I noticed the guy was in the same guild as me after and he messaged me "How old are you" that's when you know it's going be a problem. He was salty about losing and in my joy for winning might have rubbed him the wrong way. I think he just took too personally.

At that point all u can do is say sry was just having fun and not communicate with that player again about anything someone could be sensitive about I gues lol

Part of the reason I dislike guilds it's awkward being around a person like that who's super salty about the match, he probably not going let it go and bring it up passively-aggressively

I dislike the political aspect guild being super kind to them and they are super kind to you in return. You both on your best behavior. He was going to complain and I would had to respond and it would've taken a lot of energy easier without a guild sometimes.

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I love a harmless banter in spvp. I do it even in reverse, if I am killed too fast or the opponent is really better skilled than me I say "Damn that hurts :) / What hit me? / for the love of god dont stay there man! Call an ambulance! " or that kind of stuff, then congratulate him/her. Although I never banter when I am winning as the losing side usually loses their temper too. So what you do in an amusing manner might come as a really prick move to others. Not all people can take that attitude well.

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@"alain.1659" said:I love a harmless banter in spvp. I do it even in reverse, if I am killed too fast or the opponent is really better skilled than me I say "kitten that hurts :) / What hit me? / for the love of god dont stay there man! Call an ambulance! " or that kind of stuff, then congratulate him/her. Although I never banter when I am winning as the losing side usually loses their temper too. So what you do in an amusing manner might come as a really prick move to others. Not all people can take that attitude well.

No, they can't. It's cool without a guild. I know I don't have tied to anyone there and I can be however I am and be comfortable joking around, not insulting just patting myself on the back for winning. It's like in a guild your building ties with people etc. When your a loner you just embrace being yourself and not have worry about pootlica payback

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@"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

I was doing banter and I noticed the guy was in the same guild as me after and he messaged me "How old are you" that's when you know it's going be a problem. He was salty about losing and in my joy for winning might have rubbed him the wrong way. I think he just took too personally.

You just need a guild that's up your alley. Some Guilds encourage banter. You'll likely need an actual PvP/WvW guild for that, not a PvX/Social Guild.Most of the community in the game is the happy-go-lucky casual PvE types who can't handle a little friendly banter.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:it depends on the delivery and how often you taunt ppl. if it sounds like you're arrogant, or you do it too much, you're not going to make many friends.

I'm not trying to make friends in PVP matches. Most of the people I will never see again. There are times when they were on my team the next round but I just did my best regardless but it is a little awkward

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@"Ryan.9387" said:You say you don't want to make friends in pvp. If you want to be lonely why are you on the forums posting this?

Am I reaching to say that what you really want is to feel important?

To explain why it's better without a guild. To share my side. This isn't "call for attention being lonely" this is explaining in legit terms why being without a guild is best.

Also, I don't need a guild to post on the forums. Even with a Guild. I'd still post on the forums. That has literally nothing to do with what i said in any way.

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Honestly if someone is mocking, even if it's just saying "Boom" after a burst kill or something I'm instantly blocking the person. I just find it extremely annoying, it's just distracting and therefore imo unsportsmanlike behavior. Some people even call this toxic already but I don't think it's toxic, just annoying.

And I was in a pvp guild as well but left because I had issues with the guild leader. It was for plat 2+ only, don't know if anyone was mocking around there or even if there were any rules in this regard.You might have just been in the wrong guild maybe, I mean every guild has their own rules and chances are there's a pvp guild out there where you can mock around without breaking the rules. That being said I think PvP guilds are pretty unnecessary. Of course the social aspect is still there but the sPvP content is just too little and too confined to justify a dedicated guild imo. I mean.. The only two things that are relevant are ranked and ATs. Ranked is limited to duo Q and ATs are - relatively speaking - extremely infrequent. So as long as there isn't a huge overhaul to the tournament system there is just no need to form a dedicated public pvp guild imo. And I doubt that Swiss would actually change anything, chances are these tournaments are also time gated with several hours waiting time in between and if this is really the case then it's just as worthless as ATs imo. But well... we don't know yet.

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@"DoomNexus.5324" said:Honestly if someone is mocking, even if it's just saying "Boom" after a burst kill or something I'm instantly blocking the person. I just find it extremely annoying, it's just distracting and therefore imo unsportsmanlike behavior. Some people even call this toxic already but I don't think it's toxic, just annoying.

And I was in a pvp guild as well but left because I had issues with the guild leader. It was for plat 2+ only, don't know if anyone was mocking around there or even if there were any rules in this regard.You might have just been in the wrong guild maybe, I mean every guild has their own rules and chances are there's a pvp guild out there where you can mock around without breaking the rules. That being said I think PvP guilds are pretty unnecessary. Of course the social aspect is still there but the sPvP content is just too little and too confined to justify a dedicated guild imo. I mean.. The only two things that are relevant are ranked and ATs. Ranked is limited to duo Q and ATs are - relatively speaking - extremely infrequent. So as long as there isn't a huge overhaul to the tournament system there is just no need to form a dedicated public pvp guild imo. And I doubt that Swiss would actually change anything, chances are these tournaments are also time gated with several hours waiting time in between and if this is really the case then it's just as worthless as ATs imo. But well... we don't know yet.

That's too sensitive."Instantly blocking them" I've had people do the same thing to me. There are times when I said it to people and they came back from losing to actually winning. We're playing a video game and you are taking it way too personally. It's not like I am personally insulting them with cuss words. I am just being expressive with my joy.

Now if you are losing a match and I say "Boom!" after I downed you will it hurt or damage your long term? No it will not. Will it be slightly annoying and irate you if you're losing a match? for sure. But let's keep things in perspective. You won't be damaged after the match from my words. It won't hit you like acid and there will be no long mental pain.

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@Icemanfrost.5428 said:

@"DoomNexus.5324" said:Honestly if someone is mocking, even if it's just saying "Boom" after a burst kill or something I'm instantly blocking the person. I just find it extremely annoying, it's just distracting and therefore imo unsportsmanlike behavior. Some people even call this toxic already but I don't think it's toxic, just annoying.

And I was in a pvp guild as well but left because I had issues with the guild leader. It was for plat 2+ only, don't know if anyone was mocking around there or even if there were any rules in this regard.You might have just been in the wrong guild maybe, I mean every guild has their own rules and chances are there's a pvp guild out there where you can mock around without breaking the rules. That being said I think PvP guilds are pretty unnecessary. Of course the social aspect is still there but the sPvP content is just too little and too confined to justify a dedicated guild imo. I mean.. The only two things that are relevant are ranked and ATs. Ranked is limited to duo Q and ATs are - relatively speaking - extremely infrequent. So as long as there isn't a huge overhaul to the tournament system there is just no need to form a dedicated public pvp guild imo. And I doubt that Swiss would actually change anything, chances are these tournaments are also time gated with several hours waiting time in between and if this is really the case then it's just as worthless as ATs imo. But well... we don't know yet.

That's too sensitive."Instantly blocking them" I've had people do the same thing to me. There are times when I said it to people and they came back from losing to actually winning. We're playing a video game and you are taking it way too personally. It's not like I am personally insulting them with cuss words. I am just being expressive with my joy.

Now if you are losing a match and I say "Boom!" after I downed you will it hurt or damage your long term? No it will not. Will it be slightly annoying and irate you if you're losing a match? for sure. But let's keep things in perspective. You won't be damaged after the match from my words. It won't hit you like acid and there will be no long mental pain.

Just like you won't be hurt from him blocking you. I'll also go right ahead and block you in the off chance you actually get into my games.

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I have a work friend and sometimes we'll play a few games together but he's always insisting on playing ranked. Im usually around plat1 and he's never been out of silver. He's a nice guy but when we play together my rating always tanks and I can't bring myself to say no. I don't want to come across as arrogant so just play anyway then soloq back up through gold over the next week.

To be honest I don't tryhard at all and I'd rather just have fun with my friend. The only downside is the match quality in low gold is awful and seems to have so many more angry people.

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Rubbing it into their face while they might already are losing will just tilt them more and you cant expect someone to see it all just as fun when you write "im the best" after killing them. Thats just a kittenmove to do.

I would certainly see you as a sore winner, trying to compensate for something and trying to boost your ego, no hard feelings, but thats what i honestly see in ppl who write stuff like this. Its definately not respectful, there are already enough ppl in videogames and all over the internet who lose all respect for others just because they are anonymous, which is sad. Very unsportsmanlike.

Id either write something in this regard back or instantly put you on my blocklist.

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@Icemanfrost.5428 said:

@"DoomNexus.5324" said:Honestly if someone is mocking, even if it's just saying "Boom" after a burst kill or something I'm instantly blocking the person. I just find it extremely annoying, it's just distracting and therefore imo unsportsmanlike behavior. Some people even call this toxic already but I don't think it's toxic, just annoying.

And I was in a pvp guild as well but left because I had issues with the guild leader. It was for plat 2+ only, don't know if anyone was mocking around there or even if there were any rules in this regard.You might have just been in the wrong guild maybe, I mean every guild has their own rules and chances are there's a pvp guild out there where you can mock around without breaking the rules. That being said I think PvP guilds are pretty unnecessary. Of course the social aspect is still there but the sPvP content is just too little and too confined to justify a dedicated guild imo. I mean.. The only two things that are relevant are ranked and ATs. Ranked is limited to duo Q and ATs are - relatively speaking - extremely infrequent. So as long as there isn't a huge overhaul to the tournament system there is just no need to form a dedicated public pvp guild imo. And I doubt that Swiss would actually change anything, chances are these tournaments are also time gated with several hours waiting time in between and if this is really the case then it's just as worthless as ATs imo. But well... we don't know yet.

That's too sensitive."Instantly blocking them"

Why? I just don't like getting mocked, why should I just tolerate it if I can easily shut it down without any hard feelings. The other person can happily continue and I don't have to endure it, I see this as a win-win.It's like a fly buzzing around my face all the time. I'm not offended but it but I'd still prefer the fly either away from me or dead nonetheless.

I've had people do the same thing to me. There are times when I said it to people and they came back from losing to actually winning.For me this has literally nothing to do with winning or losing, it's just bad sportmanship imo. I also don't care if the mocking person is on my or the other team or if the mocked person is me or someone else, I just don't want to have it in my chat since I simply find it distracting.

We're playing a video game and you are taking it way too personally. It's not like I am personally insulting them with cuss words. I am just being expressive with my joy.I'm not taking it personally at all, if I would I'd start arguing but that would require me to actually care. And while it's not insulting, it's spiteful nonetheless.

Now if you are losing a match and I say "Boom!" after I downed you will it hurt or damage your long term? No it will not. Will it be slightly annoying and irate you if you're losing a match? for sure. But let's keep things in perspective. You won't be damaged after the match from my words. It won't hit you like acid and there will be no long mental pain.No of course not. Like I said eariler it has nothing to do with winning or losing or me getting butthurt because I'm taking it personally or anything. I think I don't have to repeat myself again.

@Whitworth.7259 said:I have a work friend and sometimes we'll play a few games together but he's always insisting on playing ranked. Im usually around plat1 and he's never been out of silver. He's a nice guy but when we play together my rating always tanks and I can't bring myself to say no. I don't want to come across as arrogant so just play anyway then soloq back up through gold over the next week.For this reason I've just made a f2p account. You obviously don't have access to elite specs but there are quite a few really good core builds out there. Should be more than viable enough if you're plat against silver players.Playing core builds only was also a good way of getting used to other classes/specs/playstyles for me.

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@"Rubedo.8769" said:Lol, lets be real here, your not posting things like that in chat for "harmless fun". Your doing it to be an kitten. Simple as that.

It is harmless fun.

I'm missing the part where you're permanently damaged. You likely forget about it before your next match but in the moment it's likely annoying. It doesn't make more harmful just because you personally dislike it.

It doesn't work like that.

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With all due respect, kinda' just sounds like you enjoy antagonising people. Yeah, people are too soft, but you're clearly aware of what you can be like in the match and also aware of how people often react to that treatment - with your conclusion to this scenario being "The guild was holding me down in submission, time to leave 'cause I have every right to evoke that type of reaction from people."

Also placing all the onus on the other guy to take your comments in good humour, huh. Seems a bit suspect.Aren't you just airing out dirty laundry here? One last middle finger to your old guild, even if they might not be reading this. Or maybe I'm completely misguided. vOv

PS. Being normal is great, no need to arbitrarily stand out.

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