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PvP Amulets rework ideas.


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For power classes, majority of classes simply run Paladin, Marauder, or Demolisher ammys. Why are these typically the most popular amulets? Well the +560 Vitality or Toughness. It's not too tanky, good to still do quite a bit of damage, and better then getting one-shotted from running something like Berserkers.In my opinion, majority of the amulets without Vitality or Toughness are pretty garbage. Condition Damage builds have a bit more variety in their viable amulet choices and I think they're in a good spot, but for power it's pretty linear.

Now I do think a lot of the power amulets have good and interesting stat allocations, but most of them are too glass-cannon to be viable. I do think they need to be reworked, and have stats taken from 4 or 3 of their current stats and moved to an extra stat in vitality or toughness. I think this would go a long way in making more power amulets viable.

For example, Diviner Amulet (1050 Concentration/Power, 560 Precision/Ferocity) would be a great amulet if you allocated some of those stats into defensive stats. Like having it instead be 1050 Power, 560 Precision, Ferocity, Concentration, and Vitality (or Toughness) would make it a lot better imo.

Pure glass cannon builds are usually pretty cheese, and can land a one shot every now and again, but if you realize what they're running then it's pretty easy to take them out. They almost always lose the long fight. Not to mention, glass-cannon builds are usually pretty brain-dead and take the complexity out of PvP. There's nothing complicated about a berserker Soulbeast pressing Longbow 4, then 2 for an easy kill, and then gets farmed the rest of the game.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:I'm not going to get all into this here other than saying:

1) The amulets are fine.2) We need more types of amulet selections, not changes to existent amulet selections.Nope. We need to re-work the amulet system so that ANet doesn't need to keep adding more while at the same time allowing for more options for players:

  1. Remove all 4-stat amulets. They're too much power creep for PvP.
  2. Split the remaining 3-stat amulets into a lesser amulet and 2 rings at 50/25/25% of the current amulets.
  3. Add back some combinations like Soldier to only the lesser amulet slot. Keep ring slots restricted to only one defensive stat.

This allows significant player flexibility while also giving ANet control over restricting combinations if needed. This system also doesn't need a complicated and confusing rules like a stat-allocation system would.

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@Tycura.1982 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:I'm not going to get all into this here other than saying:

1) The amulets are fine.2) We need more types of amulet selections, not changes to existent amulet selections.

This. Give me back clerics tempest pls.

For all I know this was sarcasm, but just incase it isn't - Let's not do that. Pretty sure any honest ex-druid player, myself included, will tell you just how bad Cleric's amulet is for PvP, and we played it back when it was busted.

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@Vithzerai.3291 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:I'm not going to get all into this here other than saying:

1) The amulets are fine.2) We need more types of amulet selections, not changes to existent amulet selections.

This. Give me back clerics tempest pls.

For all I know this was sarcasm, but just incase it isn't - Let's not do that. Pretty sure any honest ex-druid player, myself included, will tell you just how bad Cleric's amulet is for PvP, and we played it back when it was busted.

It seriously wouldn't make a difference at all over Mender or Harrier, with the level of DPS rolling around in this game right now.

They'd need to introduce straight Minstrel before you'd need to worry about super bunkers again.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:I'm not going to get all into this here other than saying:

1) The amulets are fine.2) We need more types of amulet selections, not changes to existent amulet selections.

This. Give me back clerics tempest pls.

For all I know this was sarcasm, but just incase it isn't - Let's not do that. Pretty sure any honest ex-druid player, myself included, will tell you just how bad Cleric's amulet is for PvP, and we played it back when it was busted.

It seriously wouldn't make a difference at all over Mender or Harrier, with the level of DPS rolling around in this game right now.

They'd need to introduce straight Minstrel before you'd need to worry about super bunkers again.

I'unno. As an example, I feel Clerics Weaver could be far, far more valuable over a mender's Weaver - which is arguably useless against hard power pressure right now and thus barely used. That state-line is far more abusable on a bunker build than harier/mender. We've seen it happen before, and granted the overall damage is higher now, but even so. Having to land one extra Greatsword f1 every 15 seconds to secure the kill could make all the difference for a build.

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