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What kind of PVP mode do you want to increase?


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I personally think that GW2's PVP is very good and has great potential. But the game mode is too singular and the careers are not balanced. (POF can easily kill HOT.) I hope to increase the number of combat modes, teach big maps, and more players.

1 more players, the battle is more passionate.2PVP players can also use the claws.3 more players, can reduce the details of the game, can attract more players to join PVP. At the same time, those skilled players can be more happy 1V15.

2V2, 3V3, 5V5, 10V10, 15V15. All should add new game modes. Online games should quickly increase the content of the game, and then gradually adjust the balance. If the designer does not launch anything, then the player will leave the game and then join LOL, OW and so on.

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I voted other. I would like to see 1vs1 duels. Make it so that once you queue to 1vs1 you can't switch your class anymore. Make it keep ranks per account per class. Don't worry too much with 1vs1 balance when implementing it first, we all know what classes and builds fit better to such fights.

About the other choices. 2vs2 - or maybe 3vs3, if 2vs2 is seen too shallow from team play perspective - is IMO great for "premades", it is much easier to find one buddy to queue in than trying to get full 5 member team to queue.

5vs5 unranked is basically fine, but IMO 5vs5 ranked should concentrate more on premade teams and somehow be merged to automated tournaments. Adjust the rewards of those game modes accordingly. I know it is not that simple to do that, but IMO ranked 5vs5 does not work too well by trying to match individuals for a team based fight.

Anything larger than 5vs5 is IMO much harder to implement, and probably won't work too well. Gathering like 30 people (15vs15) together would probably be very messy and have lots of afkers barking around, unless all the people in same team are guildies or something.

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I vote for all of it.........if they build it people will come.Everyone talks about splitting the population...but at this point there is no population imo. If they dedicate them self's to a bunch of new game modes they will have such an influx of activity that there servers might have a problem. But this is my hope anyway.

But making new code is difficult to do.....much more difficult then gem store reskin after one another.

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Any of these really. I think 2v2 is just easiest to implement and balance around.

The excuse that usually gets floated around is that the population is too low to support any other kind of gamemode, so if you start with something reasonable it might make pvp more sustainable in the long-run. If the population is so low that it can't match 2 people against 2 other people then it is truly hopeless.

These should be Ranked arenas too, not just unranked.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:Any of these really. I think 2v2 is just easiest to implement and balance around.Yeah, make 2vs2 it's own mode by removing duo queueing from conquest.After all, they don't need to farm solo queuers if they have their own mode.

Either you read my mind or my other posts, but i'm inclined to +1 bulb either way. <3

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Dude, If there was a thing like RBGs (Random Battlegrounds) from WoW, Id play this game once again with excitement. Or as some1 mentioned before, things like FA, JQ, AB from GW1. Why I didnt vote for Arenas (2v2,3v3,5v5)? Because we all know what is the state of gw2 balance (are you ready for 90% of the 2v2 teams being FB/Scourge combo? Yes,no,maybe?) Stronghold...if Id like to play MOBA id go and play MOBA.

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