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Tune down weakness


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I wouldn't tune it down per say but I would make it less rng dependent by making it a flat damage reduction multiplier akin to protection instead of the 50% chance for a glancing blow it currently. In the long run, there is an average amount of damage reduction weakness grants but 50% chance that an incoming eviscerate will hit for 8k vs 2k is going to leave whoever loses that coin flip feeling cheated in the short run.

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@otto.5684 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:weakness outright carries some builds tho.

And it should not.

Actually, almost all impairing effects need a nerf. Either in effect or frequency of application.

you can either keep weakness as is, or redesign everything that relies on it (pretty extensive). power damage is way more out of line then anything else in this game anyways.

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Give it a flat 25% damage reduction. That's less than the current average reduction, but it's guaranteed which is better for the game. Of course the reduction should be applied multiplicative to other damage reductions. Combined with protection this would result in a ~50% (0,67x0,75) damage reduction.

The endurance debuff should stay as it is.

The game is so overloaded with condi cleanses that I think that any further adjustments (e.g. duration) are not even needed.

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:weakness outright carries some builds tho.Or even worse, for necros the might to weakness corruption is their main sustain resource (which it should not be).

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it was a jokebut seriously git gud. weakness doesnt hurt if you dodge the skill its attached too...but yea seriously maybe learn other clases skills that use weakness and look for tells and actually get better instead of running here and complaining....but seriously if were all being serious, don't panic faceroll your keyboard during a fight and youll know be able to counter with a simple cleanse.lets be serious still while being serious we all know gold 2 and down dont even bother cleansing condi so GG.Full circle back to git gud.

it was just a joke no need to make up outrageously false things about rangers using weakness....

there is only 1 skill "some" rangers use to apply weakness in pvp.Winters bite on axe main

and 1 traitprotective ward which is on nature magic and is really only used by boonbeasts and core weirdos which are meant to bunk.

the others are not even used in any viable build relating to pvp so git gud and stop lying to suit your agenda.

lmao at the thought of rangers using black bear for enfeebling roar. most rangers don't even realize theres a pet with weakness

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@"MrFrusciante.2438" said:it was a jokebut seriously git gud. weakness doesnt hurt if you dodge the skill its attached too...but yea seriously maybe learn other clases skills that use weakness and look for tells and actually get better instead of running here and complaining....but seriously if were all being serious, don't panic faceroll your keyboard during a fight and youll know be able to counter with a simple cleanse.lets be serious still while being serious we all know gold 2 and down dont even bother cleansing condi so GG.Full circle back to git gud.

it was just a joke no need to make up outrageously false things about rangers using weakness....

there is only 1 skill "some" rangers use to apply weakness in pvp.Winters bite on axe main

and 1 traitprotective ward which is on nature magic and is really only used by boonbeasts and core weirdos which are meant to bunk.

the others are not even used in any viable build relating to pvp so git gud and stop lying to suit your agenda.

lmao at the thought of rangers using black bear for enfeebling roar. most rangers don't even realize theres a pet with weakness

Done ranger use the trait that gives weakness upon being hit? How can people dodge that ?

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@otto.5684 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:weakness outright carries some builds tho.

And it should not.

Actually, almost all impairing effects need a nerf. Either in effect or frequency of application.

Honestly, everything needs a nerf.We just don't see it coming. Never ever.

We are in the scenario where they F-d up and overtuned PoF Specs, didn't fix them and people are raging = very little chance for any class additions in the near future.

As for the Weakness itself - it could be strong but very short. Windows of opportunity and disadvantage are great, but in GW2 some classes have 24/7 windows of opportunity.

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@"MrFrusciante.2438" said:it was a jokebut seriously git gud. weakness doesnt hurt if you dodge the skill its attached too...but yea seriously maybe learn other clases skills that use weakness and look for tells and actually get better instead of running here and complaining....but seriously if were all being serious, don't panic faceroll your keyboard during a fight and youll know be able to counter with a simple cleanse.lets be serious still while being serious we all know gold 2 and down dont even bother cleansing condi so GG.Full circle back to git gud.

it was just a joke no need to make up outrageously false things about rangers using weakness....

there is only 1 skill "some" rangers use to apply weakness in pvp.Winters bite on axe main

and 1 traitprotective ward which is on nature magic and is really only used by boonbeasts and core weirdos which are meant to bunk.

the others are not even used in any viable build relating to pvp so git gud and stop lying to suit your agenda.

lmao at the thought of rangers using black bear for enfeebling roar. most rangers don't even realize theres a pet with weakness

The thread was not focusing on your particular class, no need to be so arrogant. Check https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weakness, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition#Traits_that_convert_boons_into_conditions , https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition#Skills_that_convert_boons_into_conditions. You will see that your little ranger is not the only class applying such a badly designed condition. It was fine before HoT and PoF but now it's just everywhere, good luck trying to dodge that.

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@aelska.4609 said:

@"MrFrusciante.2438" said:it was a jokebut seriously git gud. weakness doesnt hurt if you dodge the skill its attached too...but yea seriously maybe learn other clases skills that use weakness and look for tells and actually get better instead of running here and complaining....but seriously if were all being serious, don't panic faceroll your keyboard during a fight and youll know be able to counter with a simple cleanse.lets be serious still while being serious we all know gold 2 and down dont even bother cleansing condi so GG.Full circle back to git gud.

it was just a joke no need to make up outrageously false things about rangers using weakness....

there is only 1 skill "some" rangers use to apply weakness in pvp.Winters bite on axe main

and 1 traitprotective ward which is on nature magic and is really only used by boonbeasts and core weirdos which are meant to bunk.

the others are not even used in any viable build relating to pvp so git gud and stop lying to suit your agenda.

lmao at the thought of rangers using black bear for enfeebling roar. most rangers don't even realize theres a pet with weakness

The thread was not focusing on your particular class, no need to be so arrogant. Check
. You will see that your little ranger is not the only class applying such a badly designed condition. It was fine before HoT and PoF but now it's just everywhere, good luck trying to dodge that.

So your problem is necromancers converting might into weakness?

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@aelska.4609 said:Way too strong. That's even better than protection.

Technically it's 50% chance to reduce damage by 50% so more or less 25% damage reduction which is less than the 30% of protection. Sure it also reduce endurance regen but that's another topic I guess.

You have clear pro and cons for both protection and weakness. Protection will faithfully reduce power damage by 30% and can only be countered by boonrip and boon corruption (something that only a few professions have). Weakness will faithfully reduce endurance regen and sometime reduce incoming damage while it's countered by resistance, condition duration reduction and cleanses (something that all professions have).

If you look carefully, the reality is that it's a lot easier to counter weakness than it is to counter protection. I know it's a pain to take tools to counter conditions when you play in a PvP power meta but if conditions bother you, either accept that they counter your build or adapt your build to face those conditions.

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

@"MrFrusciante.2438" said:it was a jokebut seriously git gud. weakness doesnt hurt if you dodge the skill its attached too...but yea seriously maybe learn other clases skills that use weakness and look for tells and actually get better instead of running here and complaining....but seriously if were all being serious, don't panic faceroll your keyboard during a fight and youll know be able to counter with a simple cleanse.lets be serious still while being serious we all know gold 2 and down dont even bother cleansing condi so GG.Full circle back to git gud.

it was just a joke no need to make up outrageously false things about rangers using weakness....

there is only 1 skill "some" rangers use to apply weakness in pvp.Winters bite on axe main

and 1 traitprotective ward which is on nature magic and is really only used by boonbeasts and core weirdos which are meant to bunk.

the others are not even used in any viable build relating to pvp so git gud and stop lying to suit your agenda.

lmao at the thought of rangers using black bear for enfeebling roar. most rangers don't even realize theres a pet with weakness

Done ranger use the trait that gives weakness upon being hit? How can people dodge that ?

protective ward like the other guy said. radius is 240....

@aelska.4609 said:

@"MrFrusciante.2438" said:it was a jokebut seriously git gud. weakness doesnt hurt if you dodge the skill its attached too...but yea seriously maybe learn other clases skills that use weakness and look for tells and actually get better instead of running here and complaining....but seriously if were all being serious, don't panic faceroll your keyboard during a fight and youll know be able to counter with a simple cleanse.lets be serious still while being serious we all know gold 2 and down dont even bother cleansing condi so GG.Full circle back to git gud.

it was just a joke no need to make up outrageously false things about rangers using weakness....

there is only 1 skill "some" rangers use to apply weakness in pvp.Winters bite on axe main

and 1 traitprotective ward which is on nature magic and is really only used by boonbeasts and core weirdos which are meant to bunk.

the others are not even used in any viable build relating to pvp so git gud and stop lying to suit your agenda.

lmao at the thought of rangers using black bear for enfeebling roar. most rangers don't even realize theres a pet with weakness

The thread was not focusing on your particular class, no need to be so arrogant. Check
. You will see that your little ranger is not the only class applying such a badly designed condition. It was fine before HoT and PoF but now it's just everywhere, good luck trying to dodge that.

wasn't being arrogant. I was making sure false info wasn't being perpetuated by ignorant people who try to use it to enforce a point they have no business lending an opinion on because its uniformed or straight up wrong. Been playing ranger since gw1, i like to think i know what its grossly overpowered things are that need a nerf. There is a ton of stuff no one even looks at that good rangers abuse and its sure as hell not weakness.

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