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Tome Cancelling


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I have experienced on a few occasions now where I enter a Tome and immediately stow it (causing the Tome to go on CD) because I pressed F1/2/3 twice in a row on accident, whether because of lag or otherwise. Has anyone else experienced this? Perhaps ArenaNet can place an ICD on Tome activation to prevent this?

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I've had the issue where I go into a tome and immediately drop out of it as well. I'm not double tapping, which shouldn't be an issue anyway with the half second cool down on the F keys. So maybe it is lag, I don't know. All I know is it seems once or twice a play session I fall out of Justice before I get a chance to cast a single ability.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@LeDevil.5374 said:

@Mikeskies.1536 said:

@LeDevil.5374 said:Change it so that each page left reduces cd of the tome by 10%, even 5% will be helpful.

I like that idea. It would encourage Tome swapping.

True just need to give Indomitable courage an ICD

ICD on traits that affect virtue pops is a bad way to go for anyone playing with Renewed Focus. To prevent Indomitable Courage spam, the trait cooldown will come with the Tome cooldown. With 8 pages available and none used at 5% cd reduction per page, in addition to the Virtues line, Tome of Courage can be used every 25.5 seconds. That's more frequent than what I would like, so I think the cd should be reduced if at least 5 pages remain and by a static amount -- say 15% reduction.

Either way, I'm more concerned about Absolute Resolution spam.

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@Sylvyn.4750 said:Yes, and don't you love that it goes on full cooldown even if you didn't use any pages?

I don't love it, but I can see why .. it leaves ideas open for "Effects when entering Tomes" from being abused.

But yes, would be nice to have a time gap between toggling tomes, even between them.

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@Arricson Krei.9560 said:

@LeDevil.5374 said:

@Mikeskies.1536 said:

@LeDevil.5374 said:Change it so that each page left reduces cd of the tome by 10%, even 5% will be helpful.

I like that idea. It would encourage Tome swapping.

True just need to give Indomitable courage an ICD

ICD on traits that affect virtue pops is a bad way to go for anyone playing with Renewed Focus. To prevent Indomitable Courage spam, the trait cooldown will come with the Tome cooldown. With 8 pages available and none used at 5% cd reduction per page, in addition to the Virtues line, Tome of Courage can be used every 25.5 seconds. That's more frequent than what I would like, so I think the cd should be reduced if at least 5 pages remain and by a static amount -- say 15% reduction.

Either way, I'm more concerned about Absolute Resolution spam.

We already have Wrath of Justice that's not playing well with Renewed Focus.

That been said, I don't see the need for ICD. If someone wants to use ToC to exclusively proc Indomitable Courage, let them. It would be like an even weaker Virtue of Courage. Just give it a proper cooldown, 25.5s might be short, but something like 30s-35s is better.

At the same time, the cooldown on Virtue of Courage is completely unreasonable. It should be 40s, maybe even less. Having it be only 5s shorter than Tome of Courage is ridiculous. There's only so much you can justify because of the intant cast time.

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