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Fps drops in Grothmar Valley


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The concert is among the worst offenders but the area near the flame Legion camp and effigy is also problematic. I lower my settings for the former and ride by quickly for the latter. I wonder if it might have to do with the HEAVY player traffic in the zone and the large NPC movements going to the concert and the effigy when their events are about to start.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Kai.9264 said:Anyone else having fps problems with this map?

Whenever I have FPS issues due to the amount of people nearby, I do the same thing: lower the maximum player model count and quality. Works wonders. :)

Sure, I do that to. But I don’t thinks that’s the problem. I have the same constant low fps even when other players are nowhere near me. And of course fps are low at the concert because there is so much going on. I’m talking about just running around near the castle for example

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