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PvP this days


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Less and less people cares about PvP after the wonderful and full of content announcement. All the people in my small pvp community went to other games. And I have not start my placement yet. You know the pvp is dead when after more than one month into the season, plat 1 is top 250 in the EU server.

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3> @Crozame.4098 said:

Less and less people cares about PvP after the wonderful and full of content announcement. All the people in my small pvp community went to other games. And I have not start my placement yet. You know the pvp is dead when after more than one month into the season, plat 1 is top 250 in the EU server.

NA top 250 starts at gold 3....we got u beat

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A PvP game mode with so much potential, being slowly asphyxiated by neglect and negligence from the part of the game creators. It just hurts me to my core seeing so a beautiful fight system go to waste due to the self-feeding cycle of;  

No proper patch balance and cadence of release > players get frustrated and leave> Anet devs see declining numbers and get frustrated and assume it is just "not popular" > which leads to fewer resources to PvP > Players see a decline in PvP population and match quality, so population drops further > Devs see it as a sign that PvP "is just not working" > No proper patch balance and cadence of release > continue ad nauseum.

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Pvp these days? Let's see log on, log into pvp match. Its the first match and already a afk'r. Wait till half match is over to make sure afk'r wasn't just hitting the bathroom or something, nope as usual just afking so log out half way through match cuz who has time for this garbage? Close gw2 and open eso and proceed to play eso. It's not perfect by along shot but man is it way better than this kitten lol I keep trying and trying but man the devs AND its players make it hard for the population to NOT keep declining. The games definitely doomed lmao.

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@"Sovari.7246" said:Some of the extra reasons: PvP is too toxic there's too much consistent blaming going on and it can be an awful feeling when the match is over. It's starting to feel like a club that don't want new players to even compete.

My favorite one is the "Wise Dude" ^tm who insists on being left alone far, lasts a grand total of 20 seconds while not even fully decapping the node, then proceeds to go in chat: "I was 1v3 far, wtf are you all doing?! not capping mid?!" then the enemy team proceeds to roll us mid because they killed the "Wise Dude".

Usually what follows is the most generic phrase that anyone can shout while meaning absolutely nothing: "ROTATEEEEE", when this person is the first one to go far right after we wiped the enemy team and they all respawned and went to their home, which once again prompts the 'I was 1v 3-4 far...." argument....

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I'm kinda okay with the toxic elements honestly, I just block them immediately. Those people exist everywhere online really. You just have to tune it out. That said, it is completely unmistakable at this point that ANet dosen't invest the necessary resources into PvP. The balance patches are WAY to infrequent and they typically break just as many things as they fix. There are some changes that are made that just make NO SENSE at all while other glaring things are left un-addressed. It's super frustrating.

And now, with the budget cuts apparently signaling an existential crisis within ANet, and dispite playing since launch and loving this game more than any other, I may have to find something else to play. Which is depressing AF.

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