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What if there's a stat the resists conditions?


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Dumb idea, I know, but considering that it ignores toughness, I thought it would only be fair that there's a stat that bolsters condition resistance (maybe call it willpower). Of course, that means that certain skills that cleanse conditions should be toned down, else conditions would become obsolete.

This would make it so that direct damage is mitigated by toughness, while condition damage is mitigated by willpower. Of course, there's also vitality, which can help you survive both, but require quite a lot of healing to maintain the same bulk as toughness or willpower.

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@"Dadnir.5038" said:Even if there was a stat to reduce condition damage, it's safe to assume that nobody will take it for the dubious reason that there is better stat options to take before that.

They would also still complain about condi builds but also about the opportunity cost of taking the stat. "If I take this stat I have to give up my damage stats and that's not fair"

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@"Dadnir.5038" said:Even if there was a stat to reduce condition damage, it's safe to assume that nobody will take it for the dubious reason that there is better stat options to take before that.

They would also still complain about condi builds but also about the opportunity cost of taking the stat. "If I take this stat I have to give up my damage stats and that's not fair"


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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@Aza.2105 said:

@Kumouta.4985 said:if a condi-reducing stat gets implemented, i also want to have 'power cleansing' that undoes all power damage done in the last few seconds, and the ability to go into negative health from power damage without getting downed so TTK remains similar.

Power has weakness.

And conditions have resistance.Almost every class have access to weakness meanwhile very few has resistance. Suprised pikachu.gif
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Cleanse is more powerful than toughness. Resistance is more powerful than protection. Weakness is a unique debuff to power damage but is a condition that...can be cleansed.

I will recommend that anyone who expects to fight a condi build needs to be able to cleanse a lot of conditions at one time (full cleanse) and also have a minor cleanse (1-3 condi cleansed) built in to their build. That’s not hard to get and will make fighting a condi build much easier assuming you aren’t standing in AoEs and taking every...single...attack...they throw at you.

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@Aza.2105 said:

@Kumouta.4985 said:if a condi-reducing stat gets implemented, i also want to have 'power cleansing' that undoes all power damage done in the last few seconds, and the ability to go into negative health from power damage without getting downed so TTK remains similar.

Power has weakness.

And conditions have resistance.Almost every class have access to weakness meanwhile very few has resistance. Suprised pikachu.gif

Weakness (condition): Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage)

Resistance (boon) : Conditions currently on you are ineffective

Not all classes can boonrip. All can cleanse condies, however.

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Wake me when Warrior, Revenant, Engineer, Guardian, Ranger are primarily running condition damage and we'll talk about condition metas.

Like right now we see Mesmers, Thieves, Elementalists, and Necromancers primarily running condition damage. And thief, mesmer, and necromancer run power about as frequently as they do condition damage. And most people expect scourge in ranked to heavily die off this patch meaning Reaper is likely to end up being the best ranked build for Necromancers going forward. So three classes running both power and condi build vs. six builds that are going to be running almost exclusively power = omg condi meta Anet betrayed us!

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I don’t get the hatred of condition builds, there’s a lot more reactive ways to deal with their damage than power.

Like if you mess up and take a condi bomb to the face you can pop a cleanse before you take any serious damage. If you mess up and take an eviscerate, or arc divider (or w/e it’s called) to the face you’re dead.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@Aza.2105 said:

@Kumouta.4985 said:if a condi-reducing stat gets implemented, i also want to have 'power cleansing' that undoes all power damage done in the last few seconds, and the ability to go into negative health from power damage without getting downed so TTK remains similar.

Power has weakness.

And conditions have resistance.Almost every class have access to weakness meanwhile very few has resistance. Suprised pikachu.gif

Weakness (condition): Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage)

Resistance (boon) : Conditions currently on you are ineffective

Not all classes can boonrip. All can cleanse condies, however.Not every class has access to insane amount of condi cleanses without making their build trash.Idk why you quoted wiki about weakness/resist, but every class can boon rip with annulment/revocation :)
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@praqtos.9035 said:

@Aza.2105 said:

@"Kumouta.4985" said:if a condi-reducing stat gets implemented, i also want to have 'power cleansing' that undoes all power damage done in the last few seconds, and the ability to go into negative health from power damage without getting downed so TTK remains similar.

Power has weakness.

And conditions have resistance.Almost every class have access to weakness meanwhile very few has resistance. Suprised pikachu.gif

Weakness (condition): Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage)

Resistance (boon) : Conditions currently on you are ineffective

Not all classes can boonrip. All can cleanse condies, however.Not every class has access to insane amount of condi cleanses without making their build trash.Idk why you quoted wiki about weakness/resist, but every class can boon rip with annulment/revocation :)

Condiclears are more easily used, much easier than boonrips. I also found this that may help https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil_of_Cleansing_(PvP)

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@Aza.2105 said:

@Kumouta.4985 said:if a condi-reducing stat gets implemented, i also want to have 'power cleansing' that undoes all power damage done in the last few seconds, and the ability to go into negative health from power damage without getting downed so TTK remains similar.

Power has weakness.

And conditions have resistance.Almost every class have access to weakness meanwhile very few has resistance. Suprised pikachu.gif

Weakness (condition): Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage)

Resistance (boon) : Conditions currently on you are ineffective

Not all classes can boonrip. All can cleanse condies, however.Not every class has access to insane amount of condi cleanses without making their build trash.Idk why you quoted wiki about weakness/resist, but every class can boon rip with annulment/revocation :)

Said build is only trash because we aren't in a condi meta, even if there's a couple of builds primarily running condition damage.

And every class can cleanse with Sigils of Cleansing. There's tons of good runes like Leadership that cleanse or convert conditions and a variety of others with -20% reduced condition duration (and therefore damage) on them.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@Aza.2105 said:

@Kumouta.4985 said:if a condi-reducing stat gets implemented, i also want to have 'power cleansing' that undoes all power damage done in the last few seconds, and the ability to go into negative health from power damage without getting downed so TTK remains similar.

Power has weakness.

And conditions have resistance.Almost every class have access to weakness meanwhile very few has resistance. Suprised pikachu.gif

Weakness (condition): Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage)

Resistance (boon) : Conditions currently on you are ineffective

Not all classes can boonrip. All can cleanse condies, however.Not every class has access to insane amount of condi cleanses without making their build trash.Idk why you quoted wiki about weakness/resist, but every class can boon rip with annulment/revocation :)

Said build is only trash because we aren't in a condi meta, even if there's a couple of builds primarily running condition damage.

And every class can cleanse with Sigils of Cleansing. There's tons of good runes like Leadership that cleanse or convert conditions and a variety of others with -20% reduced condition duration (and therefore damage) on them.None of these actually help to deal with the amount of condis being applies/reapplied. Probably condi mirages and condi thieves(rip scourge, burn weaver worth mentioning) that vomit condis like no tomorrow suddenly not a thing (spoiler: they are) and mere cleansing sigil (1 on 9s cd) will help /s.For how rare resistance its true that annulment/revoc can easly deal with it.
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@praqtos.9035 said:

@Aza.2105 said:

@Kumouta.4985 said:if a condi-reducing stat gets implemented, i also want to have 'power cleansing' that undoes all power damage done in the last few seconds, and the ability to go into negative health from power damage without getting downed so TTK remains similar.

Power has weakness.

And conditions have resistance.Almost every class have access to weakness meanwhile very few has resistance. Suprised pikachu.gif

Weakness (condition): Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage)

Resistance (boon) : Conditions currently on you are ineffective

Not all classes can boonrip. All can cleanse condies, however.Not every class has access to insane amount of condi cleanses without making their build trash.Idk why you quoted wiki about weakness/resist, but every class can boon rip with annulment/revocation :)

Said build is only trash because we aren't in a condi meta, even if there's a couple of builds primarily running condition damage.

And every class can cleanse with Sigils of Cleansing. There's tons of good runes like Leadership that cleanse or convert conditions and a variety of others with -20% reduced condition duration (and therefore damage) on them.None of these actually help to deal with the amount of condis being applies/reapplied. Probably condi mirages and condi thieves(rip scourge, burn weaver worth mentioning) that vomit condis like no tomorrow suddenly not a thing (spoiler: they are) and mere cleansing sigil (1 on 9s cd) will help /s.For how rare resistance its true that annulment/revoc can easly deal with it.

His point is that condition cleanses only make the build trash because we are in fact not in a condition meta so for the vast majority of the time they're not helpful against power builds so aren't useful.

Condition mesmer and likely necro you can stall it for a while then leave. Condi thief is dumb if you don't have a big cleanse but that's more an issue with front loading of conditions and it being very low skill floor.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@Aza.2105 said:

@Kumouta.4985 said:if a condi-reducing stat gets implemented, i also want to have 'power cleansing' that undoes all power damage done in the last few seconds, and the ability to go into negative health from power damage without getting downed so TTK remains similar.

Power has weakness.

And conditions have resistance.Almost every class have access to weakness meanwhile very few has resistance. Suprised pikachu.gif

Weakness (condition): Endurance regeneration decreased by 50%. 50% of hits are Glancing Blows (50% damage)

Resistance (boon) : Conditions currently on you are ineffective

Not all classes can boonrip. All can cleanse condies, however.Not every class has access to insane amount of condi cleanses without making their build trash.Idk why you quoted wiki about weakness/resist, but every class can boon rip with annulment/revocation :)

Said build is only trash because we aren't in a condi meta, even if there's a couple of builds primarily running condition damage.

And every class can cleanse with Sigils of Cleansing. There's tons of good runes like Leadership that cleanse or convert conditions and a variety of others with -20% reduced condition duration (and therefore damage) on them.None of these actually help to deal with the amount of condis being applies/reapplied. Probably condi mirages and condi thieves(rip scourge, burn weaver worth mentioning) that vomit condis like no tomorrow suddenly not a thing (spoiler: they are) and mere cleansing sigil (1 on 9s cd) will help /s.For how rare resistance its true that annulment/revoc can easly deal with it.

His point is that condition cleanses only make the build trash because we are in fact not in a condition meta so for the vast majority of the time they're not helpful against power builds so aren't useful.

Condition mesmer and likely necro you can stall it for a while then leave. Condi thief is dumb if you don't have a big cleanse but that's more an issue with front loading of conditions and it being very low skill floor.Dedicated cleanse utility is trash in power meta indeed, but there is no such a thing as power meta right now, its mix of power and condi builds.But there are classes that have a lot of condi cleanses via weapons/traits/utilities/healing skills that not only cleanse condis but do something on top like warrior/guardian fullcleanse(convert) breakstun in one.Dont be mistaken, condi mirage can melt you pretty fast if you wont evade duelist and then every single ambush ;)
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