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Deflecting shot


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@Eugchriss.2046 said:

@Eugchriss.2046 said:Does that justify the fact to bypass stab???It doesnt bypass stab but with revocation it can remove it and CC you through, like on all stuns including bullcharge,boulder, FC or whatever, remove stab with revocation and screw you over, best solution to remove revocation entirely but thats up to ouhno-net, not me

If only revocation was involved....The thing is it s not. That skill + the trait simply ignore anything that s not invul, stab or not, you get knocked.The target had stab before and I used the skill. He still have it after I used it, but yet he got knocked down. It s basically a counter to a counter.

I ran some test whilst writing this I figured out that I was wrong. This skill doesn t bypass stab on it s own. So it s now less broken than I though, but still.

So, you used the skill once, and didn't understand the skill, and then come here to post how broken it is....When you don't even understand it....Tell me more.

@otto.5684 said:Slow moving projectile that require a trait to even CC. Sure lets nerf it.

99% hit success rate? Man, please tell me where is this legendary DH. I would like to learn from him/her...

I laughed.Because outside of point blank, it's very hard to land on anyone close to my skill level (and I am not that good). Myself, I think the only time I have been hit by it was in a 1vsX situation and just didn't see it coming.

@Eugchriss.2046 said:Most of you completely missed the point. You re mixing everything up in order to justify this brokeness. I ll try other ways:Forget about Holo, mirage, Condi thief. Forget about power creep. Forget about dh being trash. Forget about everything and focus on a skill. Focus on a single skill being able to stun, while being unblockable, while being close to insta with a low cd. Objectively speaking, do you really guys think that a skill with all these kind of effects should ever exist? If you say yes to this, then you re a mother f*cking liar. It also means that you would be ok for any class to have it. Imagine holo rifle #4, for example, is upgraded to this. Would you guys still be okay?

It doesn't stun and it's not insta, please stop with the hyperbole.

We are not lying, you just don't get it, because the rest of us understand that skills don't exist in a vacuum.

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:Most of you completely missed the point. You re mixing everything up in order to justify this brokeness. I ll try other ways:Forget about Holo, mirage, Condi thief. Forget about power creep. Forget about dh being trash. Forget about everything and focus on a skill. Focus on a single skill being able to stun, while being unblockable, while being close to insta with a low cd. Objectively speaking, do you really guys think that a skill with all these kind of effects should ever exist? If you say yes to this, then you re a mother f*cking liar. It also means that you would be ok for any class to have it. Imagine holo rifle #4, for example, is upgraded to this. Would you guys still be okay?

While I think no CC should be unblockable, much of what you are saying is.. false. This skill is not near instant. It has travel time, outside of point blank. It also is not, press button = ranged CC, like engi 4. And no, you cannot fix skills/traits in isolation. You have to consider class/build as a whole.

When DH is competitive and other CCs are also not unblockable, this discussion will be valid. Right now it is nothing more than a DH out played you, and then you came to the forums to cry. And there are far more loaded skills that do much more (and no, it is not good design).

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@otto.5684 said:

@Eugchriss.2046 said:Most of you completely missed the point. You re mixing everything up in order to justify this brokeness. I ll try other ways:

When DH is competitive and other CCs are also not unblockable, this discussion will be valid. Right now it is nothing more than a DH out played you, and then you came to the forums to cry. And there are far more loaded skills that do much more (and no, it is not good design).

Lol cuz that’s what forums are for we need to teach ppl how to play dh. I just wanna see teams full of dhs cuz it has no counter play a totally toxic build on par with Mesmer for ranked.

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:

@phokus.8934 said:This is how memes are made.This is how useless comments are made.When you make a ridiculous post like this then it's super easy.

It's almost as if you don't know how to dodge, never played DH LB, and run yolo mode at the enemy.

"Before we start, let us all agree on a few things. "You're complaining about DH LB in PvP. That tells me and everyone else everything we need to know about your skill level.

Well, you sound kinda upset. First, since when complaining about a specific skill tell something about the skill level? Like if I am complaining about renegade, does it mean that I am a silver? If I am complaining about holo, does it mean I am a legend? What if I am complaining about both? That s a terrible and poor way of thinking.Anyway lets recap: I made a thread in which I explain with my experience what exactly I find broken. I explained why it was broken. I suggested changes that sound fair to me. Meanwhile, you came in, made a troll post just to get like. It doesn't work, so you insult my experience of being "ridiculous" without saying what exactly is ridiculous or why it is. I m not even mentioning the fact that you re completely wrong with what I m complaining about. I m not complaining about DH LB, I am
complaining about DH LB #3 being a low cd,
close to insta, unblockable crowd controll
.So please, If you don t have anything to say about DH LB#3, feel free to not answer. If you don t have any arguments about why it s (or not) broken, feel free not to answer. If you re not in a state of mind that allows you to debate like a grown man with real and concrete facts, feel free not to answer.Cheers.

Because the skill is perfectly fine and even with Heavy Light is still more than fine.

You're complaining about a skill that is pretty subpar in the grand scheme of things DH related (hell, even game related). What this simply boils down to is you were abused by Deflecting Shot in some way, decided to come to the forums and express your distaste for it. When the only things you had to do was figure out that the ability is hot garbage, you skill click, and this is a l2p issue.

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@phokus.8934 said:

@phokus.8934 said:This is how memes are made.This is how useless comments are made.When you make a ridiculous post like this then it's super easy.

It's almost as if you don't know how to dodge, never played DH LB, and run yolo mode at the enemy.

"Before we start, let us all agree on a few things. "You're complaining about DH LB in PvP. That tells me and everyone else everything we need to know about your skill level.

Well, you sound kinda upset. First, since when complaining about a specific skill tell something about the skill level? Like if I am complaining about renegade, does it mean that I am a silver? If I am complaining about holo, does it mean I am a legend? What if I am complaining about both? That s a terrible and poor way of thinking.Anyway lets recap: I made a thread in which I explain with my experience what exactly I find broken. I explained why it was broken. I suggested changes that sound fair to me. Meanwhile, you came in, made a troll post just to get like. It doesn't work, so you insult my experience of being "ridiculous" without saying what exactly is ridiculous or why it is. I m not even mentioning the fact that you re completely wrong with what I m complaining about. I m not complaining about DH LB, I am
complaining about DH LB #3 being a low cd,
close to insta, unblockable crowd controll
.So please, If you don t have anything to say about DH LB#3, feel free to not answer. If you don t have any arguments about why it s (or not) broken, feel free not to answer. If you re not in a state of mind that allows you to debate like a grown man with real and concrete facts, feel free not to answer.Cheers.

Because the skill is perfectly fine and even with Heavy Light is still more than fine.

You're complaining about a skill that is pretty subpar in the grand scheme of things DH related (hell, even game related). What this simply boils down to is you were abused by Deflecting Shot in some way, decided to come to the forums and express your distaste for it. When the only things you had to do was figure out that the ability is hot garbage, you skill click, and this is a l2p issue.

Yes I can foresee some dh in this meta cuz without support FB everyone’s gonna be on Dh lol

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:Most of you completely missed the point. You re mixing everything up in order to justify this brokeness. I ll try other ways:Forget about Holo, mirage, Condi thief. Forget about power creep. Forget about dh being trash. Forget about everything and focus on a skill. Focus on a single skill being able to stun, while being unblockable, while being close to insta with a low cd. Objectively speaking, do you really guys think that a skill with all these kind of effects should ever exist? If you say yes to this, then you re a mother f*cking liar. It also means that you would be ok for any class to have it. Imagine holo rifle #4, for example, is upgraded to this. Would you guys still be okay?

for example Prime holo Beam is a skill which should NOT EXIST in this form

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Your entire argument falls apart when you realize it's not one skill that makes D shot good. It's one skill plus literally an elite spec grandmaster trait. Untraited it is completely unremarkable. Look at what Infinite Horizon, Thermal Release Valve, Magebane Tether do and compare that to traited D shot. If at that point, you can't see why your post is straight up ridiculous, then well, idk what to say.

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Oh look, warrior has unblockable cc.Oh look, revenant has unblockable cc.Oh look, engi has unblockable cc.Oh look, thief has unblockable cc.Oh look, ranger has unblockable cc.Oh look, ele has unblockable cc.Oh look, nec has unblockable cc.OMG DH HAS UNBLOCKABLE CC NERF REEEEEEEEEE

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Yes! Another “discussion” based on anecdotal experience and projection of subjective reality, served with feigned civility, and fuelled by dogmatic pursuit of “personal truth”.

Would you mind telling us exactly what transpired between you and that sweet Deflection Shot, culminating in a follow-up by the Dragonhunter and thusly your demise?

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:

  • whatever the skill, if it's broken it needs to be fixed

Yeah, this is a false premise. You can't judge 1 weapon skill without judging the entire weapon as a set.The biggest weakness of Deflecting Shot is the weapon it's attached to.DH Longbow has a slow Autoattack, the 2 skill is on the high end of mediocre damage at best while also rooting you, skill 4 can only realistically be used to give yourself Vigor as it's useless as an offensive skill, and the skill 5 is probably the most telegraphed skill in the game which is easy to dodge if you're capable of counting to three.The skill 3 is indeed the only redeeming quality of the weapon even if you waste a trait to make it great.

Though what do I know, I last played a Meditrapper DH in Season 2 when traps still had Daze in them. I never did like that build even though Guardian has always been my most played class.

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