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Ranger GS evade chain, why not DD staff?


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@Yannir.4132 said:

@Tycura.1982 said:So if we're picking off the evade abuses on skills when will we see the fix for Daredevil staff 3?Title is misleading and you want to change it.It was reported, dont think they have/want to fix it anytime soon.@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" can we get any info about this "exploit" on daredevil staff3 ? (and thief stolen "bundle" skills not losing a charge on interrupt/cancel plx)

Why should stolen skills lose charges on interrupt/cancel? None of the other ammo skills do AFAIK.Always has been that way for 7 years and consume ecto is beyond busted stolen skill, once they delete it, I would be fine with it ofc. (I have an idea, lets give thief ecto from every steal, slightly increase thief viability in pvp :) )Also not being able to power block it too, they are just immune to skill interrupt punishment, meh.
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@apharma.3741 said:The whataboutism is strong with the rangers.

The 3rd part of DD staff doesn't prevent you taking all damage only reflects missiles. It is a poor comparison.DAREDEVIL STAFF THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.He didnt mean 3rd hit of auto chain, it doesnt give you evade and cant be recasted if you cancel.He is talking about abusing the skill in the way it never intended to be...Instead of rolling back with an aftercast you can hop like a bunny, do damage and gain all evade frames and just spam it

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@Tycura.1982 said:So if we're picking off the evade abuses on skills when will we see the fix for Daredevil staff 3?Title is misleading and you want to change it.It was reported, dont think they have/want to fix it anytime soon.@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" can we get any info about this "exploit" on daredevil staff3 ? (and thief stolen "bundle" skills not losing a charge on interrupt/cancel plx)

Why should stolen skills lose charges on interrupt/cancel? None of the other ammo skills do AFAIK.Always has been that way for 7 years and consume ecto is beyond busted stolen skill, once they delete it, I would be fine with it ofc. (I have an idea, lets give thief ecto from every steal, slightly increase thief viability in pvp :) )Also not being able to power block it too, they are just immune to skill interrupt punishment, meh.

Yeah it has been there 7 yrs so it's fine, evade on staff has been there since hot release so it's fine:) maybe anet leaves it cuz it fits the theme of a evasive squishy fighter? Plus removing it also is literally another step to dumbing down the game even further which is cool if that's what u want. With that said gs evade shouldn't have been removed either. I read a few times that people could stow on the 3rd attack almost chaining evades and if that was legit shoulda been the only thing to fix.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Tycura.1982 said:So if we're picking off the evade abuses on skills when will we see the fix for Daredevil staff 3?Title is misleading and you want to change it.It was reported, dont think they have/want to fix it anytime soon.@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" can we get any info about this "exploit" on daredevil staff3 ? (and thief stolen "bundle" skills not losing a charge on interrupt/cancel plx)

Why should stolen skills lose charges on interrupt/cancel? None of the other ammo skills do AFAIK.Always has been that way for 7 years and consume ecto is beyond busted stolen skill, once they delete it, I would be fine with it ofc. (I have an idea, lets give thief ecto from every steal, slightly increase thief viability in pvp :) )Also not being able to power block it too, they are just immune to skill interrupt punishment, meh.

Yeah it has been there 7 yrs so it's fine, evade on staff has been there since hot release so it's fine:) maybe anet leaves it cuz it fits the theme of a evasive squishy fighter? Plus removing it also is literally another step to dumbing down the game even further which is cool if that's what u want. With that said gs evade shouldn't have been removed either. I read a few times that people could stow on the 3rd attack almost chaining evades and if that was legit shoulda been the only thing to fix.Well, its went into direction of stolen bundle skill, not staff 3.17k hp with abnormal evasion uptime is far away from being "squishy". Doesnt even matter if you outnumber it, its just spam evades.Anyway, read the convo first before posting o_o
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@praqtos.9035 said:

@Tycura.1982 said:So if we're picking off the evade abuses on skills when will we see the fix for Daredevil staff 3?Title is misleading and you want to change it.It was reported, dont think they have/want to fix it anytime soon.@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" can we get any info about this "exploit" on daredevil staff3 ? (and thief stolen "bundle" skills not losing a charge on interrupt/cancel plx)

Why should stolen skills lose charges on interrupt/cancel? None of the other ammo skills do AFAIK.Always has been that way for 7 years and consume ecto is beyond busted stolen skill, once they delete it, I would be fine with it ofc. (I have an idea, lets give thief ecto from every steal, slightly increase thief viability in pvp :) )Also not being able to power block it too, they are just immune to skill interrupt punishment, meh.

Yeah it has been there 7 yrs so it's fine, evade on staff has been there since hot release so it's fine:) maybe anet leaves it cuz it fits the theme of a evasive squishy fighter? Plus removing it also is literally another step to dumbing down the game even further which is cool if that's what u want. With that said gs evade shouldn't have been removed either. I read a few times that people could stow on the 3rd attack almost chaining evades and if that was legit shoulda been the only thing to fix.Well, its went into direction of stolen bundle skill, not staff 3.17k hp with abnormal evsaion uptime is far away from being "squishy". Doesnt even matter if you outnumber it, its just spam evades.Anyway, read the convo first before posting o_o

I catch DD flopping all the time with stuns etc and shut them down fairly easy the few times I actually see one in pvp lol that's a l2p issue. After using warrior just a few days I was running over most thieves I cam across. If u time ur stuns, dazed and imobilizes u down them so fast.Read the convo? It's about why gs evade chain was removed and not staffs right? I stated why and did read the convo so... evade on staff 3 is the evade in question no? The whole why is it ok for this class but not ours it's not fair arguement is a juvinile arguement that has little behind it as both classes are completely different and should be treated and adjusted differently to fit the specific class. I'm guessing that's the reason anet made DE rifle 1200 flat range instead of 1800+ range to match ranger.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Tycura.1982 said:So if we're picking off the evade abuses on skills when will we see the fix for Daredevil staff 3?Title is misleading and you want to change it.It was reported, dont think they have/want to fix it anytime soon.@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" can we get any info about this "exploit" on daredevil staff3 ? (and thief stolen "bundle" skills not losing a charge on interrupt/cancel plx)

Why should stolen skills lose charges on interrupt/cancel? None of the other ammo skills do AFAIK.Always has been that way for 7 years and consume ecto is beyond busted stolen skill, once they delete it, I would be fine with it ofc. (I have an idea, lets give thief ecto from every steal, slightly increase thief viability in pvp :) )Also not being able to power block it too, they are just immune to skill interrupt punishment, meh.

Yeah it has been there 7 yrs so it's fine, evade on staff has been there since hot release so it's fine:) maybe anet leaves it cuz it fits the theme of a evasive squishy fighter? Plus removing it also is literally another step to dumbing down the game even further which is cool if that's what u want. With that said gs evade shouldn't have been removed either. I read a few times that people could stow on the 3rd attack almost chaining evades and if that was legit shoulda been the only thing to fix.Well, its went into direction of stolen bundle skill, not staff 3.17k hp with abnormal evsaion uptime is far away from being "squishy". Doesnt even matter if you outnumber it, its just spam evades.Anyway, read the convo first before posting o_o

I catch DD flopping all the time with stuns etc and shut them down fairly easy the few times I actually see one in pvp lol that's a l2p issue. After using warrior just a few days I was running over most thieves I cam across. If u time ur stuns, dazed and imobilizes u down them so fast.Read the convo? It's about why gs evade chain was removed and not staffs right? I stated why and did read the convo so... evade on staff 3 is the evade in question no?You responded to post where I'm talking about bundle skill and when I said if they "delete" I meant ecto, can you read?Sind dont even bother to 1x2 as there is no opportunity to kill it and random evades ruin any kind of "just stun it" and unimaginable loss of time to actually kill it, not a brain dead thieves dont spam vaults, if they ever use it. Azza played it and being a legend and telling how 3 top players cant even scratch him. You are just secretly the best player in the game, but ...only on forum ...Let me add edited part :)Oh ye. Why would they leave a skill that being used in the way it never intended to be ? :joy:What is dumbing the game? Remove exploits/skill abuse?Anet not fixing bugs : BOOOOOOO! why u dont do anything !?Anet fixing bugs/exploits: BOOOOOOOOO! YOU ARE DUMBING DOWN THE GAME!
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Lmao u can name drop all u want the most attention staff DD gets is from u. There is barely anyone complaining about staff DD on these forums or reddit but a few players that hate on it because they have issues fighting it. I havent seen one staff DD in pvp in the last 2 weeks playing nightly for atleast an hr per night. If it was so oppressive where are all the staff DD cuz as we know players in this game jump to fotm specs and builds no matter what their mains are lol. And yeah I was responding assuming staff 3 cuz who would complain DD staff evades as a whole against ranger gs evades lol that's a troll post if I ever saw one I gues.

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@praqtos.9035 said:

@"apharma.3741" said:The whataboutism is strong with the rangers.

The 3rd part of DD staff doesn't prevent you taking all damage only reflects missiles. It is a poor comparison.DAREDEVIL STAFF THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.He didnt mean 3rd hit of auto chain, it doesnt give you evade and cant be recasted if you cancel.He is talking about abusing the skill in the way it never intended to be...Instead of rolling back with an aftercast you can hop like a bunny, do damage and gain all evade frames and just spam it

Fair enough I assumed he meant the third part of the auto chain given the title. Sounds like a bug, bugs are to be fixed.

May I suggest you all post here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/bugs%3A-game-forum-website

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