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How much healing does a support class do in a match?


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I recently built a support / bunker build from scratch and I'm curious how much healing support builds, mainly Firebrand, do in a single match on average so I can compare the effectiveness. Over the course of one match I apparently healed for 620k health, and I'm still getting used to the build so its potential is presumably higher than that.

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This is not important.

Many bunkers/supports waste time in team fights getting stalled for minutes on an enemy point. They get huge damage and healing stats but their playing is horrible. It might also mean your whole composition lacks damage, which skyrockets your healing because every fight takes ages.

Much more important is: Did your allies die or could you save them in time? Do you survive yourself when focussed?

Not saying amount of healing isn't 'one' criterium, but it is one of the less important ones. Don't overvalue it, it depends on too many factors and others are more important - the first one being fun of course. :)

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@Megametzler.5729 said:This is not important.

Many bunkers/supports waste time in team fights getting stalled for minutes on an enemy point. They get huge damage and healing stats but their playing is horrible. It might also mean your whole composition lacks damage, which skyrockets your healing because every fight takes ages.

Much more important is: Did your allies die or could you save them in time? Do you survive yourself when focussed?

Not saying amount of healing isn't 'one' criteria, but it is one of the less important ones. Don't overvalue it, it depends on too many factors and others are more important - the first one being fun of course. :)

this is one of the best answers I've recently read.

I think a more wholistic approach would be to look up some videos of top supports and see how long they and their allies survive. ofc it helps if those allies can dodge, yours too so you might not get the best results testing for yourself. generally its best to think in terms of counters. if they gots some mean condis, bring lots of team cleanse. power damage, big heals and damage mitigation.

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damage dealt and healing done is mostly a measure of how much time is spent fighting. If you do enormous amounts of damage and just oneshot everyone your damage dealt stat will actually go down, since you'll only ever do that ~20k damage, giving the enemy no chance to heal, and the match likely will also end faster.

one time, when magi amulet was still in the game, I had a match that was like magi tempest on enemy team, and me playing magi scourge or some other healing build. we both ended up with over 1 million in healing done. every fight was like 3-5 min long

Before Might Makes Right was nerfed I would play dodge spam spellbreaker and get top healing and damage every game because I would just be engaged in combat 100% of the time.

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Depends. I'd say for matches I win, no more than 250K healing is a sweet spot - any more or less and fights are too long (more) or we have so much kill potential that I'm not really needed on sup (less). As a support I care more about caps, defenses, rezzes and total team deaths - those are "hard" objectives meaning I've been doing something. But even again, that's not a foolproof way to gauge one's performance as you can camp home all game and prevent the decap and get top defenses....

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