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[SEA/OCX] [Partial NA] [HOD] [PvX] Equinox Solstice [TIME] ver.2

Ronnie Hu.1694

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Equinox Solstice [TIME]

SG-Based International PvX Guild

A bit of Guild's History

[TIME] was created on 18-Feb-2013, reformed from Kairos [kI] which Guild Leader is inactive. The founder of [TIME] chose to reform instead of joining other sg-based guilds available at that time because those guilds don't seem to be promising and true enough, all but a few are dead while the few that remains are far from their former glory. The founder dislike being part of guilds and likewise people that come and go, there is no meaningful relationship in it.

About us


[TIME] is an large PvX community guild that engage in wide variety of activities and that includes WvW. As [TIME] is a community guild, all of the officers are volunteers and most guild activities are members driven voluntarily. The guild is primary based in SEA timezone while having coverage extending to NA timezones which means that other than asians and oceanians, we also have americans, europeans and some arabs.

What you will find here

Our guild's activities are scheduled in a way to minimize conflicts with one another. We once allowed activities' volunteer leaders to run activities conflicting with complete different activities at the same timing, the long term end result was that it destabilize the community and pull the people further apart. With that said, here are the scheduled activities:

PvE Raid Teams

Our exp raid is now first come first serve, in guild chat on scheduled timing
Do note that we are a guild before a raid, do not apply if all you going to do is nothing but raid.

PvE Training Raids

We have training raids on every weekend.

WvW Team

We have a WvW team made specifically for competitive purpose while our WvW raids are open to the entire guild.
Note: Currently only available for SEA, looking for volunteers to run NA's.

Scheduled Guild Missions

We run two Guild Missions so you can attend the one that fit your timing best but we do hope that you will help out the Guild Missions even if you have done previously in the week.

Guild Hall - Windswept Haven

We claimed the latest guild hall, Windswept Haven, with about 60+ people. We do switch between different guild halls once a blue moon for decoration reasons.

What you need to know

1. Don't expect paid services
We often and still do have players joining us expecting services that you can only get by paying. Remember, this is a community guild and everything are run voluntarily.

2. Multi cultures & religions community
We span across countries and regions, thus we have people of different religions and cultures. There are jokes or slang that may deem acceptable to yourself and people immediately around you but it may not be said the same for other people from other places. We do engage in non-extreme sex talks from time to time.

3. Communication
What is a community guild without communications? We or myself like chatty people, be it on discord or guild chats. It is what helps create a community. Also, if you have any issue, don't be drawing circles in the corner and brood over it until it explode, talk to the officers or leader.

4. Involvement
There is really no point in joining a community guild if you have zero interest in partaking any activities of the guild. Remember, we are members driven and thus we do only want people that are interested to do things with the guild, otherwise our community will degrade and perish.

5. Strict enforcement on certain rules
The guild take a very serious stand on unwanted behaviors that will lead to negative growth of the guild, be it in activities or guild's growth. A community guild isn't built easily while it can be destroyed very easily. Also, we have too many times found people joining our guild only to rip our rosters to benefit their other guilds, at the expenses of our guild.


90% Represetnation Rule
90% of your gaming time (per week) has to be representing us.

  • It was once part of the cornerstone in building the community guild.
    • We always have many people who are kinda selfish, quiet, lazy, etc; people due to their nature who simply will have a hard time to be involved with the guild. This rep rule helps make it much easier for all those people to involved with the guild, be it indirectly or directly.
    • At that time, our guild activities (PvE / PvP / WvW) and community social were at the peak, until cross chat came.
    • We continue to keep it as it still has other benefits.

Henge of Dernavi Server
* If you want to do WvW with the guild, you have to be in our server. Otherwise, don't have to be.

Main Contacts

With our former leader retired from the gw2, we take over the guild with new managementIf you are interested , please pm or send a mail to: Ronnie Hu.1694 , or Dreamy Lu.3865


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