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Official Feedback Thread about Build and Equipment Templates

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No more, no less then what expected.Quick way to change things around, good enough for the regular player. Things were a bit unstable for me last night, in terms of login and gem store, but all-in-all I have no problems with it. Good addition. I feel like I should come here to say this, since negative voices are tremendously vocal (they have the right to be, just don't forget that there are other opinions)As a final note, a bit more on the negative side, It DOES feel a bit LIMITED for hardcore players, especially considering how EXPENSIVE it is to upgrade. I believe that's not a problem for the majority of the players, but there's a good chunk that will definitely need much more then the free features.

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Hi,I will not add more comments on what's ok and what's wrong with Build and Equipment Templates (already 6 pages which resume the situation well)

I'm here just to say that i buy some gems a month ago waiting for it, make a huge amount of gold aside for conversion and yesterday.... i've bought nothing, too distraught and disappointed.

PS : a point i've noticed, what happen if i delete a character ? all i have bought as templates for him will go with ?

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@Angelweave.1856 said:Thanks didn't think I would use them, but it only took me 30min to buy another gear template, and now I have my ranger kitted out with condi, power and heals at the click of a button... nice work love it.

same for my Revenant. already have 6 Build Templates (Power, Defense support, Healer core, Healer ES, Condition, SPvP) and 4 Equipment templates (Power, Healing, Condi, Bunker).

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When I heard ANET has been working on a template system I just imagined the same system from GW1 - just a few clicks and I could load up any build I wanted to from my own folder of saved builds. I really liked that system, it was simple and it worked great. I don´t like the new system, it never occured to me it would be monetized. I feel like I need to pay to make it useful and even if I pay a lot I still wouldn´t be able to have a huge number of options. Can´t we just have the system from GW 1? Why not?

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k i see pp doin accurate review this is mine as i sai the account bound cap is in my opinion the only real problem here, i got all classes and all specs on 9 char, some i uses got multiple gear and equipment for related builds, i taked the 3 free slot + 2x2000 + 2 more acco slots whit golds so i reached 18 slots, now i needed to cut the use of most of the builds i played on arc. the sistem is not perfect i know but those are the improvement and why, now on my guardian i got 3 armor slot and i maxed the build templatesso is 6 on my necro i put 4 armor slot + 4 templates, 3 & 3 on crono and the rest of my pg are 2 and 3, (whit acco salvable build 18). Now follow me, on guardian i saved 3 main equip build condi heal and pdps (legi armor + weapon my main char), and on the 6 templates i "saved" as cdps, dps ,heal, open world, wvw and pvp but on acco i saved only cdps dps and heal ok? now the struggle of all whit heal i got 3 different build set of skill and traits like full heal (no quick) heal quick + stab and heal quick; so for the other 2 type i need again to manual switch and if i save on acco build there is no space to archieve the others characters (btw as u will see i cannot save the other char i got) and this will get worse if a 3th spec comes. anothe example is necro i got 4 armor condi dps heal wvw celestial so is 4 saved build related but for example i can do a minion master whit cdps and dps armor set but i still need to manual switch and if i don't remeber the dps i need to go to stored in account, i know i can store the minion master too but then is 1 less more for other characters, i realy cutted most of my builds like: spellbrekers, wvw tempest, wvw rave, wvw warrior, 2 pvp guardian, 2 pvp necro 4 necro dpsad cdps open, raid holo, raid weaver and temp, open world thief, mesmer yolo clones ecc. so the sistem is really limited and overpriced, it need to raise at least to 10 armor set and build for char, and infinite slot to save account buildhere some screensgw005.jpggw007.jpggw010.jpggw007.jpg

ps: also on legy why removing every runes and infusion to those pieces every time is waste of time

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Just going to use my Charrdian as an example. Initially, "Oh good, it clears up inventory space when I create a second equipment template." Then.. "Oh, wait, why is my static ear and ring slots empty. OK, I can drag the static one into the slot. Wait, wont that make more lag, as it swaps from slot 1 to slot 2?: Oh well." Next was. "OK, now, I want to use my higher health/longer buffs gear with my firebrand build for running WvW group instead of my DPS PVE gear. Wait.. why are my ascended weapons in my bags.. OH, I changed the template.. Thats pretty crappy. The game should recognize that this is only temporary. I will have to watch and make sure they dont get lost and I dont decon them. That is a BAD thing." After sleeping on it, thanks for the build templates, but I am going back to manually swapping my gear and looking at my spreadsheet, as I have more builds than you allow anyway. My Dragonhunter build would require buying another set of gear templates.

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I can't stress enough that 6 slots are NOWHERE NEAR enough for the amount of equipment setups I have on my ranger across all gamemodes. I got at least 5-6 different setups in WvW alone, then you can add full harrier, viper and berzerker setups for PvE to that list.

It wouldn't surprise me if simply using one equipment slot and one build slot, swapping around gear and traits just like I did pre-patch, would be easier for me and anyone else that plays his or her "main character" with multiple builds across all gamemodes.

The aim of build and gear templates (or loadouts, which are what they really are..) should be for the player to not have to switch around gear manually for characters that use multiple builds. It should also make it easier to use the same character across gamemodes. This update didn't change that, and suffice to say, my second ranger will continue to stay permanently in the PvP lobby to avoid this entire mess.

As it stands, this feature is only "useful" for a few of my alt characters where I only play one or two builds, and that's the only scenario where these templates actually felt smooth to use. But, those characters never needed templates to begin with...

Needless to say, this shouldn't be monetized. This should be a completely free QoL update, with no limits to slots - right now it's neither QoL nor free. I'm not gonna pay for any of this, and I'm frankly less likely to play your game at all if you don't do anything about it. And I know a lot of people won't agree with this last part, but I'd personaly rather pay a monthly subfee for good content updates than being monetized for a basic MMO feature (that GW1 did better and for free, mind you) that doesn't even solve the problem it is supposed to solve.

In short:

  • Limiting slots are bad, especially for people playing multiple gamemodes. This alone defeats the entire purpose of it, imo, as anyone that is happy with how it currently works frankly didn't need build and gear templates to begin with.
  • It shouldn't be monetized. Period.
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"This system is great for those who have no need of it and terrible for their most dedicated players"

Pros:It's now Integrated into the game.

Cons:The integration is subpar at best, this is clearly visible to anyone who used ArcTemplates.The System is limited for the puporse of monetization (not much QoL in that).The System has removed the free build swaps that were an actual QoL when swapping between Openworld, Spvp and WvW.The System is cut into 3 seperate categories for More Monetization.The Price for any one of the three categories is rediculous, math was done, if you got 9 characters you want to max, its over 20k gems, wich makes it cheaper for you to buy character slot expansions and make a new character <-- King-level Bethesda idea right there.Legendary gear is effectively being shit on with this system.

Electronic Arts, Bethesda, Activision-Blizzard, and Arenanet - now essentially the same company doing the same shady and disgusting horseshit

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So if I use two Ascended armors and separate accessories the thing works fine.... but if I try to use my Legendary Armor+accessories Im kind of still need to change stats, etc....??? I dont get it, was getting Legendary items just waste of time I could easily get 3 ascended armors in 1/10th of time needed for one Legendary armor not to talk about other costs. Is this "template" thing to mock me for the grind I did? Who thought this is a good idea? And what`s with such steep prices?

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Disapointed that it is so limited and expensive.Something that could be awesome fall into the okayish section...Cost of having 4 armor and 6 build on a character: 1600 gemsCost of creasting new character (giving you also an extra 2 armor and 3 build): 800 gems...

How about you let people have it for free and make new mounts/mini pet/skin to get a revenue. Everyone love nice and fancy mounts, even those that use only 1 build per character ?

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Not easy to understand and I’ve understood everything of GW since 2007. Hold the gear is nice but the monetizing via limitation hurts. I’m not the kind of player that uses gold to gems for these things, $$ cash I use for gem cards. Now I see getting character slot is better. I swapped my legendary items in a faster manner. I imagined it to be like GW1 templates but that was not delivered. Such a long development time and waiting only to experience this. A for effort, D for final product experience

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Not taking into account the large cost and very low limits of expanding the storage, this system punishes players that like multiple game modes!

If, for example, a person only engages in PvE activities, congratulations, they are awarded two extra slots to save their alternative builds. And they are not at all concerned that switching between modes is no longer automatic.

But if one plays in all three of PvE, PvP and WvW - well, tough luck, this update has limited their options, locked alternatives behind payment and entering a different game mode now requires remembering to manually switch traits, a clear downgrade from the system that has already existed!

Isn't it in the developers' best interest to make people try everything in a game in order to increase player retention? Not only does this feature stifle experimentation, but also puts a cost on trying a different mode!

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@Skyve.6758 said:Not taking into account the large cost and very low limits of expanding the storage, this system punishes players that like multiple game modes!

If, for example, a person only engages in PvE activities, congratulations, they are awarded two extra slots to save their alternative builds. And they are not at all concerned that switching between modes is no longer automatic.

But if one plays in all three of PvE, PvP and WvW - well, tough luck, this update has limited their options, locked alternatives behind payment and entering a different game mode now requires remembering to manually switch traits, a clear downgrade from the system that has already existed!

Isn't it in the developers' best interest to make people try everything in a game in order to increase player retention? Not only does this feature stifle experimentation, but also puts a cost on trying a different mode!

They can simply split modes now and all will buy them at once with no cry for the cost.Imagine 6 builds in pve, 6 in pvp and 6 in wvw.At least this is something closer to viable..

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@c space cowboy.2764 said:Almost $400 to max everything for one of each profession...



I am a huge fan of the game and bought all the equipment and build slots(just for my Mesmer) to be supportive of the dev team. Definitely happy with some aspects of the feature but the price is PREDATORY and I will not buy anymore by any means. I miss ARC templates.

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A bit dissapointed by them.1)Why only 2 gear templates? We should have had at least 3 to match the build ones.2)We actually have the same number of build templates as before, you have taken away the auto build per game mode.Someone who plays all modes is in the same potition as before and he actually has to change the build manually every time he enters a new mode.3) You did the same "mistake" as bag slots.Additional slots shouldn't be per character but account wide for all characters. Then the price can be justified or even raised by an amount like 100 gems.4) We should have a way to link a build and a gear template optionally.Also i hoped we could save gear like account wide in equipment templates so we could use it on other toons as wells, but guess i was just dreaming haha

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