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Malicious Reprisal rework


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It seems like its the worst thing to pick in that line. Notoriety & Assassins Presence are just much better.

But look at Malicious Reprisal:if u block one attack OR one attack gets blocked, the next 2 HITS wont get blocked and do a bit more damage.

So if i hit something blocking and follow up with Sword4 after that, then it ends with not even half of sword4 hitting the blocking enemy. And other skills (like demon elite) counts as hit too.

In my opinion, it should be changed to "In the next 2 seconds are your skills unblockable" instead of just 2 hits.... Then it actually could be used over the other 2 traits.But just my opinion.

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Nah, its fine as a slow weapon strike trait. They could maybe do something to adjust it along those lines though,

When one of your attacks is negated by block, evade or blind your next attack is unavoidable and strikes for critical damage.10 second recharge, unavoidable strike will affect all targets struck before cool down.

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@zaswer.5246 said:Am i the only one that thinks that assasins precence should be moved to invocation ?And i agree that the unblocable should be 2 seconds instead of 2 hits(or 1 is 2 secs is too much)

Why should assassin’s presence be in invocation?? Literally all of Devastation is Assassin/Shiro/Power Damage theme. AP being in invo actually doesn’t make any sense. Invo is based around Fury and Legend Swap

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And assasins presence is aferocity buff for your group and all the other traits in that spec are for yourself while invo has much more group based buffs so i think it would fit and anyway in devastation we already have very good traits while in invo the middle column (at least in raid) is not that usefull

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