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How to lower ping for Australian player

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Hello, I've moved from Europe to Australia last year and was pretty much forced to put this game aside, as it's near unplayable with my current 300+ ping.

Question for Oceanic players: does anyone have any setup to recommend that works for you? Things such as ping lowering softwares, or maybe with the use of a VPN? I'm not very knowledgeable of these things so any advice is welcome.

Without a way of at least reaching 180-200 ping, I'm forced to forget about this game and consider FF14 or others.Thanks

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Less trollishly latency is usually a physical issue, barring faulty hardware. Your high latency is probably due to the increased distance between your PC and the servers, so there's not a lot you can do about it. What's your internet connection quality generally like? There's always the possibility that you have a bad wifi signal or crappy cable. I had an issue with my ISP having a constantly low signal down the line in my new house, they kept insisting there wasn't a problem but then most of the city started experiences outages. If you open a console window (windows and R, then type cmd) and type "ping -t www.google.com" what is the latency reported back?

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For me, what worked was connecting via VPN. Which servers are you playing on? NA or EU? If NA, I found it best to connect directly to a US based VPN. If EU, what worked for me was connecting to Singapore instead of connecting to a European country. I’m not 100% sure why that is the case, but I believe Anet’s EU servers are hosted by Hetzner, if that information helps.

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  • 4 years later...

Hiya, I'm not on the forums much but I was looking for a solution to the same issue- I play a lot of pvp (plat1/G3) and I have ping consistently at around 300

I feel like other players have quite a substantial advantage (especially in pvp) if they're playing with <50ms ping. 

Any new input? 

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