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So, titles are also bling bling now?

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I understand why they did this for Extra Life, it's exactly the kind of thing which will motivate some people to donate. Stickers are the typical real-life equivalent, it always surprises me how many adults will donate money if they get a sticker in return. In some cases it can even become an expectation - I doubt there's a single politician or TV presenter in the UK who would dare be seen in public right now without their Remembrance Day poppy.

But personally I hope they keep it a one-off and don't start colour coding other titles. I keep names hidden most of the time (if I want to see people's names I can press Alt to show them) so it's not usually a problem but the extra visual noise is noticeable in squads and parties, and if there were lots of different coloured titles instead of just the odd one it would be really annoying.

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