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Should "Ready Up" time be removed?


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There are two different philosophies in the game. Have a build and play it well and adjust play style/strat to beat what you're fighting. Or swap to something that just hard counters it. In ATs, MATs, and even in queues players will queue up as one thing, see the other comp, and switch classes right before the game starts to get an advantage. It's so bad that both teams do it and hope they guessed right...

Personally, I fucking hate it. I think people should just play something and learn to play to minimize their weaknesses and not play this gimmicky game of trying to guess and counter to avoid being in a losing matchup.

MORE IMPORTANTLY: we have to be around our computer already to accept queue. Why the fuck do we have to wait another like 2min for the game to start? it just adds uneeded wait times...

also, removing it would also mean people can't swap classes to counter AND people can't abuse matchmaking by queueing double necro...

The loss is we can't use that time to strategize with our teammates (which no one did anyway...)

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someone else suggested we leave it but black out other team comp.I've suggested locking professions with a minute to spare, so you can still change builds at least.

whatever happens there should be at least 30 sec to get your build in order. sucks to basically tank a game cuz you forgot to switch builds. would be nice to have a notification during ready up phase telling you which build you have on so this doesn't happen anymore.

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People who can play multiple classes have the right to pick and choose which one to use that would better serve them in order to win a match. Now if your post was 'don't allow people to swap in ATs AFTER the timer' then yes, I would agree with that. The entire point of the pre match timer is to strategize and have a suitable comp for what you're fighting, swapping classes is a big part of that but once the timer hits 0 no one should be able to swap. If I q on necro and run in to a comp with multiple mirages, and thieves I have no intention of playing necro that game I am going to swap to something more suitable to win.

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@NotoriousNaru.1705 said:People who can play multiple classes have the right to pick and choose which one to use that would better serve them in order to win a match. Now if your post was 'don't allow people to swap in ATs AFTER the timer' then yes, I would agree with that. The entire point of the pre match timer is to strategize and have a suitable comp for what you're fighting, swapping classes is a big part of that but once the timer hits 0 no one should be able to swap. If I q on necro and run in to a comp with multiple mirages, and thieves I have no intention of playing necro that game I am going to swap to something more suitable to win.

Yeah that's totally fair. I mostly hate the wait times before a match starts. Just wanted to write about the consequences of such a change if people wanted to poll

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I feel if ur in the mist and u load into a game you shouldn't be able to change classes. But if ur pveing then you'd be allowed to switch classes. To many people switch at the 10 second or less time limit. To skew the matchmaker or stack teams. Having 2 or more people switch to mesmer/duo holos or any other stacked team comp 10 seconds before the game starts absolutely brakes any fairness the matchmaker tried to creat.If your queing in the mist your probably queing with the class you intend to play. But seeing all these leet streamers abuse the system and change 10 seconds before it starts just ruins any respect I have for them and the matchmaker.

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You should be able to Save any build on any character as a PVP build. When queuing for a game or AT you select from a menu of all builds you have saved. When the queue pops and you hit "Confirm" you are locked into that character/build and are character+build swapped when the match starts. The start timer is therefore unnecessary.

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@NotoriousNaru.1705 said:People who can play multiple classes have the right to pick and choose which one to use that would better serve them in order to win a match. Now if your post was 'don't allow people to swap in ATs AFTER the timer' then yes, I would agree with that. The entire point of the pre match timer is to strategize and have a suitable comp for what you're fighting, swapping classes is a big part of that but once the timer hits 0 no one should be able to swap. If I q on necro and run in to a comp with multiple mirages, and thieves I have no intention of playing necro that game I am going to swap to something more suitable to win.

In addition to that, not all people have high end computers and SSD's. It takes a while for them to actually load up the match.I'm sure everyone in the plat to legendary divs will load into the map in around 5 seconds but I've seen people that need 80 of the available 90 seconds just to load into the game on that 1st character without swapping in between.

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Coming from my own subjective experience, as someone who plays on an i3 laptop potato, I can say that I never need more than about 60 seconds to swap a build or log out and back in as something else. I think we could stand to see the timer reduced to 60s from the point that the first person loads into the match. Now with build templates, I think the 2 minute timer is a bit long.

Additionally, I've always felt that players should be allowed to change build but not the character, any time they are standing in the respawn and ooc. This would bring a lot of extra dynamic into conquest matches, past the initial pre-game organize phase. This would really put to use the idea of build templates and their purpose, as well as bring classes as a whole into meta consideration, rather than some single build on that class. Consider what a competitive match would realistically be like with this mechanic enabled, before shooting it down. I kind of feel that a "new" feature like this, is what we need, if we aren't going to be seeing any newly designed game modes.

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@Lottie.5370 said:It's important to be able to adjust your build before the game starts, especially with the new templates if you're not queueing from HotM. It's also important to give people enough time to load into the game.

^This, your template for pvp no longer loads automatically, and even before that you might have different weapons equipped while doing open world content. You need that time to swap to your pvp build

If I remember correctly the devs did comment on this and said they were aware people do not always queue with the character thay want to play with and they want to give players that flexibility to queue in open world and use that time. I got 100% map completion on two characters while waiting for pvp queues

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I would like a character swap lock. Swapping a class is stupid, no other game I play would let you do this- if I pick a class in lol or wow I cannot switch this 2 mins in. But to compensate I would like the ability to swap traits or utility in that 10sec count down before the match. Basically make it so u have to play the character you qued with but give them full access to swapping traits possibly even if someone pulls you into combat before the game starts.

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