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Why would you do this!? (LWS3/4 Daily reduction)


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It is probably a move due to lower population (due to no content). Some maps meta's are hardly run and probably if its "daily map" it will be run for the whole day and very populated. It's actually a good idea - farming 1 map every day is boring too. and people who needs achievement's and meta's from less populated map will actually have a chance of getting enough people to do them.We will see how it turns out.

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As a new(ish) player farming these maps for currency for my alts, I've enjoyed having the dailies on each map. It made the usual MMO monotony of farming more fun as it gave me something to do while on the map. I really hate this change and it will probably cut my play time down as I'm much less interested in bothering with the daily-less maps now. It means my progress will slow and I'll get further behind ever seeing LW5.Was the reward for doing the dailies too much? If so, they've given us triple the rewards for one map anyway?It makes no sense to me and has certainly lessened my interest in playing.

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I do not like this change at all.As a casual player i liked the ability to chose which dailies I want to do. Now I'm forced to do specific content, and don't get the slowly accumulatig rewards from the other maps. Besides, we had 6 maps with dailies, each giving one chest. Now we have one map with 3 chests per daily, that's only half of what we could get before.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:Can you explain that new change in detail, please? I found the patch note description a bit vague.

Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.Eg day one bloodstone fen, day two ember bay...etc for season 3

So now you cant just stay in a map and be rewarded daily. Or enjoy any map and get the daily. Basically removing the luxury of choice

If you needed dailies to visit the maps in the first place then there's already something wrong...you(and I mean anyone playing this game) should be visiting maps just for the shear enjoyment of the map, not because it has dailies on it that you can complete and get currencies and other "rewards".

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@Zaklex.6308 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:Can you explain that new change in detail, please? I found the patch note description a bit vague.

Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.Eg day one bloodstone fen, day two ember bay...etc for season 3

So now you cant just stay in a map and be rewarded daily. Or enjoy any map and get the daily. Basically removing the luxury of choice

If you needed dailies to visit the maps in the first place then there's already something wrong...you(and I mean anyone playing this game) should be visiting maps just for the shear enjoyment of the map, not because it has dailies on it that you can complete and get currencies and other "rewards".

I totally agree, but what was wrong with being additionally rewarded?

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:Can you explain that new change in detail, please? I found the patch note description a bit vague.

Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.Eg day one bloodstone fen, day two ember bay...etc for season 3

So now you cant just stay in a map and be rewarded daily. Or enjoy any map and get the daily. Basically removing the luxury of choice

If you needed dailies to visit the maps in the first place then there's already something wrong...you(and I mean anyone playing this game) should be visiting maps just for the shear enjoyment of the map, not because it has dailies on it that you can complete and get currencies and other "rewards".

I totally agree, but what was wrong with being additionally rewarded?

There's inherently nothing wrong with additional rewards, except they say that the rewards to begin with are lackluster. From a personal standpoint this might encourage me to go back to some of those LW3 and LW4 maps that I never visit, and I said might because dailies on maps have never been a big draw for me, I usually just end up playing the most recent map to death and only doing the regular Dailies(I've only ever done map specific dailies when one of those maps happened to be part of the rotation for the regular dailies and then I never did them all to begin with).

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@Zaklex.6308 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:Can you explain that new change in detail, please? I found the patch note description a bit vague.

Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.Eg day one bloodstone fen, day two ember bay...etc for season 3

So now you cant just stay in a map and be rewarded daily. Or enjoy any map and get the daily. Basically removing the luxury of choice

If you needed dailies to visit the maps in the first place then there's already something wrong...you(and I mean anyone playing this game) should be visiting maps just for the shear enjoyment of the map, not because it has dailies on it that you can complete and get currencies and other "rewards".

I totally agree, but what was wrong with being additionally rewarded?

There's inherently nothing wrong with additional rewards, except they say that the rewards to begin with are lackluster. From a personal standpoint this might encourage me to go back to some of those LW3 and LW4 maps that I never visit, and I said might because dailies on maps have never been a big draw for me, I usually just end up playing the most recent map to death and only doing the regular Dailies(I've only ever done map specific dailies when one of those maps happened to be part of the rotation for the regular dailies and then I never did them all to begin with).

But if the rotating daily is bringing you or encouraging to a map then you are playing because of the reward and not for enjoyment of the map which brings back to your original point.

They might as well left alone and rotated in double rewards or a reward”buff” for karma, mf, currency etc

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:Can you explain that new change in detail, please? I found the patch note description a bit vague.

Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.Eg day one bloodstone fen, day two ember bay...etc for season 3

So now you cant just stay in a map and be rewarded daily. Or enjoy any map and get the daily. Basically removing the luxury of choice

If you needed dailies to visit the maps in the first place then there's already something wrong...you(and I mean anyone playing this game) should be visiting maps just for the shear enjoyment of the map, not because it has dailies on it that you can complete and get currencies and other "rewards".

I totally agree, but what was wrong with being additionally rewarded?

There's inherently nothing wrong with additional rewards, except they say that the rewards to begin with are lackluster. From a personal standpoint this might encourage me to go back to some of those LW3 and LW4 maps that I never visit, and I said might because dailies on maps have never been a big draw for me, I usually just end up playing the most recent map to death and only doing the regular Dailies(I've only ever done map specific dailies when one of those maps happened to be part of the rotation for the regular dailies and then I never did them all to begin with).

But if the rotating daily is bringing you or encouraging to a map then you are playing because of the reward and not for enjoyment of the map which brings back to your original point.

Except that while some players might have done ALL the dailies on each map (I certainly never did, and I spend a lot of time on the game), the largest amount of players might have skipped dailies all together because if you can't do all of them, why bother?

Now with a limited and set amount of dailies, with higher rewards on top of all, a larger part of the player base might do dailies.

This sucks for the little few people who did ALL the dailies on all the maps (again, I haven't met anyone who actually does this), but pretty much benefits everyone else.

@Randulf.7614 said:They might as well left alone and rotated in double rewards or a reward”buff” for karma, mf, currency etc

This would have not solved the issue of people feeling overwhelmed with dailies and thus not engaging in them at all. Sure, they could have approached it this way, but the convoluted system would have remained on top of reward bloat.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:Can you explain that new change in detail, please? I found the patch note description a bit vague.

Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.Eg day one bloodstone fen, day two ember bay...etc for season 3

So now you cant just stay in a map and be rewarded daily. Or enjoy any map and get the daily. Basically removing the luxury of choice

If you needed dailies to visit the maps in the first place then there's already something wrong...you(and I mean anyone playing this game) should be visiting maps just for the shear enjoyment of the map, not because it has dailies on it that you can complete and get currencies and other "rewards".

I totally agree, but what was wrong with being additionally rewarded?

There's inherently nothing wrong with additional rewards, except they say that the rewards to begin with are lackluster. From a personal standpoint this might encourage me to go back to some of those LW3 and LW4 maps that I never visit, and I said might because dailies on maps have never been a big draw for me, I usually just end up playing the most recent map to death and only doing the regular Dailies(I've only ever done map specific dailies when one of those maps happened to be part of the rotation for the regular dailies and then I never did them all to begin with).

But if the rotating daily is bringing you or encouraging to a map then you are playing because of the reward and not for enjoyment of the map which brings back to your original point.

Except that while some players might have done ALL the dailies on each map (I certainly never did, and I spend a lot of time on the game), the largest amount of players might have skipped dailies all together because if you can't do all of them, why bother?

Now with a limited and set amount of dailies, with higher rewards on top of all, a larger part of the player base might do dailies.

This sucks for the little few people who did ALL the dailies on all the maps (again, I haven't met anyone who actually does this), but pretty much benefits everyone else.

@Randulf.7614 said:They might as well left alone and rotated in double rewards or a reward”buff” for karma, mf, currency etc

This would have not solved the issue of people feeling overwhelmed with dailies and thus not engaging in them at all. Sure, they could have approached it this way, but the convoluted system would have remained on top of reward bloat.

The idea is choice. This reduces the choice and freedom that existed before. By keeping the dailies and rotating a diff way you get the choice and the benefit of funnelling as well. Win/win

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:Can you explain that new change in detail, please? I found the patch note description a bit vague.

Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.Eg day one bloodstone fen, day two ember bay...etc for season 3

So now you cant just stay in a map and be rewarded daily. Or enjoy any map and get the daily. Basically removing the luxury of choice

If you needed dailies to visit the maps in the first place then there's already something wrong...you(and I mean anyone playing this game) should be visiting maps just for the shear enjoyment of the map, not because it has dailies on it that you can complete and get currencies and other "rewards".

I totally agree, but what was wrong with being additionally rewarded?

There's inherently nothing wrong with additional rewards, except they say that the rewards to begin with are lackluster. From a personal standpoint this might encourage me to go back to some of those LW3 and LW4 maps that I never visit, and I said might because dailies on maps have never been a big draw for me, I usually just end up playing the most recent map to death and only doing the regular Dailies(I've only ever done map specific dailies when one of those maps happened to be part of the rotation for the regular dailies and then I never did them all to begin with).

But if the rotating daily is bringing you or encouraging to a map then you are playing because of the reward and not for enjoyment of the map which brings back to your original point.

Except that while some players might have done ALL the dailies on each map (I certainly never did, and I spend a lot of time on the game), the largest amount of players might have skipped dailies all together because if you can't do all of them, why bother?

Now with a limited and set amount of dailies, with higher rewards on top of all, a larger part of the player base might do dailies.

This sucks for the little few people who did ALL the dailies on all the maps (again, I haven't met anyone who actually does this), but pretty much benefits everyone else.

@Randulf.7614 said:They might as well left alone and rotated in double rewards or a reward”buff” for karma, mf, currency etc

This would have not solved the issue of people feeling overwhelmed with dailies and thus not engaging in them at all. Sure, they could have approached it this way, but the convoluted system would have remained on top of reward bloat.

The idea is choice. This reduces the choice and freedom that existed before. By keeping the dailies and rotating a diff way you get the choice and the benefit of funnelling as well. Win/win

Choice is useful when made use of. Given how most players did not chose maps based on dailies and the low rewards they provided, that choice was imo meaningless.

Now, players are provided with a different choice: do I go engage in more profitable dailies, potentially on a map I would not have visited otherwise, or not?

Different type of choice, more meaningful.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:Can you explain that new change in detail, please? I found the patch note description a bit vague.

Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.Eg day one bloodstone fen, day two ember bay...etc for season 3

So now you cant just stay in a map and be rewarded daily. Or enjoy any map and get the daily. Basically removing the luxury of choice

If you needed dailies to visit the maps in the first place then there's already something wrong...you(and I mean anyone playing this game) should be visiting maps just for the shear enjoyment of the map, not because it has dailies on it that you can complete and get currencies and other "rewards".

I totally agree, but what was wrong with being additionally rewarded?

There's inherently nothing wrong with additional rewards, except they say that the rewards to begin with are lackluster. From a personal standpoint this might encourage me to go back to some of those LW3 and LW4 maps that I never visit, and I said might because dailies on maps have never been a big draw for me, I usually just end up playing the most recent map to death and only doing the regular Dailies(I've only ever done map specific dailies when one of those maps happened to be part of the rotation for the regular dailies and then I never did them all to begin with).

But if the rotating daily is bringing you or encouraging to a map then you are playing because of the reward and not for enjoyment of the map which brings back to your original point.

Except that while some players might have done ALL the dailies on each map (I certainly never did, and I spend a lot of time on the game), the largest amount of players might have skipped dailies all together because if you can't do all of them, why bother?

Now with a limited and set amount of dailies, with higher rewards on top of all, a larger part of the player base might do dailies.

This sucks for the little few people who did ALL the dailies on all the maps (again, I haven't met anyone who actually does this), but pretty much benefits everyone else.

@Randulf.7614 said:They might as well left alone and rotated in double rewards or a reward”buff” for karma, mf, currency etc

This would have not solved the issue of people feeling overwhelmed with dailies and thus not engaging in them at all. Sure, they could have approached it this way, but the convoluted system would have remained on top of reward bloat.

The idea is choice. This reduces the choice and freedom that existed before. By keeping the dailies and rotating a diff way you get the choice and the benefit of funnelling as well. Win/win

Choice is useful when made use of. Given how most players did not chose maps based on dailies and the low rewards they provided, that choice was imo meaningless.

Now, players are provided with a different choice: do I go engage in more profitable dailies, potentially on a map I would not have visited otherwise, or not?

Different type of choice, more meaningful.

Less meaningful imo, but we can agree to disagree on this point overall.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:Can you explain that new change in detail, please? I found the patch note description a bit vague.

Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.Eg day one bloodstone fen, day two ember bay...etc for season 3

So now you cant just stay in a map and be rewarded daily. Or enjoy any map and get the daily. Basically removing the luxury of choice

If you needed dailies to visit the maps in the first place then there's already something wrong...you(and I mean anyone playing this game) should be visiting maps just for the shear enjoyment of the map, not because it has dailies on it that you can complete and get currencies and other "rewards".

I totally agree, but what was wrong with being additionally rewarded?

There's inherently nothing wrong with additional rewards, except they say that the rewards to begin with are lackluster. From a personal standpoint this might encourage me to go back to some of those LW3 and LW4 maps that I never visit, and I said might because dailies on maps have never been a big draw for me, I usually just end up playing the most recent map to death and only doing the regular Dailies(I've only ever done map specific dailies when one of those maps happened to be part of the rotation for the regular dailies and then I never did them all to begin with).

But if the rotating daily is bringing you or encouraging to a map then you are playing because of the reward and not for enjoyment of the map which brings back to your original point.

Except that while some players might have done ALL the dailies on each map (I certainly never did, and I spend a lot of time on the game), the largest amount of players might have skipped dailies all together because if you can't do all of them, why bother?

Now with a limited and set amount of dailies, with higher rewards on top of all, a larger part of the player base might do dailies.

This sucks for the little few people who did ALL the dailies on all the maps (again, I haven't met anyone who actually does this), but pretty much benefits everyone else.

@Randulf.7614 said:They might as well left alone and rotated in double rewards or a reward”buff” for karma, mf, currency etc

This would have not solved the issue of people feeling overwhelmed with dailies and thus not engaging in them at all. Sure, they could have approached it this way, but the convoluted system would have remained on top of reward bloat.

The idea is choice. This reduces the choice and freedom that existed before. By keeping the dailies and rotating a diff way you get the choice and the benefit of funnelling as well. Win/win

Choice is useful when made use of. Given how most players did not chose maps based on dailies and the low rewards they provided, that choice was imo meaningless.

Now, players are provided with a different choice: do I go engage in more profitable dailies, potentially on a map I would not have visited otherwise, or not?

Different type of choice, more meaningful.

Less meaningful imo, but we can agree to disagree on this point overall.

Sure, maybe the other system would have worked too. We shall not know. I get why some people might be annoyed at the change, especially if you now don't get rewarded while playing maps you want to play outside of the daily rotation.

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As an "old" player I dont really need maps currencys anymore. But I usually go on LS3 or LS4 maps that I like for some farm spots.So on the way i used to spend more time on those maps to get quick hearts and dailys.From that point of view this change sounds just like a nerf. Coz lets be clear : I will not go more often on maps that I dont like (or that I dont farm) just to get "dailys".

But if I was a newby or someone in need of currencys, I'll find this change truly unfair.Reminds me the time when some JP was doable with mounts. People in need to complete the Jp after this period of autorisation, so mostly newbys, can found the situation unfair and I understand that.Now I understand that people who need currencys for trinkets (leggy or not) can be frustrate coz it's take a little longer and old players didn't had this limitation.

So I dont think this change will really bring more players on the "daily map" (maybe some months or years ago but no nowdays) and If they want to improve population of old content I really agree with that :

@Hannelore.8153 said:This is why I think the whole system of releasing expansions and maps indefinitely and never opening them up to free players will hurt the game in the long run, it might last for a few more years but once the game passes the ten year mark it'll be unsustainable.

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@Randulf.7614 said:Poor deicion and against a pillar of the game where you could go where you want to do stuff. Needs reversing

It doesn't change that all. What it does change is the likelihood that those harder to complete events/achievements in these older maps will have a greater chance of being met when the daily for that living story map comes around. It's a good change, we asked for it, it made sense, and I'm glad they (development) agreed.

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@DrFox.8091 said:But if I was a newby or someone in need of currencys, I'll find this change truly unfair.

Currencies are not hard to come by and the old dailies were an insignificant part of currency acquisition. Not to mention that the new maps have currency exchanges on top of that.

Events and especially meta or group events on the other hand on empty maps, that's what is really painful as new player. Anything which might bring some more play to old maps, even if it's on a rotation, could help here.

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@Reverielle.3972 said:

@"Randulf.7614" said:Poor deicion and against a pillar of the game where you could go where you want to do stuff. Needs reversing

It doesn't change that all. What it does change is the likelihood that those harder to complete events/achievements in these older maps will have a greater chance of being met when the daily for that living story map comes around. It's a good change, we asked for it, it made sense, and I'm glad they (development) agreed.

Once a week as that map rotates in. Whilst the others become even less populated. And as long as you can get on that day you can take advantage

I didn't ask for this and would have been against it should this have been put to a vote or request. Who was the "we"? There is def no unanimous support for this as the mixed reaction shows.

It is what is now. But I disagree it is the right decision and I hope they reverse it

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@"Cyninja.2954" said:Currencies are not hard to come by and the old dailies were an insignificant part of currency acquisition. Not to mention that the new maps have currency exchanges on top of that.

Events and especially meta or group events on the other hand on empty maps, that's what is really painful as new player. Anything which might bring some more play to old maps, even if it's on a rotation, could help here.

These are 2 key points!Most of the players already have enough map currencies and various possibilities to acquire them (home instance nodes, exchanges, mine them on the specific map) and you can't serve everything on a silver plate to new players.Additionally map metas like Draconis Mons are more likely to be successful some of "latecomers" were complaining about.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:Poor deicion and against a pillar of the game where you could go where you want to do stuff. Needs reversing

It doesn't change that all. What it does change is the likelihood that those harder to complete events/achievements in these older maps will have a greater chance of being met when the daily for that living story map comes around. It's a good change, we asked for it, it made sense, and I'm glad they (development) agreed.

Once a week as that map rotates in. Whilst the others become even less populated. And as long as you can get on that day you can take advantage

I didn't ask for this and would have been against it should this have been put to a vote or request. Who was the "we"? There is def no unanimous support for this as the mixed reaction shows.

It is what is now. But I disagree it is the right decision and I hope they reverse it

It will absolutely not be reversed.The change gives increased opportunity for those unable to complete the harder event chains on the older living world maps. Adding incentives to help players complete otherwise difficult content for them is far more important than any currency farming concerns.

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@Reverielle.3972 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:Poor deicion and against a pillar of the game where you could go where you want to do stuff. Needs reversing

It doesn't change that all. What it does change is the likelihood that those harder to complete events/achievements in these older maps will have a greater chance of being met when the daily for that living story map comes around. It's a good change, we asked for it, it made sense, and I'm glad they (development) agreed.

Once a week as that map rotates in. Whilst the others become even less populated. And as long as you can get on that day you can take advantage

I didn't ask for this and would have been against it should this have been put to a vote or request. Who was the "we"? There is def no unanimous support for this as the mixed reaction shows.

It is what is now. But I disagree it is the right decision and I hope they reverse it

It will absolutely not be reversed.The change gives increased opportunity for those unable to complete the harder event chains on the older living world maps. Adding incentives to help players complete otherwise difficult content for them is far more important than any currency farming concerns.

Both could have been achieved as per multiple solutions in this thread. This was not the best way to achieve this goal however noble the intent because both are valid priorities for them to work towards.

So, yes I sincerely hope for a reversal and a better implementation even though it is sadly unlikely

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@Randulf.7614 said:

Both could have been achieved as per multiple solutions in this thread. This was not the best way to achieve this goal however noble the intent because both are valid priorities for them to work towards.

So, yes I sincerely hope for a reversal and a better implementation even though it is sadly unlikely

Well so far more people seem to agree with the change than disagree, so that is promising. However, if it doesn't work out like it's hoped it will, I'd like to further changes will be made in future. Who knows, if it turns out to be the case, perhaps some of the solutions voiced here may be implemented.

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