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User Interface mechanics on new Map: Massive issues for Vision Impaired people.

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50% translucent would help.

The sides are distracting and blinding.the text on the edges completely fade away, also the center does appear to become more smudged due to that border being so white.What is happening: The brightness of the white makes the rest - including the center - appear washed out to me. I loose contrast, I loose the ability to see properly.

I think best way to describe is: A car comes to you with high beams on... but the light is on the side, not where you are looking, it still blinds you though... the white blinds me.

The "we" was more a reference to the numerous questions and suggestions done in the past from other people having an issue with that kind of clutter on the screen. I had no intention to suggest the entire community, I appologize for that, I wrote it wrong. So sorry but English isnt my first language.

For me, visually impaired - it IS horrible and borderline unplayable. I cannot find those schrines easely when there's that much snow already visible, and then the sides become more and more white... it starts to become a blur.

It simply is too much, WAY too much.And yes, I am extremely upset and angry.I think that people like me, never crossed their mind for even a single second when they decided to implement that part.

Fyi: I start to loose too much vision at a stack of 6. I cannot handle anything above 10.

Edit to ad: Optional as a setting would be the prevered method.

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My only visual impairment is needing glasses, but the visual effects in this release are absolutely obnoxious and in need of adjustment.

There are too many visual cues on the map, some of which are the same color but with conflicting effects. Even the cold stack indicator features a white design with white numbers. White on white for a stack indicator that tells you how close you are to freezing in place or, if mounted, enduring a dead drop straight out of the sky: No bueno.

I like immersion and I like new mechanics and experimentation in map design, but some of the flash crash and bang on this map missed the mark; I say this as someone who's been playing the release since it dropped and chewing my way through achievements and mechanics long enough to see how it handles.

To that end, I'd suggest:

  • Evaluating the many visual cues in the map and looking into how to make them more distinct from player attacks (and each other).
  • Extending the 'lifespan' of dropped buffs from enemies (or possibly just having the buffs get sucked up by your character if they are within a certain range; could even make this an 'essence absorption' a mastery)
  • Decreasing the thickness or solidity of the frozen screen effect
  • Replacing some visual cues with auditory cues (or adding them to existing cues)

With all the buffs, enemy factions, stacks, timers, and environmental hazards on this map, there's a lot to keep track of. Making everything visual isn't just messy, it's frustrating. Hopefully there will be a tune-up over the next few months to try and streamline some of their new mechanics.

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Totally agree its just dumb and annoying.. I avoid the map for now.. Give customers a toggle to remove the abomination. When will devs learn not to put crap all over customers screens..

Its not immersive its annoying and obnoxious.. Repeat icing up a computer monitor is not immersive at all, it literally breaks immersion as we are suppose to be the character not watching them through a video..

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@coso.9173 said:I think people are missing the point of it. It's MEANT to be annoying and cover the screen, it's meant to be there and cloud our visual range. It's not only an indicator. It's a debuff.Precisely. It's really not that bad, but I think it's serving it's purpose.It's not supposed to be an enjoyable experience. It's supposed to be something you want to get rid of. It's not subtle, it's supposed to make it harder to see, act, etc etc. It's a different kind of debuff; one that affects you as well as your character. Hopefully we get more like this in future.

For those that hate it, there is a workaround; get Raven's protection.

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@Reverielle.3972 said:

@coso.9173 said:I think people are missing the point of it. It's MEANT to be annoying and cover the screen, it's meant to be there and cloud our visual range. It's not only an indicator. It's a debuff.Precisely. It's really not that bad, but I think it's serving it's purpose.It's not supposed to be an enjoyable experience. It's supposed to be something you want to get rid of. It's not subtle, it's supposed to make it harder to see, act, etc etc. It's a different kind of debuff; one that affects you as well as your character. Hopefully we get more like this in future.

For those that hate it, there is a workaround; get Raven's protection.

Yep, I dont think the naysayers realize what the intent is. Get to safety and clear the stacks, get the buff and maintain it, and no problems at all.

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You're obviously also missing what I am saying.Let me set something straight, there are many other instances where the interface is blurred, darkened, smoked, etc to annoy you.None, NONE of those are so bad that I simply cannot play anymore.

It is my restricted vision that makes this particular one too bad to play through.

The shrines for debuff have yellow floating text. Most of the map is white, I cannot see those. When my vision is obstructed due to snow and the clutter on screen, my chances to finding them are reduced to almost zero.

I understand the mechanics, nor do I want it removed for those that enjoy them. I am just asking for an option to reduce it for people like me, that have vision issues.

As someone with multiple issues, I love this game for the sheer amount of adjustability we have to make it work for as wide as an audience as possible. That is a strong side of this game. So implementing a toggle, or maybe an opacity slider, so we can actually play the map would be great.

One last example:If the effect was black, I would have no problem with it at all.Yes freezing is white, obviously, but it's to indicate the true problem I am having... My estimated guess is that, when you're in that snowstorm and the freezing starts, my vision is not even half of that of an average player.

  • Colorblind
  • Hypersensitive to light (screen is set VERY dark already)
  • reduced vision in both eyes
  • eye surgery in the past on the left eye.

What part of "Visually Impaired" was so hard to understand? Most look at it from their own (healthy) eyes and judge me for not being able to play.

I am very dissapointed in that.

I DO realize what the intend it... The question is, do you also realize what I am saying with Visually Impaired?

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@"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:You're obviously also missing what I am saying.Let me set something straight, there are many other instances where the interface is blurred, darkened, smoked, etc to annoy you.None, NONE of those are so bad that I simply cannot play anymore.

It is my restricted vision that makes this particular one too bad to play through.

The shrines for debuff have yellow floating text. Most of the map is white, I cannot see those. When my vision is obstructed due to snow and the clutter on screen, my chances to finding them are reduced to almost zero.

I understand the mechanics, nor do I want it removed for those that enjoy them. I am just asking for an option to reduce it for people like me, that have vision issues.

As someone with multiple issues, I love this game for the sheer amount of adjustability we have to make it work for as wide as an audience as possible. That is a strong side of this game. So implementing a toggle, or maybe an opacity slider, so we can actually play the map would be great.

One last example:If the effect was black, I would have no problem with it at all.Yes freezing is white, obviously, but it's to indicate the true problem I am having... My estimated guess is that, when you're in that snowstorm and the freezing starts, my vision is not even half of that of an average player.

  • Colorblind
  • Hypersensitive to light (screen is set VERY dark already)
  • reduced vision in both eyes
  • eye surgery in the past on the left eye.

What part of "Visually Impaired" was so hard to understand? Most look at it from their own (healthy) eyes and judge me for not being able to play.

I am very dissapointed in that.

I DO realize what the intend it... The question is, do you also realize what I am saying with Visually Impaired?

Sadly I don't think they can take into account all forms of impairment when making the game, and will usually go for what's good for the majority.Still one easy thing they could do is let us change the color interactable item names appear on the map. Like bright red or something.I don't see whats so different with the other snow map that also has a blizzard though. Still yellow letters in white background.

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@Hot Boy.7138 said:i haven't done the story yet, but i like what they're doing. it sounds more immersive. I hope they don't change it.

@mindcircus.1506 said:So you're not working the mechanic. ...gotcha

@WhatLiesBeneath.9018 said:Wow really? I love those effects, make it more immersive.

@GummyBearSummoner.7941 said:Stop your crying . You can avoid it but choose not to. Learn to play

@Ayrilana.1396 said:I haven’t experienced any visual issues but then I do have post processing turned off as I found it to be annoying in this game. Is that where the issue is?

Please read the portion of the post where he stated, and has repeatedly stated over and over again throughout the thread that he already has issues with his vision, and is asking for a way for it to be turned off or lessened due to those issues.

Which is not a bad idea, at all. More Options is never bad. Perhaps they shouldnt use visual impairments in a game that has way to many visual problems already. There are less annoying and intrusive ways for the mechanic to work, and they should have done one of those.

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@Tuna Bandit.3786 said:The new map, has during storyline and during snowstorm an affect on the interface that makes me want to put my fist through the screen.

To avoid it, simply get Raven's blessing at one of the many shrines in the area during the meta. It provides you with a protective bubble against the blizzard's icy cold, ergo no freezing frame effect on your screen.

P.S. I love that screen effect, by the way. :) It should be very hard to see during a blizzard, no?

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Tuna Bandit.3786 said:The new map, has during storyline and during snowstorm an affect on the interface that makes me want to put my fist through the screen.

To avoid it, simply get Raven's blessing at one of the many shrines in the area during the meta. It provides you with a protective bubble against the blizzard's icy cold, ergo no freezing frame effect on your screen.

P.S. I love that screen effect, by the way. :) It
be very hard to see during a blizzard, no?

Three problems.

  • Firstly the bubble wasn't always originally removing the border. Not sure if bug or not, but it was still there every time I get the raven blessing. In 4 metas, the blessing did not remove the border. At one point I had the border and the bubble and could see precisely nothing. This hasn't happened on the latest round - maybe a fix was added last patch.

  • Secondly, the border is so utterly intrusive I can't always see where am I going to get to a shrine anyway. Any sense of fun is lost whilst I am scrabbling around trying to view a narrow FOV

  • Thirdly the raven bubble which is also intrusive being so large and thick rather than a light aura. One issue exchanged for another

Given we have a minimalistic UI specifcally to avoid screen clutter with almost no improvements to in 7 years partly because they want to keep that ideal and because the scale of complaints about visual noise has been enormous, this is a valid concern.

Mechanics and debuffs should be gameplay related and never obscure the viewing area of a screen. That is a baffling design decision, especially in a game with an existing visual pollution problem. This was something thrown in either to annoy the players or that was thought to be cool and not really properly tried out in testing.

This also does not provide any sense of immersion. A blizzard reduces the distance can you see - other games have done this exceptionally well when a blizzard hits. It does not add crystalising snowflakes to your surrounding edge leaving the middle clear. It in no way simulates the experience of a blizzard

Even if they feel it is necessary (it isn't but Ill play along), toning it back to be less intrusive and maintain debuffed character effects is somethign I'd feedback that needs to happen

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:To avoid it, simply get Raven's blessing at one of the many shrines in the area during the meta. It provides you with a protective bubble against the blizzard's icy cold, ergo no freezing frame effect on your screen.

P.S. I love that screen effect, by the way. :) It
be very hard to see during a blizzard, no?

Three problems.
  • Firstly the bubble wasn't always originally removing the border.

Perhaps it depends on the stacks of cold you have on you? If you have stacked too much cold, remains of the frost might still be visible. Or you did not enter the shrine's bubble to receive its blessing?

  • Secondly, the border is so utterly intrusive I can't always see where am I going to get to a shrine anyway. Any sense of fun is lost whilst I am scrabbling around trying to view a narrow FOV

Really? I found that to be the most fun about the event. It really endorses the feeling of "being lost in a blizzard and fighting through it" on you extremely well IMO. I love it. :)

  • Thirdly the raven bubble which is also intrusive being so large and thick rather than a light aura.

Well, you would want to see when it runs out, no? And since you can barely see in the blizzard... ;) I agree, the bubble is a bit too thick, but with all the visual noise during map metas, I understand the design decision.

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