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Hi guys. i started to play unranked season 2 to get used to it. won 50 matches in a row. not suprise cause ive got 10k pvp matches fom swtor which is much harder pvp. than i went to play ranked and got to plat. only 3 games from diamond.reason is because i havent got the nerves to carry bad players all the time. Nov i come back to pvvp after 4 ? seasons i quess.i got 500 games amd the placement puts me into silver.fromthen on same story 1v2 or 1v3 on point to ease up on teamour and they still cant win resy of the map. the game kept me between silver and gold low gold. Now after few day i manage to get to gold 3 and in 1 day im back to silver because of bads on my team. Im wondering what is going on with this game? txo

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@Rorschach.7406 said:Hi guys. i started to play unranked season 2 to get used to it. won 50 matches in a row. not suprise cause ive got 10k pvp matches fom swtor which is much harder pvp. than i went to play ranked and got to plat. only 3 games from diamond.reason is because i havent got the nerves to carry bad players all the time. Nov i come back to pvvp after 4 ? seasons i quess.i got 500 games amd the placement puts me into silver.fromthen on same story 1v2 or 1v3 on point to ease up on teamour and they still cant win resy of the map. the game kept me between silver and gold low gold. Now after few day i manage to get to gold 3 and in 1 day im back to silver because of bads on my team. Im wondering what is going on with this game? txo

Find a really good player u play well with and duo queue with them, play at off hrs etc etc there are ways that players give themselves better odds. Try those and dont take gw2 too serious as it's not to great at the moment balance wise and population wise.

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I also pvp'd in swtor (still do from time to time), and I wouldn't call it "harder" - it's definitely harder to land a kill, but on the other hand it's much easier to survive. It also helps in swtor that you don't get perma stunlocked.

Several things likely happened between your first ranked outing, and this one. Power creep with the elite specs is definitely a thing, although several core classes are still competitive. Population likely went down by a noticeable amount since you've been gone as well, which makes matchmaking far less reliable. Finally, the soft reset always puts everyone back to silver, + or - some points based on your previous season's rank. If you took time off, I think the game officially considers you unranked, which means you don't benefit from your previous high plat status.

Low player population is a big deal though. In plat 1 games (or even higher gold games) you'll start seeing names from the top 50 and higher in your matches regularly, and your teammates will feed them mindlessly. The matchmaker just doesn't have enough to work with and it will start just trying to fill matches and make sure the averages are similar for both sides. You might find yourself trying to carry 3 bads on your team with just one other halfway decent player, even though the algorithm initially tries to reduce the overall gap between players' ratings.

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Yes i ageree withyou Voltaic. But i used to duo a nd we have to split me engi and the other guy druid. We were so good together than we could held the point against 4 at ease, still we were matched with low skill players so it was loss after loss. And by platinum ive had finally lot of fun cause of skilled players against our team. Still the above was the same. I know my mmr went so high that the gam,e has to balance the team but i guy even a decnt layer cant carry the whol;e team. Txh for replays all of you guys i appreciate it. cheers txo

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This has been said already, but yeah, duo q with someone that’s competent will get you a long way. More so if your specs are synergetic and you use vocal. Say two revs for example, you can move quickly around the map and burst down targets.

But if you’re good, you should be able to climb out of silver and gold by yourself too. I never was there, but last night in unranked I was literally farming 3 guys outside of their spawn.

Also accept that there are uncarryable situations.

Good luck o/

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@Rorschach.7406 said:Ty for comments all of you. Just one story my fried went to diamond,next season he won 7 placement matches and it puts him into silver... me on the oter hangd won 6 matches and was placed in gold. something is wrong with this kind of placement.txo

If you are talking about the first season's diamond league, it did not really have any meaning on actual skill. It didn't measure your skill versus the enemy's, it was mainly farming. There is a whole new system since the new rating system was introduced.

You could have won 7 matches against really really bad players, while your friend won 6 matches against good ones. That is why he got placed higher. But don't worry, you will climb towards your skill rating in time (assuming you don't change classes, only soloQ/duoQ, your build doesn't get nerfed/buffed, etc.). And now, after each season, there is only a soft reset, meaning you will reach your actual skill rating quicker in the following season.

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@Rorschach.7406 said:Ty cause i play all the classes to a decent level so i know how to counter every one.Still the game keeps me high silver low gold. shame.txo

tbh, i played on multiple accounts, and sometimes have been placed low gold but never not been able to climb back to atleast plat 2 on solo q. the game doesnt keep you in low gold, and it might be that you not yet aware of what you personally lack. carrying players who not good yet is part of the skillset that makes you climb. its best to not look at the game as being faulty only but also factor yourself and the blindspots you might have,thats how you improve.

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I do +1 fights with mobilitz clases to down enemz quicklz and than run to a another point and let the guz finiish and cap point.I plad druid but i cant heal ppl cause thez run awaz from me to a different direction so i cant hunt them all to heal. Scrapper bruiser and rez bot with him i can rez two ppl withease, with stealth and gyro thani use healing turret to heal themup cause i dont even need the heal for myself, but they go down in few seconds again. If they have suport i always say go for ranged first because they rekt us from apart and at distance suport cant suport them at all and is hard to kill.but no they do the oposite. I know what to do and i ddo rotate and always check the map to see where to go. So keep that ego becuase its not that. txo and 1 game 4vv4 mid at start me on scrapper.3 of our guys went down instantly.I rezed two fo em but they down straight away. si i kite 4v1 there to give us chance to win for 2 minutes.than the rest thise 4 come back from spawn.same story insta down me rez, thye respawn and im there for another minute without def coulduvns and i went down too.thats suport.but you cant suport someone who cant even with that survive for a few seconds. ridiculous

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  1. There is no such thing as Diamond, stop talking about it.
  2. Back in Season 2, getting to Diamond was NOT any kind of indicator of skill. You just had to play enough matches, and you would get it. You could train a monkey to get to Diamond back then. Just because you were in Diamond in S2, doesn't mean you were a skilled player.
  3. Why do you keep talking about your 12k matches..... in a different game? It is not at all relevant.
  4. Top Stats (healing, damage, kills etc) don't have any relevance to skill. There is more to the Conquest game-mode than just doing damage. If you don't understand this, maybe this is why you are in Silver.
  5. Any decent player, on pretty much any build, can quickly rise up from Silver to at least low Platinum. Builds, balance, duos, metagaming, only become an issue when you're competing for positions in the top 50. If you aren't competing for top 50, it is 100% a L2P issue, not a balance/matchmaking issue.
  6. The rating system isn't 'precise' but it is 'accurate' (look up the important difference between these 2 words). The person at rank #99 isn't necessarily better than the person at rank #100. But. The person at rank #99 is most certainly better than the person at rank #1000. If you are legitimately "stuck" in Silver (you aren't intentionally tanking or meming) then you will 100% get smashed by any Platinum players. Just because your matches feel like RNG, doesn't mean that the top players are just people who got lucky with RNG. They made enough difference to tip RNG in their favour. You didn't.
  7. I'm fairly sure this is a troll, so I'm aiming this reply more at people who think this is real.


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Hm. I just posted that healer got most dmg from team full of dps, mean thye rest of my team. And im not going balls against wall.I know the mechanicks and map awarenes , when to rotate and so on. Yesterday i won couple of games. My team mates were good so the games eneded up like 500 to 26... If the team is full of lower skiled players than one guy cant carry it. Thats all. I know that there are better players than me in the game. What upset me that the game keeps me at 50/50 win loose rate at all cost, see my team mates and i dont blame them cause every one has to learn and what i was thought when i trained muay thai boxing for four years and even fought i at ring was find yourself better guy and get beaten by him, to learn new things and than find someone who is less skilled and beat him. Just because you have to try the new skills on someone. That way you learn how to fight and get better. Im prety sure i went thru much more experience even in real life than you. So if you wanna keep caling someone troll than its you. Gl and Hf and merry christmas and happy new year i wish you , Peace...

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@"Ragnar.4257" said:

  1. There is no such thing as Diamond, stop talking about it.
  2. Back in Season 2, getting to Diamond was NOT any kind of indicator of skill. You just had to play enough matches, and you would get it. You could train a monkey to get to Diamond back then. Just because you were in Diamond in S2, doesn't mean you were a skilled player.
  3. Why do you keep talking about your 12k matches..... in a different game? It is not at all relevant.
  4. Top Stats (healing, damage, kills etc) don't have any relevance to skill. There is more to the Conquest game-mode than just doing damage. If you don't understand this, maybe this is why you are in Silver.
  5. Any decent player, on pretty much any build, can quickly rise up from Silver to at least low Platinum. Builds, balance, duos, metagaming, only become an issue when you're competing for positions in the top 50. If you aren't competing for top 50, it is 100% a L2P issue, not a balance/matchmaking issue.
  6. The rating system isn't 'precise' but it is 'accurate' (look up the important difference between these 2 words). The person at rank #99 isn't necessarily better than the person at rank #100. But. The person at rank #99 is most certainly better than the person at rank #1000. If you are legitimately "stuck" in Silver (you aren't intentionally tanking or meming) then you will 100% get smashed by any Platinum players. Just because your matches feel like RNG, doesn't mean that the top players are just people who got lucky with RNG. They made enough difference to tip RNG in their favour. You didn't.
  7. I'm fairly sure this is a troll, so I'm aiming this reply more at people who think this is real.


I dont know about 1 and 2, did not play at that time. But I fully agree with 3, 4, 5, 6.

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@"Rorschach.7406" said:Hm. I just posted that healer got most dmg from team full of dps, mean thye rest of my team. And im not going balls against wall.I know the mechanicks and map awarenes , when to rotate and so on. Yesterday i won couple of games. My team mates were good so the games eneded up like 500 to 26... If the team is full of lower skiled players than one guy cant carry it. Thats all. I know that there are better players than me in the game. What upset me that the game keeps me at 50/50 win loose rate at all cost, see my team mates and i dont blame them cause every one has to learn and what i was thought when i trained muay thai boxing for four years and even fought i at ring was find yourself better guy and get beaten by him, to learn new things and than find someone who is less skilled and beat him. Just because you have to try the new skills on someone. That way you learn how to fight and get better. Im prety sure i went thru much more experience even in real life than you. So if you wanna keep caling someone troll than its you. Gl and Hf and merry christmas and happy new year i wish you , Peace...

Please tell me why you are the only "good" player in silver/gold then

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@"Ragnar.4257" said:

  1. Any decent player, on pretty much any build, can quickly rise up from Silver to at least low Platinum.You forgot to add that these decent players also need a team full of other decent players, as ranking always and exclusively is based on team performance, never on individual performance.
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