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@Fueki.4753 said:

@"Ragnar.4257" said:
  1. Any decent player, on pretty much any build, can quickly rise up from Silver to at least low Platinum.You forgot to add that these decent players also need a team full of other decent players, as ranking always and exclusively is based on team performance, never on individual performance.

A decent player will still rise fast to plat

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@"Ragnar.4257" said:
  1. Any decent player, on pretty much any build, can quickly rise up from Silver to at least low Platinum.You forgot to add that these decent players also need a team full of other decent players, as ranking always and exclusively is based on team performance, never on individual performance.

Incorrect. The outcome of a single match is based on team performance. Your rating over the course of 120+ matches is not.

You play 3 ranked games.

-1 Your team is good, their team is terrible. Easy win 500-100-2 Your team is terrible, their team is good. Unwinnable 100-500-3 A very close game, both sides reasonably good. 500-480

Individual skill doesn't matter in 1# or #2. But it will make the difference between winning and losing on #3. Skilled players will win match #3, unskilled players will lose match #3. If you keep winning your #3 matches, you will rise up, on the basis of your own individual skill.

I 100% guarantee you, that if you took any of the players in the top 100, dropped them in Bronze, they would be back in Platinum by the end of the week. Playing Solo, no match manipulation.

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Ty Ragnar! I know that lot of players have this issue. Me personally at the start of the match say hi in a team chat to see who respond. It is important because good players will comunicate and bad players just want to kill not win. But as i said one player can make a diference but if the team doesnt listen to advices or focus the same target, even running away from healer to receive no heal than its imposible to help the team no matter how good you are. And i understand that the pvp is mostly toxic so lot of players just ignore or switch off the chat window. Second think ive realized is no matter how good you are with your main you have to learn all the classes otherwise you will not know how to counter them. To be honest i like pvp in this game even tho it makes me mad from time to time, but im more than happy if new players listen to the advices given to them, like my guildy who is a begginer playing a tthief. I grouped with him and saw his game play and build. it was wrong but not on purpose but he simply tried what he thought is the best. I started to look after him, told him the build,tactics,thief role in pvp match and so on. Now its very satisfiing to see how he gets better and better. So lets not fight each other but lets try to bring more newbies into pvp and teach them what to do. Because that will play in our favor at the end, with matches more skill based and balanced, because who really enjoy destroing new players with simple combos. I see no fun in it. Txo

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@Tharan.9085 said:

@"Rorschach.7406" said:Hm. I just posted that healer got most dmg from team full of dps, mean thye rest of my team. And im not going balls against wall.I know the mechanicks and map awarenes , when to rotate and so on. Yesterday i won couple of games. My team mates were good so the games eneded up like 500 to 26... If the team is full of lower skiled players than one guy cant carry it. Thats all. I know that there are better players than me in the game. What upset me that the game keeps me at 50/50 win loose rate at all cost, see my team mates and i dont blame them cause every one has to learn and what i was thought when i trained muay thai boxing for four years and even fought i at ring was find yourself better guy and get beaten by him, to learn new things and than find someone who is less skilled and beat him. Just because you have to try the new skills on someone. That way you learn how to fight and get better. Im prety sure i went thru much more experience even in real life than you. So if you wanna keep caling someone troll than its you. Gl and Hf and merry christmas and happy new year i wish you , Peace...

Please tell me why you are the only "good" player in silver/gold then

Im not the only good player in silver, gold. there are others stuck in there and they are decent and even better than me. What you said is not what i said. I said that the game is team based and if you are on a team with bad players you, your team is going to loose and vice versa. My question is why the game cant put at least players who are clesely skilled in both teams to aviod mathces like 500-100. I see no fun in such games nevermind the side i play. Win or loss feells bitter this way.

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@Rorschach.7406 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:If you are good you will climb, if you are not climbing you are not good. Team has nothing to do with it.

Do you realize its 5v5 game? 1v1 would be a different story....

Bro I played games for about 15 years now, if you are good you climb.Keep the MY TEAM BAD IM STUCK SILVER to yourself, its bullshit. you will never learn with that mentality

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Do you realize its 5v5 game? 1v1 would be a different story.... And i have been to high platinum think 3 seasons ago. Butt than this kitten starts to happen and i quit plying pvp completely. Went to wvw and learned different classes in cm fractals, t4s, and even pve. Now im back to pvp and i just want to point that the problem is here and its an old story, ive been reading this on the forums years ago since the mmr started. So few ppl who are lucky refuse to see that the world around them is not me me me and only me. Every one gets something else from game or life or... Try to listen and you may be able to accept tat this is not a rant but its a fact which i wrote only because of the people could start talking about it and maybe, even if i dout it but maybe anet will do somethink about it. Cheers. Hope you ready hero. When you are :D Rorschcach

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Mk im gonna stop here. Ive played games for long time too. And in gw2 i was aproached by a teams by the time 5v5 was still possible and they were looking for a good players. they were in high plat and they all were good so i was asked to pass a test to do a 1v1 against rest of the team and i beaten them all. Even a guy who is at 150 place on the leaderboard atm so.... but ye i give up cause there is no point to discuss with someone whos ego is sooooo big that he only accept that what he thinks is true.

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@Rorschach.7406 said:Do you realize its 5v5 game? 1v1 would be a different story.... And i have been to high platinum think 3 seasons ago. Butt than this kitten starts to happen and i quit plying pvp completely. Went to wvw and learned different classes in cm fractals, t4s, and even pve. Now im back to pvp and i just want to point that the problem is here and its an old story, ive been reading this on the forums years ago since the mmr started. So few ppl who are lucky refuse to see that the world around them is not me me me and only me. Every one gets something else from game or life or... Try to listen and you may be able to accept tat this is not a rant but its a fact which i wrote only because of the people could start talking about it and maybe, even if i dout it but maybe anet will do somethink about it. Cheers. Hope you ready hero. When you are :D Rorschcach

Lucky for every season in a row Kappa. Just get good, like seriously, its not hard to get to plat.

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@Rorschach.7406 said:Mk im gonna stop here. Ive played games for long time too. And in gw2 i was aproached by a teams by the time 5v5 was still possible and they were looking for a good players. they were in high plat and they all were good so i was asked to pass a test to do a 1v1 against rest of the team and i beaten them all. Even a guy who is at 150 place on the leaderboard atm so.... but ye i give up cause there is no point to discuss with someone whos ego is sooooo big that he only accept that what he thinks is true.

Its not me being egoistic, I couldnt care less. I dont even consider myself any good.The fact IS that if you are better then people in your rank, you WILL CLIMB.Mb meta changed or mb you are doing something wrong, and not relize it.Sorry to burst your bouble but 1v1 doesnt fucking MATTER, I have lost EVERY SINGLE 1v1 I ever attempted.And yet I climb, not becouse my mechanics are amazing but becouse I pay attention to the map, go where I need to do and do what needs to be done.I bet you are too stock up in ego yourself, dueling people on a node 1v1 and then complaining you get ganked. and then its 1v2 or 1v3 and its not fair and my team this and my team that. Unless you can hold 1v2 you shouldnt even consider sidenoding, you will just chain feed to any competent rev/thief.Play the map, read your oponents and focus on their mistakes.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Rorschach.7406 said:Mk im gonna stop here. Ive played games for long time too. And in gw2 i was aproached by a teams by the time 5v5 was still possible and they were looking for a good players. they were in high plat and they all were good so i was asked to pass a test to do a 1v1 against rest of the team and i beaten them all. Even a guy who is at 150 place on the leaderboard atm so.... but ye i give up cause there is no point to discuss with someone whos ego is sooooo big that he only accept that what he thinks is true.

Its not me being egoistic, I couldnt care less. I dont even consider myself any good.The fact IS that if you are better then people in your rank, you WILL CLIMB.Mb meta changed or mb you are doing something wrong, and not relize it.Sorry to burst your bouble but 1v1 doesnt kitten MATTER, I have lost EVERY SINGLE 1v1 I ever attempted.And yet I climb, not becouse my mechanics are amazing but becouse I pay attention to the map, go where I need to do and do what needs to be done.I bet you are too stock up in ego yourself, dueling people on a node 1v1 and then complaining you get ganked. and then its 1v2 or 1v3 and its not fair and my team this and my team that. Unless you can hold 1v2 you shouldnt even consider sidenoding, you will just chain feed to any competent rev/thief.Play the map, read your oponents and focus on their mistakes.

And thats exactly what im doing m8. Map awarenes is the key and + fight in our favor of course.cap close and try mid if you got high mobility class like thief or warrr you can go far if the situation alows you to do it and just decap. Because it takes twice that long to cap again and you pull one guy away from the oposite team. I know what to do and i dont feed ppl on the other team because dying in pvp is wrong even if you can hold the point against 2 or 3 ppl. When you get into position like that than you have to escape. Simple as that. I just dont understand why ppl here keep saying the basics and think how smart they are and they climb because of knowing the basics. Oh boy

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@Rorschach.7406 said:

@Rorschach.7406 said:Mk im gonna stop here. Ive played games for long time too. And in gw2 i was aproached by a teams by the time 5v5 was still possible and they were looking for a good players. they were in high plat and they all were good so i was asked to pass a test to do a 1v1 against rest of the team and i beaten them all. Even a guy who is at 150 place on the leaderboard atm so.... but ye i give up cause there is no point to discuss with someone whos ego is sooooo big that he only accept that what he thinks is true.

Its not me being egoistic, I couldnt care less. I dont even consider myself any good.The fact IS that if you are better then people in your rank, you WILL CLIMB.Mb meta changed or mb you are doing something wrong, and not relize it.Sorry to burst your bouble but 1v1 doesnt kitten MATTER, I have lost EVERY SINGLE 1v1 I ever attempted.And yet I climb, not becouse my mechanics are amazing but becouse I pay attention to the map, go where I need to do and do what needs to be done.I bet you are too stock up in ego yourself, dueling people on a node 1v1 and then complaining you get ganked. and then its 1v2 or 1v3 and its not fair and my team this and my team that. Unless you can hold 1v2 you shouldnt even consider sidenoding, you will just chain feed to any competent rev/thief.Play the map, read your oponents and focus on their mistakes.

And thats exactly what im doing m8. Map awarenes is the key and + fight in our favor of course.cap close and try mid if you got high mobility class like thief or warrr you can go far if the situation alows you to do it and just decap. Because it takes twice that long to cap again and you pull one guy away from the oposite team. I know what to do and i dont feed ppl on the other team because dying in pvp is wrong even if you can hold the point against 2 or 3 ppl. When you get into position like that than you have to escape. Simple as that. I just dont understand why ppl here keep saying the basics and think how smart they are and they climb because of knowing the basics. Oh boy

I know the basics and I climb.You know the basics and yet you dont.weird? must be anet targeting you, or people throwing your games to spite you!or mb you are not as good as you think you are. what is more likely to be the case bub?

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Yea having bad team mates is a thing however you should be able to carry games fairly easy if you know how to play conquest correctly.

I trolled On Condi P/P Holo for about 100 games on my main account went from gold to plat 2 with no issues, I then trolled for about 50-60 games on my alt on core necro solo que and got into plat 2 from gold.

I'm currently sitting somewhere in the top 10 spot in Na leader-board(doesn't mean much) with just queing with a friend this game isn't super hard to the point where getting into plat is "impossible". If you are in Silver or gold then you are lacking in a lot of stuff that's holding you back from progressing and holding your team mates back as well.

My understanding if you are in silver then i'm easily going to assume you have 0 understanding of match up's , rotations, and 0 map awareness. Just you alone lacking in all 3 of those basic fundamental is going to keep you under plat. Want to improve and not be one of those guys that just talks in team chat/blaming everyone else for sucking?

Go on twitch and look up PvP for gw2, then simply study some of the solid players that stream like Naru, Vallun, Keyba, Boyce, Mango, Mark, Helio and Etc... they all stream and can explain things for you.

Want to go further and become a really good player that can maintain plat2+ ? Start looking at Old and New monthly Tournament videos. Look at players kiting, Using No teleport spots to survive, Regrouping, Focusing on team target, Blasting fields in order to make combos and etc.

Theirs legit a lot of ways to improve in this game but yet so many of you guys just cry on the forums and refuse to slightly improve in any way possible. Just SPAMMING rank and complaining isn't going to ever get you good in this game unless you make the efforts to learn and understand different things.

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@"Ouk.5914" said:Yea having bad team mates is a thing however you should be able to carry games fairly easy if you know how to play conquest correctly.

I trolled On Condi P/P Holo for about 100 games on my main account went from gold to plat 2 with no issues, I then trolled for about 50-60 games on my alt on core necro solo que and got into plat 2 from gold.

I'm currently sitting somewhere in the top 10 spot in Na leader-board(doesn't mean much) with just queing with a friend this game isn't super hard to the point where getting into plat is "impossible". If you are in Silver or gold then you are lacking in a lot of stuff that's holding you back from progressing and holding your team mates back as well.

My understanding if you are in silver then i'm easily going to assume you have 0 understanding of match up's , rotations, and 0 map awareness. Just you alone lacking in all 3 of those basic fundamental is going to keep you under plat. Want to improve and not be one of those guys that just talks in team chat/blaming everyone else for sucking?

Go on twitch and look up PvP for gw2, then simply study some of the solid players that stream like Naru, Vallun, Keyba, Boyce, Mango, Mark, Helio and Etc... they all stream and can explain things for you.

Want to go further and become a really good player that can maintain plat2+ ? Start looking at Old and New monthly Tournament videos. Look at players kiting, Using No teleport spots to survive, Regrouping, Focusing on team target, Blasting fields in order to make combos and etc.

Theirs legit a lot of ways to improve in this game but yet so many of you guys just cry on the forums and refuse to slightly improve in any way possible. Just SPAMMING rank and complaining isn't going to ever get you good in this game unless you make the efforts to learn and understand different things.

Same thing again. Im watching pvp videos guides and im reading forums. I should say i split my time 50/50 betwen playing the game and studying things like yt and metabattle, trying new builds ..etc. And as i said i was in platinum already few seasons ago, tbh just 3 games away from progresing to the next level. So how can i have zero understanding of the game mechanics? But anyway thank that you have spend your time to reply with your opinion, i appreciate this. But we all are talking about the same obvious thing again and again. Wchich i know and i have been there but now even tho i even got better i still have games like 500-100 win or loss. to all of you that have reply i am gratefull for your time and i wish you merry christmas and happy new year. Still real life is more important than a game. Cheers :)

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