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[EU][PvE/X] Uncontestifying Pineapples [Nom] recruiting friendly active players!


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Im interested in joining. Old returning player to the game looking for some casual fun times.

Just added you on discord for a chat, but can also do so later in game.


Currently re-leveling a Guardian to get back into the game, never played newer content (only the original GW2!) up to Fractals, so I’ve a ton to do until EoD comes out ;-).




Edited by Tonijn.5086
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Hi, would love an invite 

Returning EU player looking for a friendly guild with which to do all content with. I used to be an avid fractal player having completed them all and teaching them to my old guild. I'm part way through my legendary armour collections so would love a hand finishing them off in raids, and relearning raids as I might be a bit rusty :D.

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Hello 😊

I am a returning player looking for a friendly guild to relax and have some fun with and would love to join yours if you got room 🤗

Right now I play casual open world pve due to irl reasons, but I would love to later get into trying fractals and raiding. 

Thank you 😇

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Hello there. I'm a former WoW player that's moved into GW2 for several months now and I'm enjoying many aspects of the game(especially PvP), but to go even further I would like to jump into raids and more organized PvE content. If you still have available spots I look forward to becoming a member of the guild.

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  • 2 weeks later...
22 hours ago, Angelic.8359 said:

Hello, I am a returning/new player, and I would love to join your guild. If you are still recruiting🙂


10 hours ago, Dreamatics.4987 said:

boop beep boop doot doot doot invite? XD played since HoT launch on n off back looking for peeps to fractal and raid with.


Sent you both invites, welcome! ~

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