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It's 7+ years and still no name reset. Why?


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@Xar.6279 said:

@Xar.6279 said:

@Xar.6279 said:

@Xar.6279 said:

@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:How do you know that the names you want are from people who stopped playing in 2012? Unless you’ve been checking since that time they could have stopped recently.

There's actually no nicknames I want. But meantime IMO they should reset it regularly.

Disagree with you. i had to stop playing for three years because of multiple deployments, i would have been pissed off if they reset my names when i came back.

Why? Just rename it. It's just character name.ID is more important in GW2.

If it's not important, why does it matter if character names are released or not?

Reason is very simple. With regular name resets (once per 2 years for example) it would be MUCH easier to find some cool names for your new characters.

But according to you, character names are not important. So by that logic, ANet has no reason to reset character names.

They may do it for new players for example. To make them start easier.

Or they can think of a name thats not one from a common TV show, movie etc. Name Generators are fun too, and often provide the most unique names.

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@Xar.6279 said:Do you really think that players which stopped playing in 2012 still care about their GW2 character nicknames? While they literally don't care about this game anymore?Current players and newcomers could use those nicknames.

This same issue has been discussed recently.I'll suggest to you the same thing I did to the other poster.You could use, for instance, if the character name has the letter i in it, use the other version of i, which is í.Or ü instead of u.

Alternatively, you can use a different letter.For instance an lower case L (l) looks like an i.

There are many ways you can work around the name issue.Just use your imagination.

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This whole discussion could be created as a comedy show xD.

I mean, the TE put it well. "I don't care tbh" - But actually I am interested, otherwise I would not have opened the thread. I'm just surprised that everyone is against it (because everyone has to agree with me, buhu~) and now I pretend not to care and ignore every argument, while I cry inside. - .... ups

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@Dante.1763 said:Is it really so hard to come up with names? Ive yet to run into a name i couldnt use. Seven years after i deleted my first character i was able to remake her, name and all.

If you were able to recreate a character the name probably had not been recycled and was still tied to you.

I use names in Finnish, which you would suppose to not be too common on my server, NA, as most players that speak it would use EU. Rarely is the first thing I think of available. I usually have to try several times to find something that works and it winds up being something obscure.

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Few things are as disrespectful as taking away something just because you haven't been around for a while, or worse. If they just switched from unique character names to using handles for everything relevant, I'd be fine with that. But don't degrade my existing characters. Tera has done that. Tera has also made me delete a character just to log back in because people working there are worthless organic garbage. We're talking about digital bits, don't disrespect me for no reason. I can share a name, but don't make me name#235543645 while someone else runs around with my plain name. And don't kill me.

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:It’s actually not that hard to get a unique char name. Adding a last name or changing the spelling a bit will do it.

That only applies to languages you are fluent in. A lot of languages are full of words where a minor variation will change it into something completely different. I once had a name on a Sylvari and was asked why I was using the name 'small metal disc' (obviously I did a typo and had not noticed).

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Xar might be community clown but he has a point. If your sorry (insert kitten here) stopped playing 5 years ago you should have no objections about name reset. Like seriously, It's been 5 years. If you couldn't find couple seconds in those years just to login once then you are very likely not coming back to the game. And since the game became F2P in 2015 (5 years soon), the flood of play-for-30min-and-forget players that made a character and forgot about the game should be flushed down the drain. So a name reset in 2020 would not be a bad idea.

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SWTOR did this a while back - they may have done it again for all I know. I haven't played for a while, so all of my character names that I loved and worked hard to find may well be deleted. I remember panicking as I tried to figure out how I could keep my names: at the same time they were doing a name purge, they were also merging the servers together, and names must be unique per server (so if two people with identical names on different servers had their servers merged into one, the person with more time played on that character AND was a subscriber would keep their name). Fortunately I managed to keep all but two of my names, and those names that got deleted, I was able to get back by adding a surname...but, boy, did it scare me for a while.I'd really rather not go through that again.

As for finding cool character names - accented letters are allowed in this game. For example, when I wanted to create a character named Adrian Ross, I found that name was already taken...so I named him Adrían Ross and got away with it. The accent over the i is practically invisible, so it's not that much of a big deal. I got the name I wanted.

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@Xar.6279 said:

@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:How do you know that the names you want are from people who stopped playing in 2012? Unless you’ve been checking since that time they could have stopped recently.

There's actually no nicknames I want. But meantime IMO they should reset it regularly.

If there is a reason they SHOULD reset it regularly, you have to give it. Frankly, anyone that thinks so doesn't understand the business model of this game ... you don't pay a sub, so what is the rule you apply to determine who's name gets a reset and who's doesn't? Clearly, you haven't given your 'good idea' much thought here.

@Batel.9206 said:SWTOR did this a while back - they may have done it again for all I know.

Even if they did, their rules to determine who's name is reset or not must be pretty stringent ... I had an account there from the beginning I only used for 3 months ... my names are STILL locked up in it.

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@Menadena.7482 said:

@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:It’s actually not that hard to get a unique char name. Adding a last name or changing the spelling a bit will do it.

That only applies to languages you are fluent in. A lot of languages are full of words where a minor variation will change it into something completely different. I once had a name on a Sylvari and was asked why I was using the name 'small metal disc' (obviously I did a typo and had not noticed).

That doesn’t invalidate what I said. It only changes what you thought the name meant. It still is a unique name if you vary the spelling or add a last name.

By the way, Small Metal Disc could be a cool name for an Asuran engineer. ?

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@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:It’s actually not that hard to get a unique char name. Adding a last name or changing the spelling a bit will do it.

That only applies to languages you are fluent in. A lot of languages are full of words where a minor variation will change it into something completely different. I once had a name on a Sylvari and was asked why I was using the name 'small metal disc' (obviously I did a typo and had not noticed).

That doesn’t invalidate what I said. It only changes what you thought the name meant. It still is a unique name if you vary the spelling or add a last name.

By the way, Small Metal Disc could be a cool name for an Asuran engineer. ?

Or an ironic name for a Charr engineer. ;)

I'll second the advice to add something to a name if it's taken. For example: If Dragonslayer is taken, try Dragonslayer Il or Ill (uppercase i, lowercase L). In my case, I have a naming scheme for alts that only varies one word per character, but it allows me to use even the most generic descriptors because of it. It even fits with the sword & sorcery setting!

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@Menadena.7482 said:

@Dante.1763 said:Is it really so hard to come up with names? Ive yet to run into a name i couldnt use. Seven years after i deleted my first character i was able to remake her, name and all.

If you were able to recreate a character the name probably had not been recycled and was still tied to you.

I use names in Finnish, which you would suppose to not be too common on my server, NA, as most players that speak it would use EU. Rarely is the first thing I think of available. I usually have to try several times to find something that works and it winds up being something obscure.

It had been used at some point, i just kept checking every month to see if it was available. With name change kits IG alot of older sillier names or names that came from older popular shows are fading away.

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@"Batel.9206" said:SWTOR did this a while back - they may have done it again for all I know. I haven't played for a while, so all of my character names that I loved and worked hard to find may well be deleted. I remember panicking as I tried to figure out how I could keep my names: at the same time they were doing a name purge, they were also merging the servers together, and names must be unique per server

You have that backwards. SWTOR did a server merge and in the process of doing so had to do a name purge.

Name purges are not something MMORPG developers do lightly because it directly impairs customers returning to the game at some future point in time while having a very minor effect on customer retention or satisfaction for current customers. This is even more detrimental for business models which rely on returning customers (like GW2) versus constantly active customers (like most subscription based MMORPGs).

I can sympathize with players who can't get certain names because they are unavailable if the span of available names is very limited (aka forcing players to have to use variation in vowels), which it is not in GW2 yet. What I do not sympathize with is players who simply want "short" names. Wanting a "short" name is not enough of a reason to conduct a name purge imo.

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Anet added blue Titles recently. Why not forget about a global or inactive name reset, and have Anet add a new empty set of names in color. So, blue text "Bobo" would be available despite there being a default white text "Bobo". Anet could even add new color name change consumables to the gemstore, and slightly cheaper name color upgrade consumables as well. Solves the inactive name glut and gives Anet new income. B)

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Well the only things I can say to the topic is if the character exists the name is taken but if the character is deleted because whatever reason e.g player deleted it or the AC became banned then it should be free again. By the way it would be nice if banned players would be removed from guilds after sometime.(3-6 months) My guild/leader has a police never to remove players from the guild I think we have even beta test ACs in our guild in which never again someone will log in.

On the other hand making a new name is really hard it takes a lot of creativity or a name generator xD (http://chriswetherell.com/elf)GW2 isn't exclusive to this Path of Exile has also all good names taken

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Batel.9206 said:SWTOR did this a while back - they may have done it again for all I know. I haven't played for a while, so all of my character names that I loved and worked hard to find may well be deleted. I remember panicking as I tried to figure out how I could keep my names: at the same time they were doing a name purge,
they were also merging the servers together, and names must be unique per server

You have that backwards. SWTOR did a server merge and in the process of doing so had to do a name purge.

Ah! Thank you for correcting me - it's been a few years since it happened; guess I remembered it wrong. :)

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@"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:Well the only things I can say to the topic is if the character exists the name is taken but if the character is deleted because whatever reason e.g player deleted it or the AC became banned then it should be free again. By the way it would be nice if banned players would be removed from guilds after sometime.(3-6 months) My guild/leader has a police never to remove players from the guild I think we have even beta test ACs in our guild in which never again someone will log in.

On the other hand making a new name is really hard it takes a lot of creativity or a name generator xD (http://chriswetherell.com/elf)GW2 isn't exclusive to this Path of Exile has also all good names taken

Thats what happens, from what i remember you have 48 hours of having the name of a deleted character reserved.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:Well the only things I can say to the topic is if the character exists the name is taken but if the character is deleted because whatever reason e.g player deleted it or the AC became banned then it should be free again. By the way it would be nice if banned players would be removed from guilds after sometime.(3-6 months) My guild/leader has a police never to remove players from the guild I think we have even beta test ACs in our guild in which never again someone will log in.

On the other hand making a new name is really hard it takes a lot of creativity or a name generator xD (
)GW2 isn't exclusive to this Path of Exile has also all good names taken

Thats what happens, from what i remember you have 48 hours of having the name of a deleted character reserved.

It's 24 hours.


"You can reclaim the abandoned name for a different character within 24 hours of the change."

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@"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:Well the only things I can say to the topic is if the character exists the name is taken but if the character is deleted because whatever reason e.g player deleted it or the AC became banned then it should be free again. By the way it would be nice if banned players would be removed from guilds after sometime.(3-6 months) My guild/leader has a police never to remove players from the guild I think we have even beta test ACs in our guild in which never again someone will log in.

On the other hand making a new name is really hard it takes a lot of creativity or a name generator xD (http://chriswetherell.com/elf)GW2 isn't exclusive to this Path of Exile has also all good names taken

Along with the other responses, I would like to point out that if an account is banned, the character names are not released. In effect, they are also banned.

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