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Specialization collection items

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So after getting 3 of the exotics needed for the specializations (namely the sword, axe and dagger) I decided that I'd unlock them all together by mystic forging them and getting progress on all 6 tracks at the same time. Unfortunately after doing that I unlocked all 3 skins but got no progress on any of the tracks. Now I've already sent an ingame bug report 4-5 days ago and have yet to receive any answer so I'm not sure what to do from now on.

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Bug reports don't get responses. You'd have to submit a support ticket via the website for that. And, unfortunately, response times are pretty slow right now, so you could be waiting for some time (up to a couple of weeks) for a response.

Unfortunately, for collection items, you have to unlock the skin by equipping or right clicking and selecting "Unlock" for it to count for the collection.

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If you're looking to get them replaced, the in-game bug report isn't going to get you a reply. You need to open a CS ticket via the support section of the website.

Also, did you have the named exotics or the generic ones? E.g. Libeth's truthteller instead of Sunspear's cutless. Both share the same skin, but only the named one counts towards the collection. The named exotics cannot be crafted and currently go for 50g+ on the TP.


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