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Dissonance of pvp experiences


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@Tman.6349 said:We have a 'leaderboard' that should denote individual skill, but we all know it's really 250 examples of the same couple dozen people abusing the system. Or I'm totally wrong and this entire post only reflects how little your average player cares anymore. Have a swell day.

I quit ranked a number of seasons back (I think it's been 4 seasons?), so I guess I can't say for sure anymore, but back when I played I only solo queued and could get reasonably close to the top 100. I consider myself, like the OP, an average+ player. But unlike OP, I land(ed) consistently around 1550, so I hung around plat 1 instead of plat 2. Despite that, top 250 is definitely within reach. Just a bit of concerted effort in terms of learning your class, how it stacks up against other commonly seen classes, and (most importantly) learning the intricacies of each map is all it takes to get into the top 250 NA. No abuse necessary.

So yes, you're wrong (at least about this bit), and the average player does care very little.

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