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1 game and i got more than 4 report


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My team was crying about me! looks like i died too many times.

looks like im trash, moron, stupid i have to uinstall because of 1 dead.

im sick of insults.. they are insulting me and reporting for nothing. NOTHING!


edit: so this is why players are playing without team and map chat as invisible for pm. I will be one of them. Wish i can mute myself from team chat :(. Thanks for advice.

ps: it is more than 4 because team asked report for me from map chat.

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Why can't you just ignore it?

Does it really matter that much to you that some random people online are talking trash?

You can leave team chat on but be a mature person and not give 2 fucks about what people think. You don't have to respond either. Just brush it off, do your best. It's really no big deal man.

I mean if you really wanted to, you could have an ego and challenge them to a 1v1 after the match but why go through all that effort... Just do your thing and keep playing in the match instead of AFK typing like a lot of the rest of those guys. Keep your chin up ^^

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Lol. Silly persons. I'd repor them for harassment. Not okay to ask others to report you (even if it weren't a false accusation). Just reporting you by themselves is okay. Also it seems the match was still running when they messaged you? How did they skillfully fight and type together at the same time? :D Maybe someone should report them for typing instead of playing while in PvP.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:Why can't you just ignore it?

Does it really matter that much to you that some random people online are talking trash?

You can leave team chat on but be a mature person and not give 2 kitten about what people think. You don't have to respond either. Just brush it off, do your best. It's really no big deal man.

I mean if you really wanted to, you could have an ego and challenge them to a 1v1 after the match but why go through all that effort... Just do your thing and keep playing in the match instead of AFK typing like a lot of the rest of those guys. Keep your chin up ^^

Because it is far too easy to spam forum

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@"spompas.9057" said:My team was crying about me! looks like i died too many times.

looks like im trash, moron, stupid i have to uinstall because of 1 dead.

im sick of insults.. they are insulting me and reporting for nothing. NOTHING!


edit: so this is why players are playing without team and map chat as invisible for pm. I will be one of them. Wish i can mute myself from team chat :(. Thanks for advice.

ps: it is more than 4 because team asked report for me from map chat.



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I recommend creating a collection of those whispers and share it with your friends. Helps to brush it off. if you can't deal with others trashtalking anyway then block them. It's not a big deal. These ppl have big egos and try to blame others for their own faults way too often, or project their anger onto someone. It is the same as in real life.

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@"spompas.9057" said:My team was crying about me! looks like i died too many times.

looks like im trash, moron, stupid i have to uinstall because of 1 dead.

im sick of insults.. they are insulting me and reporting for nothing. NOTHING!


edit: so this is why players are playing without team and map chat as invisible for pm. I will be one of them. Wish i can mute myself from team chat :(. Thanks for advice.

ps: it is more than 4 because team asked report for me from map chat.

Man u gotta grow a thicker skin and ignore it. Have u met people? Most are garbage in this day and age as a whole, can't expect gamers to be any different but there are some decent people mixed in here and there. Just ignore them and do u and try and improve at ur own rate. I had a match where a teammate said I was a trash reviver and should die irl the other night but when we won the other team writing in chat that it was a good thing I carried the match for the team lol. People who will want to be toxic will always search out a reason to be toxic and u were the players target that game.And incase burnfall reads the op's post NO it is not thief's design as the root cause of toxicity in this game lol :)

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@op start playing SW guardian in spvp :D

Have fun trolling.

Last time i played ventari rev was really howfull how gimmick player were expecting to easy win and they could not kill, I received quite l2p noob and uninstall since i was killing their fun.

Tdlr gw2 pvpers are mostly pve players that found a bad balanced game and don’t know how to play besides powercreep targets.

If u like pvp continue to play whatever others m8 tell you, just a few of them are actually real pvp players.

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@Aeolus.3615 said:@op start playing SW guardian in spvp :D

Have fun trolling.

Last time i played ventari rev was really howfull how gimmick player were expecting to easy win and they could not kill, I received quite l2p noob and uninstall since i was killing their fun.

Tdlr gw2 pvpers are mostly pve players that found a bad balanced game and don’t know how to play besides powercreep targets.

If u like pvp continue to play whatever others m8 tell you, just a few of them are actually real pvp players.

What's SW?

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Yea, I set up different tabs for stuff. Like, pvp, I put up my block all chat if people get stupid and mean. It isn't ideal, but at least you aren't trapped with their meanness and can concentrate on doing your best. Surprisingly, last time I has to use it was in the bell choir, where someone was complaining how people were playing. I mean, how did that impact them?

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@shadowpass.4236 said:Why can't you just ignore it?

Does it really matter that much to you that some random people online are talking trash?

You can leave team chat on but be a mature person and not give 2 kitten about what people think. You don't have to respond either. Just brush it off, do your best. It's really no big deal man.

I mean if you really wanted to, you could have an ego and challenge them to a 1v1 after the match but why go through all that effort... Just do your thing and keep playing in the match instead of AFK typing like a lot of the rest of those guys. Keep your chin up ^^

Wow. Victimblaming at its finest. There is another famous sort of unethic behaviour, where this is done frequently. Not going to name it because of forum rules though, but your response matches that other case in many ways. I find this reaction absolutely horrible.

@OP: I am very sorry you got harassed. While it should indeed be punished or at least discouraged - none of this is really done by Anet, though many suggestions have been proposed -, unfortunately the only way to deal with it currently is: 1) disable map chat, 2) quickly put people on /ignore or 3) grow a thicker skin. Just don't forget to also remember the positive examples and try to be one yourself! :smile:

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@"spompas.9057" said:My team was crying about me! looks like i died too many times.

looks like im trash, moron, stupid i have to uinstall because of 1 dead.

im sick of insults.. they are insulting me and reporting for nothing. NOTHING!


edit: so this is why players are playing without team and map chat as invisible for pm. I will be one of them. Wish i can mute myself from team chat :(. Thanks for advice.

ps: it is more than 4 because team asked report for me from map chat.

my advise do not pay attention to chat unless you are in a team you and your friends made. 99% of chat is used to blame everyone else but them selves. i can not count how many times there is at least one person calling everyone noob or other insults when they are dieing just has fast has everyone else. from my experience the really good players that do not play in a team they made. just do not talk in chat at all. becouse they know 99% of the time any thing they say doesn't matter to the other team mates so they just do not bother. they just see it has a practice match and move on

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@"spompas.9057" said:My team was crying about me! looks like i died too many times.

looks like im trash, moron, stupid i have to uinstall because of 1 dead.

im sick of insults.. they are insulting me and reporting for nothing. NOTHING!


edit: so this is why players are playing without team and map chat as invisible for pm. I will be one of them. Wish i can mute myself from team chat :(. Thanks for advice.

ps: it is more than 4 because team asked report for me from map chat.

As much as you might say "just dont let it get to you" remember that this is the environment new players have to deal with.

That's a problem.

Wish more people would put guilds together for PVP so we can save some of the population from this mess, because most of them come from sunshine-and-rainbows pve where rezzing is a free commodity.

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