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Do you feel like ArenaNet is actively developing GW2 or just doing the bare minimum ?


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I don't want to bash on the game or the company its an objective question, i am just curious to know how a sample of the player base feels about this topic.

The reason for is that i have been playing other games like for example path of exile that has a reported team of "over 120" (statement made last year as a comparison to their starting numbers of 23) and although ArenaNet did fire close to 150 they would still be over that 120 current employees, and i make the comparison because grinding gear is actively developing a second path of exile (already at an advance state shown to the public) as well as a mobile version of the full game, without ever failing to support of the original version with the latest league and more, and these leagues are above and beyond what ArenaNet provides with no only maps, gear, challenges, mechanics, spells ... etc ... but most of all they all bring re-playable challenging new game play, keyword here NEW and not rehashed of the same thing, each league is on its own a different game loop and not just a map and a couple of events no different from what we had before.

So i find myself kind of asking is ArenaNet truly interested in the longevity and support of the game as well as providing us with new and interesting reasons to play or are they just doing the bare minimum so that these questions are not really asked ?

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ofc they actively developing, and may be very more actively than some people want.

But also it depend that people vision of what it is now content..If target close all achievements, like for me, there is al lot of game-play and targets for few, or may be ten years..If target come in new map, open it once, and make few hearts, and make one time boss - for that people content is poor, for one day.

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Bit of a silly poll. They clearly are otherwise we wouldnt get new episodes, visions of the past, a 900 skill balance patch etc.

Whether you agree with the direction, it is clear effort exists just in a smaller team. MMO development is a hugely complex task which cant be compared to other game developments. Direction, communication and some modes being neglected are all issues, but effort snd desire are not one of them.

So unless you are a snark, option 1 is the only answer here.

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We had a new Living Story episode in November, a break in December for Wintersday and Anet's annual time off over Christmas and New Year and we're due to get the next episode later this month. They've also given us a list of other updates which are due to happen in the first quarter (January - March) of this year: https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/news/looking-ahead-to-the-new-year/

The fact that it's not the kind of content you personally enjoy doesn't change the fact that it is new content. My other MMO mainly releases dungeons with one or two new maps per year (all paid DLC BTW, not free updates) and as I rarely play dungeons, definitely not enough to pay for more of them, that means there's 2 releases a year which actually interest me. But I can't just pretend the others don't exist and say they only do 2 releases per year because that's clearly not true. It's the same with GW2. I appreciate the Living Story doesn't appeal to everyone, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist or that Anet are not developing new content, it's just not the content you want.

Which means the solution is to explain why you don't like it and what you'd prefer to see instead. If enough people agree with you they might start to focus on what you want to see instead. That's much more likely to be successful than trying to push a false narrative that nothing is being developed, which is just going to lead to a topic full of people telling you that you're wrong.

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PoE 2 is not a completely new game, it is a continuation of the story. They will still use the same base game, hence why you'll still be able to play PoE 1 or PoE 2 characters in the same game. Some of the visual updates are already in PoE 1, e.g. Lioneye's Watch.GGG has the possibility to reuse a lot of content every league, which increases replayability, and they are smart to do that. Ice areas and desert areas use the same tilesets, just with different coloring, they rotate tilesets and add different lighting and weather effects, making the player feel like they are in a completely new area.

Doing that is difficult in MMORPGs. Chris Wilson himself said that adding things like day/night cycles already hinder possibilities of reusing assets, features that are standard in MMORPGs.

Your mistake was comparing an ARPG with a MMORPG. Just imagine Anet adding something close to leagues: You'd have to recreate your whole character every time to play in the new league. That is not something people want that play MMORPGs, they want to play their character, not a build. GGG rebalances the game every 3 months with the new league start, having to relearn your class every time isn't fun, just ask the Mesmers around here.

A lot of the replayability in PoE comes from the possibility to create a new build based on one spell. There are hundreds of spells in PoE, balancing them is a nightmare and most of the time not possible. If you'd bring a similiar system to GW2, you'd pretty much remove what's left from WvW and PvP. There's a reason why basically no one PvPs in PoE, and why they removed Leo's daily PvP master mission with the master rework.

About the endgame in PoE: War of the Atlas with the Uber Elder endgame released December 8, 2017. Awakener came with Conquerors of the Atlas, December 13, 2019.It did take them some time to create the new Atlas system with the new endgame bosses, don't downplay it.

re-playable challenging new game play, keyword here NEW and not rehashed of the same thingThat was funny to read, since the current league Metamorph is based around rehashing bosses and their skills.

Another "comparison" point you forgot to mention is PoE's shop. While being one of the best/fairest shops in the F2P market, it heavily relies on MTX. There are already complains all around that the GW2 shop is destroying "Fashion Wars", can you imagine the outcry if there would be the same amount of MTX as there is in PoE with the same ratio of ingame skins to shop skins?

I love PoE and GGG, I think they are currently the best Gaming Company, but if you compare anything to the "best", there'll always be shortcomings. Especially if you compare games that are different at their core.

Edit: For anyone interested about Developing games and intelligent Asset re-use:

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I do not think we are in maintenance mode, but we are like just one notch above it. We are now down to one LW episode every 3 month and even that was garbage quality and quantity wise.

Anet has the fucking audacity to call recurring events, from years ago, and balance patches, content.

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@otto.5684 said:I do not think we are in maintenance mode, but we are like just one notch above it. We are now down to one LW episode every 3 month and even that was garbage quality and quantity wise.

Anet has the kitten audacity to call recurring events, from years ago, and balance patches, content.

Episodes have been running at closer to every two months this season so far. Previously they had been 3-4 months

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@otto.5684 said:I do not think we are in maintenance mode, but we are like just one notch above it. We are now down to one LW episode every 3 month and even that was garbage quality and quantity wise.

Anet has the kitten audacity to call recurring events, from years ago, and balance patches, content.


If we are at the point where people argue that 900 skill splits (whatever whatever lasts 1s longer/shorter in WvW and similar ) is content, let alone content worth of 6 months of development, GW2 is doomed to fade into oblivion

New expacs, elite specs, professions, weapons, fractals, raids... That's content

Number tweaking, cash shop updates and a tiny LWS every so often is one step above skeleton crew maintenance mode

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@"otto.5684" said:We are now down to one LW episode every 3 monthYou might want to check your numbers. The Icebrood Saga releases so far have been/will be every other month (September - November - January).

That said, I don't see any use in participating in a poll that, aside from offering a totally biased introductory text that compares apples and oranges, doesn't even offer answer options that fit the question put. When have "yes" and "no" ever been valid answers to an "or" question?

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I didn't vote, because of the way the question is formulated.

But here's my oppinion.I think secretly ANet are probably already working on GW3, and so have very few employees on GW2.

This is just speculation however...But since we know that technology is always advancing, I think they don't want to invest much more in GW2 anymore, and thus are dedicating more time in developing a third game on the franchise.

Hence why we haven't been getting a lot of content recently, and perhaps also the reason why going for Sagas now, rather than XPacs and LWSs.

But like I said, it's merely my uneducated guess. I couldn't possibly know, even though I think that it is not shortage of staff of resources.GW2 is one of the most successful RPG MMOs out there, and I really don't believe they are having financial problems.

Also, if they are already hiring staff for GW3, it could be a clear sign that my previous statements are true.

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@Konrad Curze.5130 said:

@"otto.5684" said:I do not think we are in maintenance mode, but we are like just one notch above it. We are now down to one LW episode every 3 month and even that was garbage quality and quantity wise.

Anet has the kitten audacity to call recurring events, from years ago, and balance patches, content.


If we are at the point where people argue that 900 skill splits (
whatever whatever lasts 1s longer/shorter in WvW
or similar ) is content, let alone content worth of 6 months of development, GW2 is doomed to fade into oblivion

Yes absolutely because this particular balance will have taken significant development time - it was never suggested balances are content as the OP was clear about development time. Players have cried out for years for this exact thing to happen - larger balances and time taken to make sure they do it right. So yes, this absolutely and unequivocably is something that is in their favour, along with the other aforementioned things.

That isn't to say they are getting it all correct. Instances are all but abandoned, WvW still needs love. But to say development is all but abandoned across the game is completely and inarguably false no matter how you spin it

Between September and the end of Jan we will have had

  • 3 episodes. Something I don't recall seeing since the early days of Living World. And LS1 epsiodes were somewhat more lacking
  • 3 new maps. At no point outside of an expac have we ever had 3 maps in such rapid succession. This alone blows the "no" argument out of the water
  • 4 Strike Missions, which are an all new pve game activity
  • What looks to be a massive new PvE World Boss in Drakkar (such unique rigs, animations, mechanics take a LOT of time to develop)
  • The development of a new PvE substory in "Visions of the Past"
  • More masteries in a single episode than before (OK, a bit of stretch there since the mastery in question is naff)
  • A signficant investment into a balance patch greater than any I can remember before

Quality can be called into question, story direction spinning off the track, neglection of certain game modes can be rightfully called out. But it is wrong, plain wrong to say development has dried up to the bare bones, to say we are a notch above maintenance mode or even anywhere near it.

I am not always Anets biggest fan and they deserve a lot of criticism at times, but I know what maintenance mode in an MMO looks like and we aren't anywhere remotely near it.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@otto.5684 said:I do not think we are in maintenance mode, but we are like just one notch above it. We are now down to one LW episode every 3 month and even that was garbage quality and quantity wise.

Anet has the kitten audacity to call recurring events, from years ago, and balance patches, content.


If we are at the point where people argue that 900 skill splits (
whatever whatever lasts 1s longer/shorter in WvW
or similar ) is content, let alone content worth of 6 months of development, GW2 is doomed to fade into oblivion

Yes absolutely because this particular balance will have taken significant development time - it was never suggested balances are content as the OP was clear about development time. Players have cried out for years for this exact thing to happen - larger balances and time taken to make sure they do it right. So yes, this absolutely and unequivocably is something that is in their favour, along with the other aforementioned things.

That isn't to say they are getting it all correct. Instances are all but abandoned, WvW still needs love. But to say development is all but abandoned across the game is completely and inarguably false no matter how you spin it

You seem to misunderstand the basic difference between content and development. All content is development, but not all development is content.

Maintenance mode = mantaining what's already there. Not making new stuff

900 skill changes ARE maintenance mode regardless how much development or effort they take.

The question remaining is how highly you regard LWS additions in terms of content. Personally? Not very much, if at all, YMMV

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@Konrad Curze.5130 said:

@otto.5684 said:I do not think we are in maintenance mode, but we are like just one notch above it. We are now down to one LW episode every 3 month and even that was garbage quality and quantity wise.

Anet has the kitten audacity to call recurring events, from years ago, and balance patches, content.


If we are at the point where people argue that 900 skill splits (
whatever whatever lasts 1s longer/shorter in WvW
or similar ) is content, let alone content worth of 6 months of development, GW2 is doomed to fade into oblivion

Yes absolutely because this particular balance will have taken significant development time - it was never suggested balances are content as the OP was clear about development time. Players have cried out for years for this exact thing to happen - larger balances and time taken to make sure they do it right. So yes, this absolutely and unequivocably is something that is in their favour, along with the other aforementioned things.

That isn't to say they are getting it all correct. Instances are all but abandoned, WvW still needs love. But to say development is all but abandoned across the game is completely and inarguably false no matter how you spin it

Between September and the end of Jan we will have had

You seem to misunderstand the basic difference between content and development. All content is development, but not all development is content.

Maintenance mode = mantaining what's already there. Not making new stuff

900 skill changes ARE maintenance mode regardless how much development or effort they take. If we get tons of number tweaks but very few and appart content, GW2 is firmly in maintenance mode.

The question remaining is how highly you regard LWS in terms of content. Personally? Not very much, if at all

900 skill changes are absolutely in no way indicative of a maintenance mode, especially given the time, dedication and the intention of splitting in modes. It is an important piece of Anets development time taken up for something the community has clamoured long for and likely (albeit unproven at this stage) sets the scene for things to come. I play games that have been maintenance modes for years and they all stopped making major balance passes when they went into such a state.

Whether you regard LS highly isn't relevant at all. It is their main focus and pve story is the central core of the game. Quality aside, to up the cadence, produce multiple maps, new features, design new models and throw in new World bosses is categorical proof of continuous focus on development. You don't have to like the content, but if the LS content dried up, then this discussion could be something we could have.

Maintenance mode does not produce new content. Does not produce maps. Does not produce new mobs and rigs. Does not add new mastery lines. It doesn't matter whether one person likes it or not (for context I thought the last episode was well below standard for Anet).

So, no we are not near maintenance mode or in an area where development as a broad brush has dropped to a low enough level for it to be on the horizon. By your own definition, you say that maintenance mode isn't making new stuff. Something not applicable here since they actually are making new stuff.

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@Konrad Curze.5130 said:

@otto.5684 said:I do not think we are in maintenance mode, but we are like just one notch above it. We are now down to one LW episode every 3 month and even that was garbage quality and quantity wise.

Anet has the kitten audacity to call recurring events, from years ago, and balance patches, content.


If we are at the point where people argue that 900 skill splits (
whatever whatever lasts 1s longer/shorter in WvW
or similar ) is content, let alone content worth of 6 months of development, GW2 is doomed to fade into oblivion

Yes absolutely because this particular balance will have taken significant development time - it was never suggested balances are content as the OP was clear about development time. Players have cried out for years for this exact thing to happen - larger balances and time taken to make sure they do it right. So yes, this absolutely and unequivocably is something that is in their favour, along with the other aforementioned things.

That isn't to say they are getting it all correct. Instances are all but abandoned, WvW still needs love. But to say development is all but abandoned across the game is completely and inarguably false no matter how you spin it

You seem to misunderstand the basic difference between content and development. All content is development, but not all development is content.

Maintenance mode = mantaining what's already there. Not making new stuff

900 skill changes ARE maintenance mode regardless how much development or effort they take.

The question remaining is how highly you regard LWS additions in terms of content. Personally? Not very much, if at all, YMMV

TIL League of Legends is in maintenance mode.

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Is the game actively in development, yes. We're far from mainainance mode or a shutdown.

Are they doing the best they can, I don't know. It feels like there could be more and the overall quality of content, as well as what passes as content these days has gone down over time. It seems GW2 has reached the beginning of the end of the cashcow phase of its existence. ANet/NCsoft is squeezing every penny out of it and I doubt that the revenue will be invested in GW2s development. Don't get me wrong, these things take time so we're probably looking at 2 maybe 3 more years of active development before the game gets shut down or enters maintainance mode.

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@otto.5684 said:I do not think we are in maintenance mode, but we are like just one notch above it. We are now down to one LW episode every 3 month and even that was garbage quality and quantity wise.

Anet has the kitten audacity to call recurring events, from years ago, and balance patches, content.


If we are at the point where people argue that 900 skill splits (
whatever whatever lasts 1s longer/shorter in WvW
or similar ) is content, let alone content worth of 6 months of development, GW2 is doomed to fade into oblivion

Yes absolutely because this particular balance will have taken significant development time - it was never suggested balances are content as the OP was clear about development time. Players have cried out for years for this exact thing to happen - larger balances and time taken to make sure they do it right. So yes, this absolutely and unequivocably is something that is in their favour, along with the other aforementioned things.

That isn't to say they are getting it all correct. Instances are all but abandoned, WvW still needs love. But to say development is all but abandoned across the game is completely and inarguably false no matter how you spin it

Between September and the end of Jan we will have had

You seem to misunderstand the basic difference between content and development. All content is development, but not all development is content.

Maintenance mode = mantaining what's already there. Not making new stuff

900 skill changes ARE maintenance mode regardless how much development or effort they take. If we get tons of number tweaks but very few and appart content, GW2 is firmly in maintenance mode.

The question remaining is how highly you regard LWS in terms of content. Personally? Not very much, if at all

900 skill changes are absolutely in no way indicative of a maintenance mode, especially given the time, dedication and the intention of splitting in modes. It is an important piece of Anets development time taken up for something the community has clamoured long for and likely (albeit unproven at this stage) sets the scene for things to come. I play games that have been maintenance modes for years and they all stopped making major balance passes when they went into such a state.

Whether you regard LS highly isn't relevant at all. It is their main focus and pve story is the central core of the game. Quality aside, to up the cadence, produce multiple maps, new features, design new models and throw in new World bosses is categorical proof of continuous focus on development. You don't have to like the content, but if the LS content dried up, then this discussion could be something we could have.

Maintenance mode does not produce new content. Does not produce maps. Does not produce new mobs and rigs. Does not add new mastery lines. It doesn't matter whether one person likes it or not (for context I thought the last episode was well below standard for Anet).

So, no we are not near maintenance mode or in an area where development as a broad brush has dropped to a low enough level for it to be on the horizon. By your own definition, you say that maintenance mode isn't making new stuff. Something not applicable here since they actually are making new stuff.

I said one step above. As in, not in full maintenance mode, but the things that are commonly regarded as meaty content are not on the table for the close, mid... And honestly, neither the long term , let's not delude ourselves

In the past ANet worked on LWS and balance patch tweaks along with events, raids, fractals, wvw, pvp and fully fledged expacs, greatly expanding systems such as professions, weapons, crafting or creating huge new ones like gliding and mounts . Of those, only the first 2 survive in any capacity, signifcant additions for the rest are piped reams.

I mean, in the old days strikes would have been denounced as super lazy, unimaginative and lame, barely a footnote in the stuff coming our way. This days they are the zenith of new content we can hope to get.

you may be happy with their schedule of wholly mediocre LWS that you finish in 2 hours and number juggling until the cows go home, but most arent

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Feels like the bare minimum.

They do enough to keep the existing game just running but they don’t fix bugs unless it’s from the latest piece of released content. Essentially all content has about a one month window from release for bugs to be fixed before it’s abandoned.

End game content (raids, fractals, etc) are abandoned or get very little attention. I guess the LW appeals to the most players, brings the most players, which increases gem store sales. I completely understand the logic behind doing this but I still don’t like it.

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It is impossible to answer this poll due to its format as someone else already pointed out, however I do feel that GW2 has not been as successful as everyone would have hoped, and I think it shows in the amount of development the game gets currently. It went of with a good start, with the LW seasons and 2 great expansions. The big elephant in the room here is off course the word Expansions, none have been announced since we had the lay offs.

No matter how hard Anet and some of its hardcore fans are trying to sell us the LW seasons as their counterpart, this is an ominous sign. Any truly successful MMO would be constantly marketing their next expansion as soon as work had begun on them: it is a simple sign of a MMO that is being supported by enough revenue and a healthy vision of its future. Everquest: 24 expansions, Dark Age of Camelot: 7, Ultima Online: 7 Stars Wars the Old Republic: 2 major, 5 minor, TESO 3 major, 11 minor, FF14: 3 since reboot. I had always hoped that GW2 would fit that list, and in the beginning it looked that way..

So though GW2 seemed on the right track a year ago, I am now worried that the game will go the way of the dodo sooner then I had anticipated. No announcement of a new expansion and the last tiny LW episode, with rehashed and uninspired map mechanics do not bode well.

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@Konrad Curze.5130 said:

@"otto.5684" said:I do not think we are in maintenance mode, but we are like just one notch above it. We are now down to one LW episode every 3 month and even that was garbage quality and quantity wise.

Anet has the kitten audacity to call recurring events, from years ago, and balance patches, content.


If we are at the point where people argue that 900 skill splits (
whatever whatever lasts 1s longer/shorter in WvW
or similar ) is content, let alone content worth of 6 months of development, GW2 is doomed to fade into oblivion

Yes absolutely because this particular balance will have taken significant development time - it was never suggested balances are content as the OP was clear about development time. Players have cried out for years for this exact thing to happen - larger balances and time taken to make sure they do it right. So yes, this absolutely and unequivocably is something that is in their favour, along with the other aforementioned things.

That isn't to say they are getting it all correct. Instances are all but abandoned, WvW still needs love. But to say development is all but abandoned across the game is completely and inarguably false no matter how you spin it

Between September and the end of Jan we will have had

You seem to misunderstand the basic difference between content and development. All content is development, but not all development is content.

Maintenance mode = mantaining what's already there. Not making new stuff

900 skill changes ARE maintenance mode regardless how much development or effort they take. If we get tons of number tweaks but very few and appart content, GW2 is firmly in maintenance mode.

The question remaining is how highly you regard LWS in terms of content. Personally? Not very much, if at all

900 skill changes are absolutely in no way indicative of a maintenance mode, especially given the time, dedication and the intention of splitting in modes. It is an important piece of Anets development time taken up for something the community has clamoured long for and likely (albeit unproven at this stage) sets the scene for things to come. I play games that have been maintenance modes for years and they all stopped making major balance passes when they went into such a state.

Whether you regard LS highly isn't relevant at all. It is their main focus and pve story is the central core of the game. Quality aside, to up the cadence, produce multiple maps, new features, design new models and throw in new World bosses is categorical proof of continuous focus on development. You don't have to like the content, but if the LS content dried up, then this discussion could be something we could have.

Maintenance mode does not produce new content. Does not produce maps. Does not produce new mobs and rigs. Does not add new mastery lines. It doesn't matter whether one person likes it or not (for context I thought the last episode was well below standard for Anet).

So, no we are not near maintenance mode or in an area where development as a broad brush has dropped to a low enough level for it to be on the horizon. By your own definition, you say that maintenance mode isn't making new stuff. Something not applicable here since they actually are making new stuff.

I said one step above. As in, not in full maintenance mode, but the things that are commonly regarded as meaty content are not on the table for the close, mid... And honestly, neither the long term , let's not delude ourselves

In the past ANet worked on LWS and balance patch tweaks along with events, raids, fractals, wvw, pvp and fully fledged expacs, greatly expanding systems such as professions, weapons, crafting or creating huge new ones like gliding and mounts . Of those, only the first 2 survive in any capacity, signifcant additions for the rest are piped reams.

I mean, in the old days strikes would have been denounced as super lazy, unimaginative and lame, barely a footnote in the stuff coming our way. This days they are the zenith of new content we can hope to get.

you may be happy with their schedule of wholly mediocre LWS that you finish in 2 hours and number juggling until the cows go home, but most arent

Who are most? I didn't like the last episode, but the feedback was actually pretty positive about it and The Prologue before that was heralded as roaring success. Neither you or I can claim to know whether most liked it or not.

I'm not "wholly happy" with much to do with LS - schedule (it comes out far, far too fast in my opinion) or quality, but it is popular enough to keep the game alive and going actually pretty strongly. The fact that we still get new content, more regularly than ever is testament to that. Whether some people hate it is a subjective argument and not relevant to a discussion which has pretty much shown with accurate facts that the game is being actively developed - the very core of the OP's question.

In the old days we had content like mending fences for an episode or 2 maps for a season. I can recall no point in the game's history Strike Missions would be regarded as lazy and the general feedback has been positive. The issue is that we don't know the future of raids and fractals and I've addressed that as an issue back at the start of this thread.

There is no doubt we aren't seeing GW2 at a peak, but then again has there ever been a peak for this community? It claimed dying after launch. Dying during LS1. Dying prior to HoT. Dying through LS3 and the latter stages of LS4. The game has had issues, but never to the extent where anyone could fairly or accurately answer the OP's question as "no"

The problem is not that active development isn't taking place because it absolutely is. That as far as I am concerned is not a question that should be asked or need answering. The problem is we know so little at times because Anet are not really interested in talking to their community on a consistent basis. They prefer utmost secrecy and it has damaged them significantly.

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I think they are working on the game but nothing they have mentioned feels 'big' gameplay wise. I don't think it's going to die any time in the near future but it feels like their content has started to slow to a crawl. I would have to say it's looking dangerously like maintenance mode, if it is actually so or not. I wont say the developers are putting in less effort because they are most likely working their butts off. It's who's in charge of the company that isn't putting in the resources this game deserves.

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I feel like most companies and devs actively develop their games.I also feel like a massive portion of that content we never get to see because for one reason or another it simply has issues that dont allow it to go into the live build. Their are exploits or obvious bugs or it simply is not a good time to finish or progress the features or content. That said i think they are doing what they can.

Considering gw2 is one of the few remaining modern ish mmos around right now its all we really have.I dont think anet always makes the best choices and some times make the wrong choices in correcting mistakes (cough... charr themed charr not fitting charr issue/ gem store banner issue) BUT!

I do think they are actively working on the game they dont really have much else to actively be working on right now.

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