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Leaderboards; Something doesn't add up.


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This entire Post is so full of misinformation.

Is it really hard for players to get a win rate that high? No, Play whatever busted at the moment with someone who's able to help carry games and Camp/Farm every random player who has no idea how to play. Do this none stop during off hours and you'll have a stupid high win rate. This is easily done with anyone with a brain and has an understanding on how Conquest works.

what's really getting annoying and sad to see now day's is that a majority of the SUPER Low plat players who BARELY able to stay in plat believe that win trading is a legit thing still in this very dead game. I Once use to think and act exactly like a majority of you and gave on thinking like that once I started to understand the game a lot better and actually start playing with better players.

Issue with a majority of you guys you'll just refuse to expect theirs a difference in skills between you and the top players. On top of that you guys refuse to even get better at the ONLY game mode you play in but just complaining none stop. If you guys spent the same amount of time complaining and crying over pointless crap like the Leaderboard and in actually studying some Old Videos on how to play a class right/conquest you'll improve 10x faster.

LoL the forum now days has been noting but clueless players making horrible statements about a system they don't even understand. The Game Population is shit in NA so people play during Off hours to farm horrible players to win rating and keep a high win ration. Noting with the system getting changed is going to help that.

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@Ouk.5914 said:This entire Post is so full of misinformation.

Is it really hard for players to get a win rate that high? No, Play whatever busted at the moment with someone who's able to help carry games and Camp/Farm every random player who has no idea how to play. Do this none stop during off hours and you'll have a stupid high win rate. This is easily done with anyone with a brain and has an understanding on how Conquest works.

what's really getting annoying and sad to see now day's is that a majority of the SUPER Low plat players who BARELY able to stay in plat believe that win trading is a legit thing still in this very dead game. I Once use to think and act exactly like a majority of you and gave on thinking like that once I started to understand the game a lot better and actually start playing with better players.

Issue with a majority of you guys you'll just refuse to expect theirs a difference in skills between you and the top players. On top of that you guys refuse to even get better at the ONLY game mode you play in but just complaining none stop. If you guys spent the same amount of time complaining and crying over pointless kitten like the Leaderboard and in actually studying some Old Videos on how to play a class right/conquest you'll improve 10x faster.

LoL the forum now days has been noting but clueless players making horrible statements about a system they don't even understand. The Game Population is kitten in NA so people play during Off hours to farm horrible players to win rating and keep a high win ration. Noting with the system getting changed is going to help that.

Alright there, step down off your pedestal. I'll worry about me and how I play so don't go making assumptions like you know best. I don't really care the reason for the win rates. It's clear though that something is not working like it should for that to be happening. Like I've asked in other threads, go find me a main stream PvP game with a ranked team mode where the win rates are that high of top players. I'll wait. 70% is about the upper limit of what should be possible and that would take some serious skill and a good dash of luck. 90% is ludicrous and no one should be taking any kind of ranked system seriously that produces those numbers.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@Ouk.5914 said:This entire Post is so full of misinformation.

Is it really hard for players to get a win rate that high? No, Play whatever busted at the moment with someone who's able to help carry games and Camp/Farm every random player who has no idea how to play. Do this none stop during off hours and you'll have a stupid high win rate. This is easily done with anyone with a brain and has an understanding on how Conquest works.

what's really getting annoying and sad to see now day's is that a majority of the SUPER Low plat players who BARELY able to stay in plat believe that win trading is a legit thing still in this very dead game. I Once use to think and act exactly like a majority of you and gave on thinking like that once I started to understand the game a lot better and actually start playing with better players.

Issue with a majority of you guys you'll just refuse to expect theirs a difference in skills between you and the top players. On top of that you guys refuse to even get better at the ONLY game mode you play in but just complaining none stop. If you guys spent the same amount of time complaining and crying over pointless kitten like the Leaderboard and in actually studying some Old Videos on how to play a class right/conquest you'll improve 10x faster.

LoL the forum now days has been noting but clueless players making horrible statements about a system they don't even understand. The Game Population is kitten in NA so people play during Off hours to farm horrible players to win rating and keep a high win ration. Noting with the system getting changed is going to help that.

Alright there, step down off your pedestal. I'll worry about me and how I play so don't go making assumptions like you know best. I don't really care the reason for the win rates. It's clear though that something is not working like it should for that to be happening. Like I've asked in other threads, go find me a main stream PvP game with a ranked team mode where the win rates are that high of top players. I'll wait. 70% is about the upper limit of what should be possible and that would take some serious skill and a good dash of luck. 90% is ludicrous and no one should be taking any kind of ranked system seriously that produces those numbers.

If you don't care then what was the purpose of the post? Seeking some sort of attention from other players?

Like you seem to not grasp or understand that This Game Is Dead and The Game Mode Called Spvp Doesn't have enough Players to support the system that's in place. The Difference Between Overwatch, Dota, League and any other real Competitive rank game is the fact that they HAVE players and a bigger number to work with unlike gw2.

Should probably step off the forums and actual research some of the issues that's been going on for years.

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@Ouk.5914 said:

@Ouk.5914 said:This entire Post is so full of misinformation.

Is it really hard for players to get a win rate that high? No, Play whatever busted at the moment with someone who's able to help carry games and Camp/Farm every random player who has no idea how to play. Do this none stop during off hours and you'll have a stupid high win rate. This is easily done with anyone with a brain and has an understanding on how Conquest works.

what's really getting annoying and sad to see now day's is that a majority of the SUPER Low plat players who BARELY able to stay in plat believe that win trading is a legit thing still in this very dead game. I Once use to think and act exactly like a majority of you and gave on thinking like that once I started to understand the game a lot better and actually start playing with better players.

Issue with a majority of you guys you'll just refuse to expect theirs a difference in skills between you and the top players. On top of that you guys refuse to even get better at the ONLY game mode you play in but just complaining none stop. If you guys spent the same amount of time complaining and crying over pointless kitten like the Leaderboard and in actually studying some Old Videos on how to play a class right/conquest you'll improve 10x faster.

LoL the forum now days has been noting but clueless players making horrible statements about a system they don't even understand. The Game Population is kitten in NA so people play during Off hours to farm horrible players to win rating and keep a high win ration. Noting with the system getting changed is going to help that.

Alright there, step down off your pedestal. I'll worry about me and how I play so don't go making assumptions like you know best. I don't really care the reason for the win rates. It's clear though that something is not working like it should for that to be happening. Like I've asked in other threads, go find me a main stream PvP game with a ranked team mode where the win rates are that high of top players. I'll wait. 70% is about the upper limit of what should be possible and that would take some serious skill and a good dash of luck. 90% is ludicrous and no one should be taking any kind of ranked system seriously that produces those numbers.

If you don't care then what was the purpose of the post? Seeking some sort of attention from other players?

Like you seem to not grasp or understand that This Game Is Dead and The Game Mode Called Spvp Doesn't have enough Players to support the system that's in place. The Difference Between Overwatch, Dota, League and any other real Competitive rank game is the fact that they HAVE players and a bigger number to work with unlike gw2.

Should probably step off the forums and actual research some of the issues that's been going on for years.

Dude, what is your problem? You're all aggro, go take that somewhere else. The point of my post is to continue to draw attention to the issue until either anet bans me or they say something about it. I'll continue to raise a stink until one of those two things happen. I'm not so sad as of yet to come to the forums attention seeking. I just hangout here while at work to burn some time. I already know lower player populations is an issue. Matter in fact I made a post just about that looking for what could be done to improve it.

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@Robban.1256 said:

@Zexanima.7851 said:@"bluri.2653" Whatever the reason, within the rules or not, the system isn't working correctly. I'm not saying you or anyone on the top of the leaderboard is "bad" at the game per-say, but no one is that good. Even if just from bad luck win rates should not be that high. Its either a broken system or shady practices, I imagine it's some of both though.

youre wrong :) , and here you can see all matchmaking code-

Notable exception is that anet isn't providing us pseudocode on how your rating changes after each match.

Genuinely feel that component of the matchmaker is flawed and results in volatile player ratings (esp for duos) which leads to the matchmaker performing poorly.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 said:They have high ratings because of players like me that test off meta builds in ranked.

That and after all these years I am still clueless about how conquest works.

I still have to stutter step with another player who might (25 stacks) be getting home.

Nerf Crab Fear, makes top players too stronk

Thief is supposed to be +1. Nobody said it couldnt be +1 for opposite t- dishonored

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:Its been this way for a long time. Everyone knows they match manipulate, que dodge other duos, wintrade, whatever. No one really cares anymore because its not going to get addressed.

Well I'm just going to keep on being annoying about it. You don't get things changed by staying silent. Not that I have high expectations of having an impact.

You also get suspended for sure ;)

Fine by me, I can spend my money else where.

See? Now I like you more ;) (welcome to the club)

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@"rowdy.5107" said:Im guessing it will only be a matter of time before these "top players" get banned for match manipulation and win trading. Funny, when you face these "top players" in the arena and in unranked. they get WRECKED.

1.) It's true. There are a handful of players that make really bad decisions up close that make you wonder how they have plat/ X of the Arena. Some of those people with "I'm skilled" titles like Kronos and Markuhitos(did I spell that right? Sylvari rev?) are legit, but others...2.) I wouldn't expect it to go anywhere as long as people keep thinking ranked means something/is worth anything in its current state. Match manipulation is hard to prove, because the only people who know of it that aren't stupid are people that would also be hurt by disclosing it.

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@bluri.2653 said:

@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:It's DuoQ hands down without any doubt.

When it was SoloQ only past 1600 rating everyone had about the same even winrates that most the leaderboard still has now. A good player might have a 60-70% winrate and there was very few if any alt accounts hogging LB spots.

DuoQ is too exploitable when it's merged with SoloQs. There might be legends/plat3s playing at any one time of the day, so when they queue together it's just busted and impossible. That's when one of them aren't smurfing on some silver alt to bring down their average rating for even easier wins for their buddy.And the alting is just nasty. Boosting and after Season 16 ended between 10-20 of the accounts on the leaderboard belonged to the same DuoQ, same two people.

Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago.

I can't speak for NA about dodging etc but I encourage other people to come queue at the same time as I do in EU times 20.00->22:00.Then we can get games like this:

Everyone here is 1700-1800+ which id say is a good game.

But as i have mentioned beforeadd 2v2 atsremove unrankedmake ranked soloq only


could also apply what they had back in the dayIn Season 9, players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above could no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active. [3] However, this was reverted in Season 13. [4]

idk how people felt about that

@ 00.47 secs you just teled through rock wall to other side.

Golf clap.

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@MrFrusciante.2438 said:

@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:It's DuoQ hands down without any doubt.

When it was SoloQ only past 1600 rating everyone had about the same even winrates that most the leaderboard still has now. A good player might have a 60-70% winrate and there was very few if any alt accounts hogging LB spots.

DuoQ is too exploitable when it's merged with SoloQs. There might be legends/plat3s playing at any one time of the day, so when they queue together it's just busted and impossible. That's when one of them aren't smurfing on some silver alt to bring down their average rating for even easier wins for their buddy.And the alting is just nasty. Boosting and after Season 16 ended between 10-20 of the accounts on the leaderboard belonged to the same DuoQ, same two people.

Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago.

I can't speak for NA about dodging etc but I encourage other people to come queue at the same time as I do in EU times 20.00->22:00.Then we can get games like this:

Everyone here is 1700-1800+ which id say is a good game.

But as i have mentioned beforeadd 2v2 atsremove unrankedmake ranked soloq only


could also apply what they had back in the dayIn Season 9, players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above could no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active. [3] However, this was reverted in Season 13. [4]

idk how people felt about that

@ 00.47 secs you just teled through rock wall to other side.

Golf clap.

Hacking confirmed

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@Ouk.5914 said:This entire Post is so full of misinformation.

Is it really hard for players to get a win rate that high? No, Play whatever busted at the moment with someone who's able to help carry games and Camp/Farm every random player who has no idea how to play. Do this none stop during off hours and you'll have a stupid high win rate. This is easily done with anyone with a brain and has an understanding on how Conquest works.

what's really getting annoying and sad to see now day's is that a majority of the SUPER Low plat players who BARELY able to stay in plat believe that win trading is a legit thing still in this very dead game. I Once use to think and act exactly like a majority of you and gave on thinking like that once I started to understand the game a lot better and actually start playing with better players.

Issue with a majority of you guys you'll just refuse to expect theirs a difference in skills between you and the top players. On top of that you guys refuse to even get better at the ONLY game mode you play in but just complaining none stop. If you guys spent the same amount of time complaining and crying over pointless kitten like the Leaderboard and in actually studying some Old Videos on how to play a class right/conquest you'll improve 10x faster.

LoL the forum now days has been noting but clueless players making horrible statements about a system they don't even understand. The Game Population is kitten in NA so people play during Off hours to farm horrible players to win rating and keep a high win ration. Noting with the system getting changed is going to help that.

Alright there, step down off your pedestal. I'll worry about me and how I play so don't go making assumptions like you know best. I don't really care the reason for the win rates. It's clear though that something is not working like it should for that to be happening. Like I've asked in other threads, go find me a main stream PvP game with a ranked team mode where the win rates are that high of top players. I'll wait. 70% is about the upper limit of what should be possible and that would take some serious skill and a good dash of luck. 90% is ludicrous and no one should be taking any kind of ranked system seriously that produces those numbers.

preety sure grubby has like 85-90% winrate in warcraft 3.all the while doing troll builds for requests from time to time.

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@bluri.2653 said:

@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:It's DuoQ hands down without any doubt.

When it was SoloQ only past 1600 rating everyone had about the same even winrates that most the leaderboard still has now. A good player might have a 60-70% winrate and there was very few if any alt accounts hogging LB spots.

DuoQ is too exploitable when it's merged with SoloQs. There might be legends/plat3s playing at any one time of the day, so when they queue together it's just busted and impossible. That's when one of them aren't smurfing on some silver alt to bring down their average rating for even easier wins for their buddy.And the alting is just nasty. Boosting and after Season 16 ended between 10-20 of the accounts on the leaderboard belonged to the same DuoQ, same two people.

Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago.

I can't speak for NA about dodging etc but I encourage other people to come queue at the same time as I do in EU times 20.00->22:00.Then we can get games like this:

Everyone here is 1700-1800+ which id say is a good game.

But as i have mentioned beforeadd 2v2 atsremove unrankedmake ranked soloq only


could also apply what they had back in the dayIn Season 9, players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above could no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active. [3] However, this was reverted in Season 13. [4]

idk how people felt about that

@ 00.47 secs you just teled through rock wall to other side.

Golf clap.

Hacking confirmed

no lol, Ive just never seen anyone in NA do that. Almost 9000 games later and ive learned something new. No sarcasm I was seriously impressed someone found that gap in Anet logic...

Inb4 it becomes a thing in NA, good thing people don't read forums.

also although it goes unsaid regardless, good thiefing. Ive never watched you play before. The way you engage/pull back and reset, the timing is perfect 99%. Wish I had thieves in NA who could play like this regularly. Instead 80-90% are "warrior" thieves.

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@MrFrusciante.2438 said:

@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:It's DuoQ hands down without any doubt.

When it was SoloQ only past 1600 rating everyone had about the same even winrates that most the leaderboard still has now. A good player might have a 60-70% winrate and there was very few if any alt accounts hogging LB spots.

DuoQ is too exploitable when it's merged with SoloQs. There might be legends/plat3s playing at any one time of the day, so when they queue together it's just busted and impossible. That's when one of them aren't smurfing on some silver alt to bring down their average rating for even easier wins for their buddy.And the alting is just nasty. Boosting and after Season 16 ended between 10-20 of the accounts on the leaderboard belonged to the same DuoQ, same two people.

Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago.

I can't speak for NA about dodging etc but I encourage other people to come queue at the same time as I do in EU times 20.00->22:00.Then we can get games like this:

Everyone here is 1700-1800+ which id say is a good game.

But as i have mentioned beforeadd 2v2 atsremove unrankedmake ranked soloq only


could also apply what they had back in the dayIn Season 9, players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above could no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active. [3] However, this was reverted in Season 13. [4]

idk how people felt about that

@ 00.47 secs you just teled through rock wall to other side.

Golf clap.

Hacking confirmed

no lol, Ive just never seen anyone in NA do that. Almost 9000 games later and ive learned something new. No sarcasm I was seriously impressed someone found that gap in Anet logic...

Inb4 it becomes a thing in NA, good thing people don't read forums.

also although it goes unsaid regardless, good thiefing. Ive never watched you play before. The way you engage/pull back and reset, the timing is perfect 99%. Wish I had thieves in NA who could play like this regularly. Instead 80-90% are "warrior" thieves.

I already watch his videos and Vallun.

When I first see them do this I realize I have smol brain.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:It's DuoQ hands down without any doubt.

When it was SoloQ only past 1600 rating everyone had about the same even winrates that most the leaderboard still has now. A good player might have a 60-70% winrate and there was very few if any alt accounts hogging LB spots.

DuoQ is too exploitable when it's merged with SoloQs. There might be legends/plat3s playing at any one time of the day, so when they queue together it's just busted and impossible. That's when one of them aren't smurfing on some silver alt to bring down their average rating for even easier wins for their buddy.And the alting is just nasty. Boosting and after Season 16 ended between 10-20 of the accounts on the leaderboard belonged to the same DuoQ, same two people.

Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago.

I can't speak for NA about dodging etc but I encourage other people to come queue at the same time as I do in EU times 20.00->22:00.Then we can get games like this:

Everyone here is 1700-1800+ which id say is a good game.

But as i have mentioned beforeadd 2v2 atsremove unrankedmake ranked soloq only


could also apply what they had back in the dayIn Season 9, players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above could no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active. [3] However, this was reverted in Season 13. [4]

idk how people felt about that

@ 00.47 secs you just teled through rock wall to other side.

Golf clap.

Hacking confirmed

no lol, Ive just never seen anyone in NA do that. Almost 9000 games later and ive learned something new. No sarcasm I was seriously impressed someone found that gap in Anet logic...

Inb4 it becomes a thing in NA, good thing people don't read forums.

also although it goes unsaid regardless, good thiefing. Ive never watched you play before. The way you engage/pull back and reset, the timing is perfect 99%. Wish I had thieves in NA who could play like this regularly. Instead 80-90% are "warrior" thieves.

I already watch his videos and Vallun.

When I first see them do this I realize I have smol brain.

ewww, vallun.so many consistently better FBs like Baristan.Im gonna get some hate for this but its ok.

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@MrFrusciante.2438 said:

@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:It's DuoQ hands down without any doubt.

When it was SoloQ only past 1600 rating everyone had about the same even winrates that most the leaderboard still has now. A good player might have a 60-70% winrate and there was very few if any alt accounts hogging LB spots.

DuoQ is too exploitable when it's merged with SoloQs. There might be legends/plat3s playing at any one time of the day, so when they queue together it's just busted and impossible. That's when one of them aren't smurfing on some silver alt to bring down their average rating for even easier wins for their buddy.And the alting is just nasty. Boosting and after Season 16 ended between 10-20 of the accounts on the leaderboard belonged to the same DuoQ, same two people.

Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago.

I can't speak for NA about dodging etc but I encourage other people to come queue at the same time as I do in EU times 20.00->22:00.Then we can get games like this:

Everyone here is 1700-1800+ which id say is a good game.

But as i have mentioned beforeadd 2v2 atsremove unrankedmake ranked soloq only


could also apply what they had back in the dayIn Season 9, players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above could no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active. [3] However, this was reverted in Season 13. [4]

idk how people felt about that

@ 00.47 secs you just teled through rock wall to other side.

Golf clap.

Hacking confirmed

no lol, Ive just never seen anyone in NA do that. Almost 9000 games later and ive learned something new. No sarcasm I was seriously impressed someone found that gap in Anet logic...

Inb4 it becomes a thing in NA, good thing people don't read forums.

also although it goes unsaid regardless, good thiefing. Ive never watched you play before. The way you engage/pull back and reset, the timing is perfect 99%. Wish I had thieves in NA who could play like this regularly. Instead 80-90% are "warrior" thieves.

I already watch his videos and Vallun.

When I first see them do this I realize I have smol brain.

ewww, vallun.so many consistently better FBs like Baristan.Im gonna get some hate for this but its ok.

Vallun is a thief main

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@MrFrusciante.2438 said:

@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:It's DuoQ hands down without any doubt.

When it was SoloQ only past 1600 rating everyone had about the same even winrates that most the leaderboard still has now. A good player might have a 60-70% winrate and there was very few if any alt accounts hogging LB spots.

DuoQ is too exploitable when it's merged with SoloQs. There might be legends/plat3s playing at any one time of the day, so when they queue together it's just busted and impossible. That's when one of them aren't smurfing on some silver alt to bring down their average rating for even easier wins for their buddy.And the alting is just nasty. Boosting and after Season 16 ended between 10-20 of the accounts on the leaderboard belonged to the same DuoQ, same two people.

Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago.

I can't speak for NA about dodging etc but I encourage other people to come queue at the same time as I do in EU times 20.00->22:00.Then we can get games like this:

Everyone here is 1700-1800+ which id say is a good game.

But as i have mentioned beforeadd 2v2 atsremove unrankedmake ranked soloq only


could also apply what they had back in the dayIn Season 9, players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above could no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active. [3] However, this was reverted in Season 13. [4]

idk how people felt about that

@ 00.47 secs you just teled through rock wall to other side.

Golf clap.

Hacking confirmed

no lol, Ive just never seen anyone in NA do that. Almost 9000 games later and ive learned something new. No sarcasm I was seriously impressed someone found that gap in Anet logic...

Inb4 it becomes a thing in NA, good thing people don't read forums.

also although it goes unsaid regardless, good thiefing. Ive never watched you play before. The way you engage/pull back and reset, the timing is perfect 99%. Wish I had thieves in NA who could play like this regularly. Instead 80-90% are "warrior" thieves.

I already watch his videos and Vallun.

When I first see them do this I realize I have smol brain.

ewww, vallun.so many consistently better FBs like Baristan.Im gonna get some hate for this but its ok.

Vallun and vallenous are two different ppl

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 said:They have high ratings because of players like me that test off meta builds in ranked.

That and after all these years I am still clueless about how conquest works.

I still have to stutter step with another player who might (25 stacks) be getting home.

Nerf Crab Fear, makes top players too stronk

Once I seen Crab Fear in game, true story.

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@bluri.2653 said:

@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:It's DuoQ hands down without any doubt.

When it was SoloQ only past 1600 rating everyone had about the same even winrates that most the leaderboard still has now. A good player might have a 60-70% winrate and there was very few if any alt accounts hogging LB spots.

DuoQ is too exploitable when it's merged with SoloQs. There might be legends/plat3s playing at any one time of the day, so when they queue together it's just busted and impossible. That's when one of them aren't smurfing on some silver alt to bring down their average rating for even easier wins for their buddy.And the alting is just nasty. Boosting and after Season 16 ended between 10-20 of the accounts on the leaderboard belonged to the same DuoQ, same two people.

Ah yes the classic about finding excuses. "they duo on alt that is silver!" as mentioned before busting this myth you take the rating from the highest duo to be applied this has been confirmed in the past and can be found in the algorithm so stop telling nonsense. It was possible back in s5~ to do this but got fixed years ago.

I can't speak for NA about dodging etc but I encourage other people to come queue at the same time as I do in EU times 20.00->22:00.Then we can get games like this:

Everyone here is 1700-1800+ which id say is a good game.

But as i have mentioned beforeadd 2v2 atsremove unrankedmake ranked soloq only


could also apply what they had back in the dayIn Season 9, players ranked Platinum 2 (1,600) and above could no longer duo-queue in Ranked matches while seasons are active. [3] However, this was reverted in Season 13. [4]

idk how people felt about that

@ 00.47 secs you just teled through rock wall to other side.

Golf clap.

Hacking confirmed

no lol, Ive just never seen anyone in NA do that. Almost 9000 games later and ive learned something new. No sarcasm I was seriously impressed someone found that gap in Anet logic...

Inb4 it becomes a thing in NA, good thing people don't read forums.

also although it goes unsaid regardless, good thiefing. Ive never watched you play before. The way you engage/pull back and reset, the timing is perfect 99%. Wish I had thieves in NA who could play like this regularly. Instead 80-90% are "warrior" thieves.

I already watch his videos and Vallun.

When I first see them do this I realize I have smol brain.

ewww, vallun.so many consistently better FBs like Baristan.Im gonna get some hate for this but its ok.

Vallun and vallenous are two different ppl

oh yea, well intention is the same even if I have a foot in my mouth.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@Ouk.5914 said:

@Ouk.5914 said:This entire Post is so full of misinformation.

Is it really hard for players to get a win rate that high? No, Play whatever busted at the moment with someone who's able to help carry games and Camp/Farm every random player who has no idea how to play. Do this none stop during off hours and you'll have a stupid high win rate. This is easily done with anyone with a brain and has an understanding on how Conquest works.

what's really getting annoying and sad to see now day's is that a majority of the SUPER Low plat players who BARELY able to stay in plat believe that win trading is a legit thing still in this very dead game. I Once use to think and act exactly like a majority of you and gave on thinking like that once I started to understand the game a lot better and actually start playing with better players.

Issue with a majority of you guys you'll just refuse to expect theirs a difference in skills between you and the top players. On top of that you guys refuse to even get better at the ONLY game mode you play in but just complaining none stop. If you guys spent the same amount of time complaining and crying over pointless kitten like the Leaderboard and in actually studying some Old Videos on how to play a class right/conquest you'll improve 10x faster.

LoL the forum now days has been noting but clueless players making horrible statements about a system they don't even understand. The Game Population is kitten in NA so people play during Off hours to farm horrible players to win rating and keep a high win ration. Noting with the system getting changed is going to help that.

Alright there, step down off your pedestal. I'll worry about me and how I play so don't go making assumptions like you know best. I don't really care the reason for the win rates. It's clear though that something is not working like it should for that to be happening. Like I've asked in other threads, go find me a main stream PvP game with a ranked team mode where the win rates are that high of top players. I'll wait. 70% is about the upper limit of what should be possible and that would take some serious skill and a good dash of luck. 90% is ludicrous and no one should be taking any kind of ranked system seriously that produces those numbers.

If you don't care then what was the purpose of the post? Seeking some sort of attention from other players?

Like you seem to not grasp or understand that This Game Is Dead and The Game Mode Called Spvp Doesn't have enough Players to support the system that's in place. The Difference Between Overwatch, Dota, League and any other real Competitive rank game is the fact that they HAVE players and a bigger number to work with unlike gw2.

Should probably step off the forums and actual research some of the issues that's been going on for years.

Dude, what is your problem? You're all aggro, go take that somewhere else. The point of my post is to continue to draw attention to the issue until either anet bans me or they say something about it. I'll continue to raise a stink until one of those two things happen. I'm not so sad as of yet to come to the forums attention seeking. I just hangout here while at work to burn some time. I already know lower player populations is an issue. Matter in fact I made a post just about that looking for what could be done to improve it.

You may not like how he says it, but this guy is 100% correct.

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