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Proof that Arena Nets Matchmaking Is Beyond Broken


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Conveniently, Arena Net removed the division pins from the end of the match summaries. Despite this, I have proof that they still match up gold pugs against top 10 duos. Well, I have a screenshot of 1400-1500 rating pug group being put up against a duo of ranks 5 and 6 but don't see a way to attach it. Did they disable that too? One of these two, (can't say which one due to the name and shame rule) I have seen him teleporting all around an hj forest map on warrior.

I'm pretty sure all of top ten atm are using a win trade system, so they likely had one guy on our side throwing or a 3rd on their side ready to leave game to save their rating if it looked like a loss. Its pretty obvious that this happens for any who still don't believe, the way Arena Net set this up with a max of 2 man teams, do you really think 105 wins to 5 losses is possible being 100 percent legit? I'll edit this to include screenshots if I find out how its done now.

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@garkos.2973 said:i have a solution make people have to win 1 pvp match daily before enabling pve to them:scream: I think we have too many AFK/idle players already!

PvP is too far gone now. Its population is so low that ANet is even less willing to fix it (try to picture infinity+1 or more accurately void-1 :dizzy:). Vicious circle of death.

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@Malak.7042 said:Conveniently, Arena Net removed the division pins from the end of the match summaries. Despite this, I have proof that they still match up gold pugs against top 10 duos. Well, I have a screenshot of 1400-1500 rating pug group being put up against a duo of ranks 5 and 6 but don't see a way to attach it. Did they disable that too? One of these two, (can't say which one due to the name and shame rule) I have seen him teleporting all around an hj forest map on warrior.

I'm pretty sure all of top ten atm are using a win trade system, so they likely had one guy on our side throwing or a 3rd on their side ready to leave game to save their rating if it looked like a loss. Its pretty obvious that this happens for any who still don't believe, the way Arena Net set this up with a max of 2 man teams, do you really think 105 wins to 5 losses is possible being 100 percent legit? I'll edit this to include screenshots if I find out how its done now.

Upload the screenshot to a site like imgur and then just post the link here, or use the image attachment option (top of the box where you type your text and on the far right) after uploading the image to imgur.

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@Ara.4569 said:

@garkos.2973 said:i have a solution make people have to win 1 pvp match daily before enabling pve to them:scream: I think we have too many AFK/idle players already!

PvP is too far gone now. Its population is so low that ANet is
even less
willing to fix it (try to picture infinity+1 or more accurately void-1 :dizzy:). Vicious circle of death.

but tehy can t go pve until tehy win

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Come on, people really thought that players having 80~90% win rate was okay? That nothing shady was going on? This aint news, you just wasting time, Anet will never acknowlegde this. lol I just went from Plat to Gold today, all games where losses(not even close games) lol we dont need proof that the matchmaking is broken, we allready know it is.

@Malak.7042 said:Sounds like it needs a redesign until their population picks up, if it ever does.

I dont think that spvp population will ever grown, will only shrink from here and foward...and the only ones to blame are the Anet devs thenselfs, i mean, look what PoF done to the game mode...what was the point of having a beta weekeend test if they aint even gonna bother try to rebalance the specs based on the feedback that we provided.

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Inst manipulation, the low playerbase lead it to weird results no matter how best algorith is.Depending on the turn, you will notice that you are playing with the same 10 or 20 people for several hours.Players who play long hours, perceive easily.

I am completely in favor of eliminating the ranked and only staying with the tournaments for "competition".The random system is meant to be perpetually flawed.

Come back with premades. its better than manipulation and chaos.

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