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For the love of consequences... (Repair costs)


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@Fueki.4753 said:

@"Excursion.9752" said:
But thanks for proving my point that
having a reduction in overall effectiveness would make people actually think about death.

It would make people think about quitting the game, and thus hammering more nails into the coffin.It might be hard for you, but try to imagine:People play games to
from their stressing work/school hours, not to stress out even more.Not everyone is a hardcore perfect-play addict that feels the needs to get punished for mistakes.

Having to pay for waypointing after death and the setback are sufficient punishment.MMORPGs used to have EXP loss as punishing death mechanics.And can you guess why that practice died out?
Because most people do not appreciate to get punished in the leisure time.

I've played many different games and I would be hard pressed to find people saying "What the heck I have to repair! I'm out, peace". If your going to use a waypoint why wouldn't you pick one close to where you can repair at? Most people do right now anyhow. If repairing your armor is enough to shake your world maybe its time for a break. People should be required to learn the mechanics of the situation they're in and become better. This even comes without all this "Hardcore Perfect Play" that you speak of. If anyone is not improving on a daily basis they are doing it wrong. We are not the same players today as we were when we started playing.

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@Excursion.9752 said:If anyone is not improving on a daily basis they are doing it wrong.

This one statement makes your entire argumentation obsolete.People play to relax, enjoy and have fun, not to improve some performance.They don't want to treat it as some effort-driven pile of excrements that requires them to continuously getting better, like school or work.If you want to punish yourself, do it by simply taking off your armour or, as (I suggested already) play another game that has the feature you want.Most people do not want this kind of thing, so stop trying to make it sound like a good idea.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@"Excursion.9752" said:If anyone is not improving on a daily basis they are doing it wrong.

This one statement makes your entire argumentation obsolete.People play to
relax, enjoy and have fun
, not to improve some performance.They don't want to treat it as some effort-driven pile of excrements that requires them to continuously getting better, like school or work.If you want to punish yourself, do it by simply taking off your armour or, as (I suggested already) play another game that has the feature you want.
Most people do not want this kind of thing
, so stop trying to make it sound like a good idea.

For a person who is preaching "relax" you are a little wound up. When I reply to you I address your whole comment where you just pick one thing that you want to focus on to try and be right. In my opinion making yourself look a little silly because one could make a lot of assumptions about your style of play. Do you right now seriously run around all the time not repairing your armor? I hope not. But I guess your right I am all the time reading in map chat "Wow, Im having fun not repairing its so relaxing!" Your obsolete comment is hilarious by the way because everyone does get better everyday that they play. I guess unless your idea of playing is standing in town talking in map chat...

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People forget that the gold per event you get is half as much or even 75% reduced, forgot. Keep capture event in wvw was 7,5 silver, now it's 3,68?

That was the countermeasure for paying repair cost.

I think what anet did on long term was good. It's attracts new players, removes one stress point unnecessary in the game (plenty of stress possible in dhuum cm and similar), and makes the game more 'convenient' to play (wich is important imo as gaming is entertainment, not 'work-a-holic' thing (like repairing is not playing the game but loosing time).

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@Excursion.9752 said:

Deaths should have a penalty:Lose 15% overall effectiveness every time you die.

Pretty Much how GW1 was with death. You'd have a Death Penality of -15% to a maximum of -60% and then you could obtain a boost of maximum +10%.

Killing stuff removed the DP slowly or unless you had food items that removed 10%- All DP.

The difference is that GW1 didn't have armour repair, so the DP % is basically the Armour.

What would be nice is if they did add an armour icon when armour is damaged to show the % of effectiveness you have lost would be.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:MMORPGs used to have EXP loss as punishing death mechanics.And can you guess why that practice died out?
Because most people do not appreciate to get punished in the leisure time.

You don’t speak for everyone nor is there necessarily a causation.

To be fair, s/he didn't say that they spoke for everyone.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:MMORPGs used to have EXP loss as punishing death mechanics.And can you guess why that practice died out?
Because most people do not appreciate to get punished in the leisure time.

You don’t speak for everyone nor is there necessarily a causation.

To be fair, s/he didn't say that they spoke for everyone.

Well “most people” then.

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Since apparently there are too few veteran players in this thread:

ANet got rid of costs after a sizable outcry from people who were running dungeons and what was the original "hard" content of the game back in the day, where considerable sums were being spent on constant repairs due to armor breakage. Because before the power creep and figuring out ways to cheese every fight, yeah, people died regularly and death started to outweigh the rewards.

Ergo why repair costs -- like that for resetting your traits -- are gone.

@"Excursion.9752" said:Deaths should have a penalty:Lose 15% overall effectiveness every time you die.

I believe you're looking for Guild Wars 1, where this was a thing, and where mobs did not respawn since all maps were instanced. And no, it was not fun hunting down powerful foes to remove that penalty, when the effect for defeating them was only ever a +2% effectiveness. There's a reason it idn't come back.

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Maybe they can tie the cost of repair to crafting? Like if you have armorsmith lvled up you become better at repairing at a reduced cost.

Make it acount wide and like have the cost for a maxed out crafting be a couple copper, a silver or 2 if its completely wrecked and like 5 to 6 silver if you have no crafting experience whatsoever.

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@zealex.9410 said:Maybe they can tie the cost of repair to crafting? Like if you have armorsmith lvled up you become better at repairing at a reduced cost.

Make it acount wide and like have the cost for a maxed out crafting be a couple copper, a silver or 2 if its completely wrecked and like 5 to 6 silver if you have no crafting experience whatsoever.

Or just leave it as is. The price would still be so small as to not exist in the first place, so theres still no point for doing it even that way, especially given the dev time involved to make such a thing that accomplishes nothing function.

Still glad they got rid of repairs costs, and retrait costs.

The game has one big annoyance as is for death and thats the travel back and i think thats enough, even with mounts its terribly annoying.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Maybe they can tie the cost of repair to crafting? Like if you have armorsmith lvled up you become better at repairing at a reduced cost.

Make it acount wide and like have the cost for a maxed out crafting be a couple copper, a silver or 2 if its completely wrecked and like 5 to 6 silver if you have no crafting experience whatsoever.

Or just leave it as is. The price would still be so small as to not exist in the first place, so theres still no point for doing it even that way, especially given the dev time involved to make such a thing that accomplishes nothing function.

Still glad they got rid of repairs costs, and retrait costs.

The game has one big annoyance as is for death and thats the travel back and i think thats enough, even with mounts its terribly annoying.

You call it annoyance i call ot risk and consequences, it makes the game mroe meaningful and engaging for some.

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I've been playing a few months, so in GW2 terms I'm a veritable newbie. Just recently I was thinking about games I've played in the past that had more significant penalties for death and what a pain it was to be forced to pay or even have permanent impairment to damaged gear. It took some of the fun out of the game and my thought was that GW2 was a more enjoyable system. This is a game - I want to play and have fun. I don't want to be forced to stop game play to have to travel to a town and pay to have my gear fixed or worry that my expensive gear will be made less effective just because I wasn't paying full attention or was trying more difficult challenges on my own.

I don't understand why someone would want this. Because you want everyone to become better players that make more effort to avoid death? No one likes to die in game, so I think the challenge of not succeeding is enough. It IS a game and it should be fun. Don't make it so that we need to stop game play or worry about death to the point it interrupts the enjoyment of playing the game.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@zealex.9410 said:Maybe they can tie the cost of repair to crafting? Like if you have armorsmith lvled up you become better at repairing at a reduced cost.

Make it acount wide and like have the cost for a maxed out crafting be a couple copper, a silver or 2 if its completely wrecked and like 5 to 6 silver if you have no crafting experience whatsoever.

Or just leave it as is. The price would still be so small as to not exist in the first place, so theres still no point for doing it even that way, especially given the dev time involved to make such a thing that accomplishes nothing function.

Still glad they got rid of repairs costs, and retrait costs.

The game has one big annoyance as is for death and thats the travel back and i think thats enough, even with mounts its terribly annoying.

You call it annoyance i call ot risk and consequences, it makes the game mroe meaningful and engaging for some.And a lot more annoying for others.

Let's face it, those of us who have played a long time and learned the ins and outs of this game will hardly notice it, as we have plenty of resources, fully leveled crafters, and rarely if ever die anyway. The people who will notice it are the ones new to the game, without much gold or the experience to avoid dying.

Veterans crying for "consequences" that will hardly affect them but make life for those still learning a lot more annoying, are either looking for a cheap way to feel superior to all those "noobs" or not thinking about the consequences at all.

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Personally I would rather it be left as it is since I often must afk for family needs at any moment. I don't often play so going out of my way to collect some coin just to cover repair costs throughout the days will be something I don't want to add to my list of chores just to be able to play/keep my armor fixed. Just as well I no longer have the time to practice and "get gud."

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