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Class stacking in Duo Tourneys


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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@Shao.7236 said:Needs to be a degree of commitment when people queue up. At least for Ranked, if people want to PvE and PvP via two different characters, should they play unranked because this allows people to manipulate the MM in a way.

I’m not disagreeing in any way, just want to point out He is talking about Tourneys

I forgot to put tourney in there op, but yes. There should be no going around it.

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@lare.5129 said:don't like 2*2 ? - don't join. Or I am not see some core point of this discussion ?

the only vegetable shop in your city sells rotten food.

  • if you dont like rotten food dont buy those vegetables, just buy something else.how about selling good vegetables?Back to topic, stealth and support stacking WILL be an issue.Be it double thief or thief + mesmer or rev with perma aoe stealth thief or whatever.If the 2 people can permastealth, and are on coms. And hit at the same time ( due to communication ) you dont even have to run 1shot builds, people WILL be burst down.And in all honesty I have NO clue how that could be fixed, other then some unfun bias fixes like giving cap to stealth and such.
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The game is not, and should not, be balanced for 2v2. People will of course play the best combination of classes to get the most advantage, this is what most people tend to call min-maxing only in this case they are min-maxing two classes at once. There is nothing wrong with this just because it makes it unpleasant for those who are not doing this.

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@kratan.4619 said:The game is not, and should not, be balanced for 2v2. People will of course play the best combination of classes to get the most advantage, this is what most people tend to call min-maxing only in this case they are min-maxing two classes at once. There is nothing wrong with this just because it makes it unpleasant for those who are not doing this.

so? is there any reason why the game shouldnt be made more fun for more people? if it takes having different balance for 2v2 then 5v5 then so be it.

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I mean, the 2v2 tournaments I have done with Mike does have rules that prevent that and for good reason so it shouldn't be something that's ignored because of the obvious issues. Then again new patch soon, we'll see how the perma stealth and symbol spam fairs out after it.

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@"kratan.4619" said:The game is not, and should not, be balanced for 2v2. People will of course play the best combination of classes to get the most advantage, this is what most people tend to call min-maxing only in this case they are min-maxing two classes at once. There is nothing wrong with this just because it makes it unpleasant for those who are not doing this.That's the dumbest argument I have ever read in this forum.

Every abuse needs something to abuse.

The game wouldn't even exist anymore without the players "not doing this" because it would have a place in history of failed balance attempts which lost their playerbase within months.

Imagine everyone oneshotting each other or 24/7 bunker matchups not dying forever. Even for the min-max tryharders this is fun for a few hours and then they leave the game behind too because the reason for doing this (winning at any cost, even at the cost of the fun of others - pathetic, isn't it?) won't be there.

What do you think why GW2 failed at e-sports? (rhetorical question)

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@"Leonidrex.5649" said:the only vegetable shop in your city sells rotten food.I play long time gw2, and don't wait, and don't believe, in some "magic balance".As for me people who wait balance never play other games and live in ideal world with pink pony...Welcome Neo.

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