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CC wars 2


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This is kind of what I was getting at when I tried to warn that increasing CDs too much just leads to a "Zerg meta" and does not reduce spam.

When those CDs are high, it becomes laughably easy to just +1 someone and spam interrupts while the other guy dumps dps on them for free. And if you think it's bad now, just wait until more people figure out how exploitable it is.

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@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:This is kind of what I was getting at when I tried to warn that increasing CDs too much just leads to a "Zerg meta" and does not reduce spam.

When those CDs are high, it becomes laughably easy to just +1 someone and spam interrupts while the other guy dumps dps on them for free. And if you think it's bad now, just wait until more people figure out how exploitable it is.

There is just too much CC. I think the solution is to just nerf CC across the board now. The durations shouldn't have ever been buffed.

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@TheGreatEdgelord.7048 said:If only an enlighted mind could possibly presume that making most stunbreak/stability skills unviable while lefting CCs untouched - besides its damage - would lead to a CC-while-someone-else-does-stuff meta.

Almost every single time I died was due to CC chain. Otherwise most bunkerish builds can cycle through Healing/CDs. This the worst sPvP was in years.

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@otto.5684 said:

@TheGreatEdgelord.7048 said:If only an enlighted mind could possibly presume that making most stunbreak/stability skills unviable while lefting CCs untouched - besides its damage - would lead to a CC-while-someone-else-does-stuff meta.

Almost every single time I died was due to CC chain. Otherwise most bunkerish builds can cycle through Healing/CDs. This the worst sPvP was in years.

Competitive game modes were never better, people just look back on the past with rose-tinted glasses. Both PvP and WvW have been garbage since the beginning and in the last half a year or so are only just now starting to show some promise.

What's happened is that people have lost that new relationship energy they had with the game.

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@Hannelore.8153 said:

@TheGreatEdgelord.7048 said:If only an enlighted mind could possibly presume that making most stunbreak/stability skills unviable while lefting CCs untouched - besides its damage - would lead to a CC-while-someone-else-does-stuff meta.

Almost every single time I died was due to CC chain. Otherwise most bunkerish builds can cycle through Healing/CDs. This the worst sPvP was in years.

Competitive game modes were never better, people just look back on the past with rose-tinted glasses. Both PvP and WvW have been garbage since the beginning and in the last half a year or so are only just now starting to show some promise.

What's happened is that people have lost that new relationship energy they had with the game.

Pretty much, the game still played like it was. There's more value and emphasis on the skills now which add to the difficulty.

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@"Master Ketsu.4569" said:This is kind of what I was getting at when I tried to warn that increasing CDs too much just leads to a "Zerg meta" and does not reduce spam.

When those CDs are high, it becomes laughably easy to just +1 someone and spam interrupts while the other guy dumps dps on them for free. And if you think it's bad now, just wait until more people figure out how exploitable it is.

Wouldnt upping cc cds or lowering cc dur and generally taking alot of cc stuff away fix the issue?

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@Hannelore.8153 said:

@"TheGreatEdgelord.7048" said:If only an enlighted mind could possibly presume that making most stunbreak/stability skills unviable while lefting CCs untouched - besides its damage - would lead to a CC-while-someone-else-does-stuff meta.

Almost every single time I died was due to CC chain. Otherwise most bunkerish builds can cycle through Healing/CDs. This the worst sPvP was in years.

Competitive game modes were never better, people just look back on the past with rose-tinted glasses. Both PvP and WvW have been garbage since the beginning and in the last half a year or so are only just now starting to show some promise.

What's happened is that people have lost that new relationship energy they had with the game.

As much as this is true, one cannot simply trivialize the fact that this patch either potentialized or neglected the current ubiquity of hard CCs. The global chopping of stability and stunbreaks made stunlocking a vulnerability to many builds. But given the lower combat cadence yielded by the upscaling of CDs across the game, inhibiting one of any sort of defensive counterstrategy through continuous CC application seems like the only way of taking down the many bunker-ish builds that aroused in this patch. Not only that, but an increased combat time-to-death means that +1s are now much more effective; loosening the control you have over your own fights and emphasizing zerging/targeting - rather than "emphasis[ing] on [your own] skills". Overall, i'm midly dissappointed with cmc's work; and I think we'll need a CC balance patch pretty soon.

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It's pretty annoying now. I didn't realize they reduced the cooldowns but it's definitely noticeable. I had a hammer warrior cc'ing me every other ability one match, and I was on a weaver with very little access to stability. So we couldn't kill each other due to our builds, but it was just spammable cc.

I've noticed a similar issue with firebrands though, especially axe 3.

Other than that I haven't noticed anything too crazy. Holo is still annoying and there are a few that must have a macro or something because their hip shots seem to somehow act like tracking missles and target the second you teleport away or stealth. Faster than a normal person's reaction time. But that's beside the point.

That warrior though was ridiculous. I know people don't really play hammer and it wasn't doing that much damage, but just imagining that amount of spammable cc from more than one person or completely locking down a support is crazy.

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