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Why does Headbutt even exist...


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Just last patch it was buffed to deal damage per risk reward , you lose stab but you also stun your self and deal more damage. The skill says it does 6 base damage so now im hitting 12. How redundant is that ? I know this post may be removed but this is by far the worse effort to balance a game ever. PdnVTZ5.jpg

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I say maybe 80% of the traits , weapons , utulities , food , runes , will be obsolete. So it's not only headbutt... i've seen skills getting 300 sec cooldown with a huge DPS of 3 DMG. At this point why not remove all those ''skills?'' and remove classes and elite specs and condense them in once big melting pots............

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Remember that this is a competitive balancing patch, not a rework.They did what they could to go fast in the direction they wanted.Besides that skills are always linked to PVE, so if they have to change a skill like the one you're talking about it will impact pve.It would have taken a rework of all the CC skills in game, which would have been crazy work.

Example on reaper we took the same thing with 5 of the shroud which makes 30 of damage which passes to 150 on a target at -25% so it is completely useless but there is pve so they are obliged to keep it there for the moment.The worst it is the warrior hammer 3/4 of these attacks including 15 of damages ^^And you have all passive traits which have an ICC of 90 to 300s which will be reworked surely.Even if I think that CC skills should also do 0.01 of damage in pve it would simplify the rotation and reduce the gap of level cap.

Think of the patch as an alpha test to test things, to polish up all the adjustments and ask for long and expensive skill or trait rework making sure that bass skills are now properly balanced.

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@"Hadi.6025" said:Just last patch it was buffed to deal damage per risk reward , you lose stab but you also stun your self and deal more damage. The skill says it does 6 base damage so now im hitting 12. How redundant is that ? I know this post may be removed but this is by far the worse effort to balance a game ever. PdnVTZ5.jpg

It exists so you can bang your head against the wall wondering why ANET hasn't nerfed thief stealth and gotten rid of that ridiculous portal they gave thieves.

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@Heibi.4251 said:

@"Hadi.6025" said:Just last patch it was buffed to deal damage per risk reward , you lose stab but you also stun your self and deal more damage. The skill says it does 6 base damage so now im hitting 12. How redundant is that ? I know this post may be removed but this is by far the worse effort to balance a game ever.

It exists so you can bang your head against the wall wondering why ANET hasn't nerfed thief stealth and gotten rid of that ridiculous portal they gave thieves.

But it’s not gonna hurt you that much since you’d only be doing 6 damage to yourself.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Remember that they established a new baseline to build off of. I expect that there will be some hard CC skills that get their damage increased to something not 15 points. Gunflame is an example of a hard CC that they did not gut, and I expect that Headbutt will get its damage increased to something like 2k.

Well in regards to Gunflame I don't think many daze skills in general got touched, although honestly I would be happy for them to remove the daze from Gunflame. I think it's absolutely ridiculous they shipped Headbutt and Wild Blow in the state they're in though, it felt really heavy-handed and I'm not sure how they thought it was gonna be good. Wild Blow deals 8 dmg but has a built in 100% crit chance, just feels silly.

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People keep complaining about CC but now every fight is just being stunlocked. All I hear is how Warrior's CC is weak especially, yet that's all any Warrior is running now, Hammer and max CC in utility slots, because its hard to break out of/resist now.

Do you ever think, because it doesn't work for you, doesn't mean it doesn't work for someone else ?

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@"Hadi.6025" said:Just last patch it was buffed to deal damage per risk reward , you lose stab but you also stun your self and deal more damage. The skill says it does 6 base damage so now im hitting 12. How redundant is that ? I know this post may be removed but this is by far the worse effort to balance a game ever. PdnVTZ5.jpg

This is an example of a skill that already had a trade-off, I agree it probably shouldn't have been on the list. They did apply the same metric across the board though. What we don't know is what metric they will be using to re-adjust back up skills. Is it a matter of now no one using it? We will know more of their thoughts in 7 weeks. If the damage stays the same then Peak Performance should be adjusted. What's the point of having a trait that adds 15% damage to skills that pretty much don't do damage. Since they left that in I am hoping that means the zeroing out was to get a baseline that they can then adjust back up. I have to agree with some of zone chat though, I think we will see more combos where one player stacks all attacks and a partner packs all CCs and then we are right back to where we were.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Remember that they established a new baseline to build off of. I expect that there will be some hard CC skills that get their damage increased to something not 15 points. Gunflame is an example of a hard CC that they did not gut, and I expect that Headbutt will get its damage increased to something like 2k.

Well in regards to Gunflame I don't think many daze skills in general got touched, although honestly I would be happy for them to remove the daze from Gunflame. I think it's absolutely ridiculous they shipped Headbutt and Wild Blow in the state they're in though, it felt really heavy-handed and I'm not sure how they thought it was gonna be good. Wild Blow deals 8 dmg but has a built in 100% crit chance, just feels silly.

Yeah, I feel that Wild Blow and Headbutt should be exceptions here.

@Hannelore.8153 said:People keep complaining about CC but now every fight is just being stunlocked. All I hear is how Warrior's CC is weak especially, yet that's all any Warrior is running now, Hammer and max CC in utility slots, because its hard to break out of/resist now.

Do you ever think, because it doesn't work for you, doesn't mean it doesn't work for someone else ?

The complaint is not that warrior CC is weak, but that there are now two weapons that deal basically no damage unless you trait for a single stack of bleed per hard CC. The mace/mace + hammer builds you are seeing are there now to troll other players until a +1 shows up to actually get the kill. Which to be honest is supposed to be the role of CC right? Also, it is entirely possible with the core version of that build to perma CC lockdown someone once they've blown their stab/stunbreaks.

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tradeoffDon't talk about the self stun as if it was a tradeoff. That effect is meant to synergize with Savage Instinct and Eternal Champion.


Combo: headbutt to build up adrenaline -> enter berserk -> this breaks stun and gives you tons of fancy shit -> kill the stunned target

Please lern the basics of your class before you complain!

redundantThe pvp balance team can't edit skill mechanics but just change numbers. Look at executioner scythe for reaper: damage above 50%: 0.01, below 50%: 0.015, below 25%: 0.02. These ridiculous and useless numbers are just placeholders to be able to split the skill between game modes without mechanical editings.

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@"KrHome.1920" said:Don't talk about the self stun as if it was a tradeoff. That effect is meant to synergize with Savage Instinct and Eternal Champion.


Please lern the basics of your class before you complain!

That's called a build. That's what we are going for. When you have to use multiple components together to make up a combination that is effective. In this case you have to look at the skill alone. Skillful play is about using combinations of skills and other abilities to create something more. What needs to be reviewed are abilities that are overpowered on their own.

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:That's called a build. That's what we are going for. When you have to use multiple components together to make up a combination that is effective. In this case you have to look at the skill alone. Skillful play is about using combinations of skills and other abilities to create something more. What needs to be reviewed are abilities that are overpowered on their own.

So let's view the nerfed Headbutt in a bubble by itself. It is still a stunbreak. It is still a movement skill/gap closer. It still gives you full rage bar so it can be used at the beginning of a fight to get immediately into berserk. It is still a 3 second stun and a boon strip on enemies. All on a 25 second cooldown. There isn't a single other elite in the game that offers this many beneficial mechanics on even close to this short of a cooldown. In fact it is the only elite skill in the game with less than a 40s cd. There has to be negative trade offs, even before you consider synergy with other mechanics, of which there are many, beyond what was already linked.

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