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I have not been this excited to play guild wars 2 in a long time. 2v2 is amazing. Just like all the tournies. Now with less passives!! Good stuff.

Yea balance might not be perfect but at least there's more punishment for bad play now. The fact that we actually have a 2v2 RANKED queue is a big step in the right direction. I'm thrilled.

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Yes! 2v2 is fantastic! I'm loving every second of it!

However, there are flaws. For instance, from personal experience even though you could, don't. pug. Get. a. friend. Seriously, the stakes of the game are much higher than in conquest. If your partner is a troll, afker or toxic individual, you're pretty much guaranteed a loss. Your partner is 50% of the match, lose that chance and you're pretty much toast.

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@JTGuevara.9018 said:Yes! 2v2 is fantastic! I'm loving every second of it!

However, there are flaws. For instance, from personal experience even though you could, don't. pug. Get. a. friend. Seriously, the stakes of the game are much higher than in conquest. If your partner is a troll, afker or toxic individual, you're pretty much guaranteed a loss. Your partner is 50% of the match, lose that chance and you're pretty much toast.

Yes but you only need 1 friend to play with and you'll be good. Id rather have 1 friend /guildmate with me in 2v2 than 1 guildmate with me 2/5. Feels way less random in matches and much more about skill (not considering balance that's a separate issue ofc)

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So far, I enjoy 2v2. My one concern is the enhanced opportunity for salt/rage quitting. I was worried going in, that if I'm the first on my team to die the other guy is gonna go berserk about it. This did happen in my first match--my teammate got furious and rage-quit on me. In fairness, my build needed a lot of alteration--it was designed for the typical 5v5 mode and did not transfer over well at all. I performed well after I changed it, and had no further issue with salt. But honestly? Salt drives people away from PvP, and whereas it gets offset a little bit in 5v5 matches, in 2v2 its OBVIOUS who the weak link is, and this invites more direct abuse.

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@Weindrasi.3805 said:So far, I enjoy 2v2. My one concern is the enhanced opportunity for salt/rage quitting. I was worried going in, that if I'm the first on my team to die the other guy is gonna go berserk about it. This did happen in my first match--my teammate got furious and rage-quit on me. In fairness, my build needed a lot of alteration--it was designed for the typical 5v5 mode and did not transfer over well at all. I performed well after I changed it, and had no further issue with salt. But honestly? Salt drives people away from PvP, and whereas it gets offset a little bit in 5v5 matches, in 2v2 its OBVIOUS who the weak link is, and this invites more direct abuse.

@Weindrasi.3805 said:So far, I enjoy 2v2. My one concern is the enhanced opportunity for salt/rage quitting. I was worried going in, that if I'm the first on my team to die the other guy is gonna go berserk about it. This did happen in my first match--my teammate got furious and rage-quit on me. In fairness, my build needed a lot of alteration--it was designed for the typical 5v5 mode and did not transfer over well at all. I performed well after I changed it, and had no further issue with salt. But honestly? Salt drives people away from PvP, and whereas it gets offset a little bit in 5v5 matches, in 2v2 its OBVIOUS who the weak link is, and this invites more direct abuse.

Like I've commented earlier, 2v2 is the perfect opportunity to play with a friend.It gives much bigger benefit than duo queue in conquest. Get your rank, team up with someone on your level in your guild or make new friends etc.

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Well it's something that can get boring fast since it is only 2 vs. 2 and only a deathmatch (boring game mode). Since my unranked match yesterday counted for rated game win for the daily achievements I'm trying to avoid a the ranked mode a bit until conquest is back. (Seems it takes some time ... I thought they wanted to to mini seasons this one seems to be 1 full month though.)

Still there are the chests for the rewards. I quess I'll just do it for fun - since the matches don't take that long. Not trying to play serious and try some different/fun builds without paying attention to the other team member. (Yes they might rage quit or even try to insult you if you are not that strong at combat. Then again when losing and losing rank on the enemy team might be even worse players ha ha. :D )

What I don't understand though is why they allow duo queue? Does that mean in conquest the 5-man-queue will come back? In a 2 vs. 2 the 1-2 queue is same as 1-5 in a 5-players game mode..

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@Luthan.5236 said:Well it's something that can get boring fast since it is only 2 vs. 2 and only a deathmatch (boring game mode). Since my unranked match yesterday counted for rated game win for the daily achievements I'm trying to avoid a the ranked mode a bit until conquest is back. (Seems it takes some time ... I thought they wanted to to mini seasons this one seems to be 1 full month though.)

Still there are the chests for the rewards. I quess I'll just do it for fun - since the matches don't take that long. Not trying to play serious and try some different/fun builds without paying attention to the other team member. (Yes they might rage quit or even try to insult you if you are not that strong at combat. Then again when losing and losing rank on the enemy team might be even worse players ha ha. :D )

What I don't understand though is why they allow duo queue? Does that mean in conquest the 5-man-queue will come back? In a 2 vs. 2 the 1-2 queue is same as 1-5 in a 5-players game mode..

@Luthan.5236 said:Well it's something that can get boring fast since it is only 2 vs. 2 and only a deathmatch (boring game mode). Since my unranked match yesterday counted for rated game win for the daily achievements I'm trying to avoid a the ranked mode a bit until conquest is back. (Seems it takes some time ... I thought they wanted to to mini seasons this one seems to be 1 full month though.)

Still there are the chests for the rewards. I quess I'll just do it for fun - since the matches don't take that long. Not trying to play serious and try some different/fun builds without paying attention to the other team member. (Yes they might rage quit or even try to insult you if you are not that strong at combat. Then again when losing and losing rank on the enemy team might be even worse players ha ha. :D )

What I don't understand though is why they allow duo queue? Does that mean in conquest the 5-man-queue will come back? In a 2 vs. 2 the 1-2 queue is same as 1-5 in a 5-players game mode..

Remove duo queue so you have to play alone? Yea no ty. May as well turn it into a 1v1 match instead. Which would be worse.

2v2 is pure action, no running around to cap nodes.

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:2v2 pug is awful, the impact of 1 player being at a significantly lower or higher level destroys the balance of the fight. Same applies to pug versus premade.Furthermore being picked as target by a coordinated team can mean a cc spam which is awful gameplay.

Balance is separate issue, but just get a friend to play with. Everyone else does it

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@Weindrasi.3805 said:Salt drives people away from PvPIncorrect, in my opinion. For example, I play because I want to, and I don't play (anymore) just because someone doesn't like me or insults me. If I am no longer interested in playing, I do not play (anymore). Pretty simple. In PvP, you're (usually) not dealing with bots or NPCs, but with real people, i.e. players with emotions. Of course there are limits to the amount of insults, no question. However, the means are or should be available (blocking, reporting, ...) to counteract this. Someone who is so influenced by the (often) lowly motives of his fellow players has little to do with such a game mode in my opinion. In other words, should stay away from this mode.

And here it is not necessarily or lastly the people involved, i.e. the players, who set the mood and direction, but those who have developed the game mode and continue to develop it. If there is no further development or adjustments, this is more likely to be a bad thing than a good thing. Nothing we haven't experienced in GW2 (PvP), right? :)

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@"Malsheem.1794" said:Nothing personal against 2vs2 (or the ppl who likes i)

Same goes for me.

but, I honestly dont understand why Anet would introduce yet another gamingmode that needs separate balance.

Well, there is not much to understand (no offense). ANet does nothing unusual in itself, right? You could run it under one or more of the slogans "Better late than never" or " those believed dead live longer". Meanwhile, I would understand it more as damage limitation or the approach of redress. According to, we are always trying...


I personally think that ANet has suffered such "image damage" (at least as far as the competition modes are concerned) due to its almost inactivity (and previous leadership) that it will be difficult (or even impossible) to recover from it. At least as far as GW2 is concerned. In this case, any implementation, no matter how interesting it may be, basically doesn't matter anymore (I like to be convinced of the opposite). Basically, GuildWars (as a whole) needs a clear cut, a progressive [new] number [Enter your desired number here, for example 3] (without going into further details). But this will not happen, at least not in the near or even distant future!

Don't misunderstand, the new features are (according to the circumstances) okay in themselves so far (I repeat, not great or superior, at least ok), just at the wrong time so to say.



WvW and SPVP is already more than a handfull.

Just let it work on you (and smile).Source: Swiss Tournaments Are Coming



Short question: "How many of these seemingly thousands of players are multiple accounts"? :3 <3 ;)

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While i'm happy that some player like it, and i'm happy for them it works, i gotta say i hate 2vs 2. There is no fighting rush in it, there is no 'time your skill now or loose' in it, there is no 'gogogogogo' vibe. There is no fast gameplay. There is no counter to strong builds (capping far), all builds with lot of aoe, but bad 1vs1 suddenly useless. Pace of fights is insanely slow, i always hated bunker meta and well it's worst in a lifetime now, since 2vs2 makes the aspect of a class 'more present', and the 'kill or loose ' factor, makes surviving all to tempting via sustain. And last but not least: comebacks are impossible. 1vs2 the 1 always loose. (Unless the fight ended with all ppl very low on hp).

Just when anet force me (sort off- i know i have a choice) to do pvp, it even worse then the aoe/sustain spam it was one year ago when i quit. Sad panda.

I will play pvp... and i will not like it for the time coming. So far i havent afk, but i must say it's insanely tempting in these matches.

The 'rush' factor is gone from pvp (aka fast paced excitment). Like you are on mid, half your team is about to die, BUTTTTT enemy team as wel. You go in overdrive, aoe, evade that well timed stun, your land your skill, you sneak in a stun to burst, you give everything for a stomp... and you can't predict the outcome but you feel the pressure to go very deep to get victory. This simply is not here. AT least with zerker vs zerker there would be a timing/evade factor, and also the 'as fast as possible ' factor would be important (for conquest the camp points made that so). Here there is absolutely to much time buying, tanking, running out of aoe, leaping away, stealthing, invulnerability, aegis ,stability, etc. 90% of the game is that now. And you know what, if after 1 min both teams still have 80% of hp, i loose my patience, focus and rush factor (long before actually). It's usually then i die. But worse, i don't care i do, i want it over with. And then? Ow shit! two more dopplegangers to fight in two more damage. Two more time delay machines. Two more... dare i say it? Boring venture. With no excitement. With no 'gogogog, it's now or never get the kill, get the cap, get the stomp'. There is no comeback hopefactor. You respawn? what energy for revenge? noone. What energy to think you can counter them now? And even if you do, they willl stall. Test your patience. Conquest has a flow, at least you can insta respawn, insta ... ignore mid and go far, or go mid, or 1vs1 somewhere. The fight continues. What about this? 1vs2= end of the fight, no matter what (and no pro's you won't convince me otherwise). But during the whole game: gameplay is SLOOOOOOOOW. Stunbreak more important then ever? really? really really? it's LESS important then ever. More boring then ever.

The mmo factor is gone, this is almost 1vs1. Teamspeak (while overpowered if only one of teams has it, but it has fun factor for those who do on both sides) is gone. Being focussed is more then ever a thing. The factor of one kill doenst mean much is gone (so the rush to go on after kill to immediately counter it with a kill or cap) is gone.

Ham/bow meta at launch had the same boring factor. Plus being a raid/fractal player, the pvp/pve split wich i thought was good, is now finally showing it's ugly face: damaging fast is useless in pvp, there is no 'kill fast' build really (not against the sort of firebrand and spellbreaker).

The rush is gone, the fun is gone. I rather have the most imbalance shit ever (but with fast pace, and mathematical pressure to go on till the end) then this.

But worst of all, by removing 5vs5 from ranked and shuffling 2vs2 in the choice (think what you want anet but it is so) is gone. I'm not gonna loot 20x worse in unranked.

Btw where are the revenants! Balanced heh gw2, but i didn't even SEE the class. Just when i need 200 wins on them.

This seems like Anet insanely desperate cause pvp was dying and simply lowering the 'amount of player's required to have a 'big amount of matchups' and low queue time. Incredible dissapointed (especially that after this 'Slow' meta) we are (nobody else cares, so this target group is forced to do so) as achievement hunters forced to do non stop pvp (by my calculations 2 years if you get every single win there is to win (impossible unless you play 40 hours per season).

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I agree with the OP. 2v2 is great and possibly the best thing that's happened to sPvP in GW2 ever.

Never need to make a build specifically for holding a point, never need to worry about being piled on by 3+ people.

Also, because of how Glicko & related ranking systems work, 2v2 ranking is statistically more fair and accurate, which is very good.

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This mode is amazing, I have sooo much fun. I even play it more than unranked atm lolBest thing about it is that there are 3 matches and after each u can discuss new strategies with ur partner and adapt your traits, skills and build to their playstyle.Also this mode improves abilities u need in regular ranked such as reading the UI, adapting to match-ups, dodging keys kills, counting dodges, coordinating bursts and kiting.

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i like idea of 2v2 and its fun, but balance is sooo bad...atm the most broken duos ive played was NECRO+ TEMPEST, REAPER+ TEMPEST, SCRAPPER+ CONDI THIEF. These match ups are so unfun, i actualy started calling names on these people, because it was so frustrating to play against.And i am not toxic one (never in my 8 years of playing league of legends, csgo i was banned, suspended or chat banned).

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Metzie.3012 said:

@"Weindrasi.3805" said:Salt drives people away from PvPIncorrect, in my opinion. For example, I play because I want to, and I don't play (anymore) just because someone doesn't like me or insults me. If I am no longer interested in playing, I do not play (anymore). Pretty simple. In PvP, you're (usually) not dealing with bots or NPCs, but with real people, i.e. players with emotions. Of course there are limits to the amount of insults, no question. However, the means are or should be available (blocking, reporting, ...) to counteract this. Someone who is so influenced by the (often) lowly motives of his fellow players has little to do with such a game mode in my opinion. In other words, should stay away from this mode.

And here it is not necessarily or lastly the people involved, i.e. the players, who set the mood and direction, but those who have developed the game mode and continue to develop it. If there is no further development or adjustments, this is more likely to be a bad thing than a good thing. Nothing we haven't experienced in GW2 (PvP), right? :)

Your statement that people who are heavily influenced by player salt should stay away from PvP is correct--and that's what I'm getting at. My impression is that there's a TON of people who stay away from PvP for that very reason--they know the salt will bother them.For me, fighting other players is fun because they are unpredictable--every match will go wildly different based on who is on the other side of the screen. You've got to adapt, rather then just repeat the same sequence over and over. IMHO, salt adds nothing to that experience at best. At worst, it detracts from the experience and keeps sensitive people--who would otherwise LOVE the game mode--away.Regular PvPers like you and I have the mentality "I play because I want to, the insults don't affect it". And that's just it--that mentality is required to be able to enjoy the game mode. A lot of guys out there don't have that mentality, so they miss out on exciting content. I don't have a solution to this problem, because you can't totally regulate salty people without hurting the game mode in other ways. But, it's food for thought, and ultimately--I want PvP to do well. For that, it needs to draw new people in and maintain a consistently large player base--I don't want to see toxicity hurt that.

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