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Guardian New to WvW


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People have probably asked this, but Im a long time Guard trying WvW for the first time.

I have played much PvP and used many builds but I mostly tank points w/ core guard mace/shield + staff with virtue/valor/honor. But unless Im with a large group Im pretty sure that wont work in WvW.

So far Ive been taking the small camps by using my old PvP meditrapper DH using sword/shield + bow, but with the changes Im curious about what is best to use when playing by myself.

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@Foxraging.1269 said:People have probably asked this, but Im a long time Guard trying WvW for the first time.

I have played much PvP and used many builds but I mostly tank points w/ core guard mace/shield + staff with virtue/valor/honor. But unless Im with a large group Im pretty sure that wont work in WvW.

So far Ive been taking the small camps by using my old PvP meditrapper DH using sword/shield + bow, but with the changes Im curious about what is best to use when playing by myself.

Core or DH power builds work. There is a strong burn DH build that is strong in outnumbered fights and large scale fights. You can melt someone on a siege engine in less time than they can respond to.

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