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Of course Mirage. Why even have a single dodge only in PvP? That is too much!!! Don't stop there. Remove endurance bar in all game modes. It'll be even more coherent between them and accordingly with the Arenanet doctrine to not split how to play in each game mode. IH should be replaced with a trait that give you a powerful sound effect when downed to ask for help. That will be fine and more helpful actually. Everyone will happy!!!


All these mesmer cry babies, so sad they had 1 dodge removed! LOL

Maybe you all got to used to playing EZ mode and should have L2P on a more challenging profession like a reaper with no dodge,no evade, no invisibility, no invunerbility and no blinks.

Try that first and then re-read your post!


Mesmer voters are misreading the topic. OP doesn't mean abused as in "harassed and attacked" but "exploited for gain". Firebrand, Ranger, and some are even saying Thief are the biggest offenders.


Firebrand is untouched, still the same mechanics with the same buffs. They've got absolutely nothing but some slight increased CDs that means nothing on the grand scheme of things. Meanwhile most of the classes that could do something about it got reworked or changed altogether and can no longer do anything significant.

Second is Ranger, still has that stupid 50% buff for pets and maul can still hit up to 11k with only 6 seconds cooldown, meanwhile every class got their secondary skill CD increased to 10 seconds.


Mirage, obviously. Or are you now trying to target and hunt another new victim that could also be destroyed like Mirage and Chronomancer watching how Arenanet balance this game? Good luck to the next one, you could fall in to the oblivion in a bottomless pit forever, useless. God save you!

The endless nightmare begins and repeats itself again.

@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:Mesmer voters are misreading the topic. OP doesn't mean abused as in "harassed and attacked" but "exploited for gain". Firebrand, Ranger, and some are even saying Thief are the biggest offenders.

Well., it depends from the point of view that you look at it. This forum often looks more like a witch hunt than anything else.


I'm pretty sure people pick "Mesmer" as a meme. I'd say chain CC is awful and the biggest offenders at that are same old, with the addition of ridiculously-sustaining core necros.


@James.1065 said:All these mesmer cry babies, so sad they had 1 dodge removed! LOL

Maybe you all got to used to playing EZ mode and should have L2P on a more challenging profession like a reaper with no dodge,no evade, no invisibility, no invunerbility and no blinks.

Try that first and then re-read your post!

These are the kind of ppl i would like to see some footage on Twitch or Youtube while playing Mirage vs decent ppl. I would accept passive condistyle while you are not allowed to run Chaos or Inspiration. If you want even more of a challenge to prove your point you can run Powermirage. Lets see how far you get with that op elite spec :joy: Try that first and then enable brain and re-do your hate post based on at least a mimimum of class knowledge.

Ofc for that challenge you need to be able to climb out of gold first though, with no matter what class (you can do that with your main first if you are able to). Do we have a deal? I give you 2-3 months (i will ask Anet to give you 2 dodges back on your Mirage for that time of the challenge running). So you have enough time to get used to the class (i am sure you haven't played at all until now) and can't come with the excuse for failing because you are not used to play Mesmer as Necro main.

We don't what to be this kind of person hating on stuff just because it is foreign/strange/ different, just because we don't know it and don't understand it! Racism has a lot of different faces but we learned from mistakes humans made in history, didn't we?

To the topic: I choose FB in hope they nerf it before Necro then :grin: . The moment ppl get used to some more Rev specs outside of the old meta power Herald, then Rev will be another good pick. Or Ranger pets (rofl).


@"James.1065" said:All these mesmer cry babies, so sad they had 1 dodge removed! LOL

Maybe you all got to used to playing EZ mode and should have L2P on a more challenging profession like a reaper with no dodge,no evade, no invisibility, no invunerbility and no blinks.

Try that first and then re-read your post!

OMG OMG the REAPER is SAYING OTHERS ara PLAYING the "EASY" CLASS. Reaper = 11111111111. Sounds more like you never bothered to learn to cleave through the clones and mesmer all at once with perma 25 stacks of might and quickness. Nice call m8!


I have to say besides the broken as f firebrand necro and druid. I'm having fun.

I havent played ranked past 10 games since season 6. First real time in years and I'm top 100 / 150 after 16 games :).

Firebrand core necro and druid need a actual nerf.


@Tayga.3192 said:

@Revolution.5409 said:Fibrand and second place Necro.

But what is Druid doing on this list? lol

11k pets while being unkillable probs idk

But you don't need Druid for that, not only has core Ranger tanky builds as well but you also can just run away, do some pew pew when you have made enough distance and get some pets without stat penalty Druids have on their pets and which will do the work for you while you mostly just run inbetween few pew pew skills. I would pick core Ranger not Druid.


It interesting as to how much this changed when compared to the Poll as to which class would be most powerful prior to the patch where all doomed and gloomed about Thief.

While this poll might be accurate I suggest people wait a week or two rather then make conclusions day one. Yes firebrand can be nasty but I adapted one build already to deal with it and am doing much better with that specific change. Now this obviously does not prove anything as other templates and builds may not be able to make said changes but I think I will hold off on arriving at any conclusion until I am a week or two in.


Its firebrand.

@"Moradorin.6217" said:OMG OMG the REAPER is SAYING OTHERS ara PLAYING the "EASY" CLASS. Reaper = 11111111111. Sounds more like you never bothered to learn to cleave through the clones and mesmer all at once with perma 25 stacks of might and quickness. Nice call m8!

Reaper is easy to fight with but hard to win with. All the class animosity aside, he's not wrong. Most people that are adept at fighting know how to avoid telegraphed attacks. since that's all reaper has, most things that can kite it win.

@"babazhook.6805" said:It interesting as to how much this changed when compared to the Poll as to which class would be most powerful prior to the patch where all doomed and gloomed about Thief.

[ quietly, stirring tea ] " Mhm."that aside, Deadeye is prob gonna get nerfed though. I'd expect it since people cant burst it down in two seconds. It's pretty oppressive vs melee atm.

@"Rickster.8752" said:Thief is probably still the "best" class. It needs steal nerfed.


@James.1065 said:All these mesmer cry babies, so sad they had 1 dodge removed! LOL

Maybe you all got to used to playing EZ mode and should have L2P on a more challenging profession like a reaper with no dodge,no evade, no invisibility, no invunerbility and no blinks.

Try that first and then re-read your post!

Your core premise is right, and I don't think necro is egregiously sustainy, but day one of the patch and you're class stanning harder than most mirage mains ever did. Be careful with that. Balance has changed, and it can change again. Necro has a penchant for getting nerfed really kitten quick. You'll cry just as hard if they gut your shroud.

@Tayga.3192 said:11k pets while being unkillable probs idk

I'd imagine this is an oversight and will get fixed.

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