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Great patch but here are some issues


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The patch itself is a HUGE step in the right direction. So well done, you have actually saved the game. It is so much better.

However there are some issues:

1, There is too much CC - with limited stun breaks and stability, it means CC is too abundant which is frustrating. My suggestion is to either nerf the cooldowns/cast times of all these OR improve stun breaks again and put 1s of stability of stun breaks that are not teleports to stop chain CC.

2, Evasion is frustrating and too high on classes like thieves.

3, Necro (I say this as a necro) has too much death shroud. I suggest capping the death shroud at about 16k (I know that is a huge nerf) to stop cheese strategies. You could also SLIGHTLY tweak up how quickly necro death shroud degens to stop death shroud camping. However, necro also needs some stability on its stun breaks when this is done.

4, The sustain of Ele is way too high. Same for engi and even guardian. These classes need to have their sustain reduced.

5, Boon uptime is still too high, in particular now the boon strip was removed from most classes (or reduced massively). I suggest going through the boon application traits again and nerfing them with high internal cooldowns. Traits like Feline Grace were "nerfed" but still provide perma vigor. That shouldn't be a thing. Boons need to be situational. Also the case for regen. There is way too much regen/prot on eles and engis.

6, Instant cast CC skills are frustrating now.

7, Power and condi damage seem balanced now. Both are effective and required in a team, which is great. Some classes probably need their condi removal toned down though, seen as boon corruption is so significantly nerfed.

8, Steal on thief doesn't fit the game anymore. It is an instant cast, ranged skill with no counter play. I would strongly consider looking at this and adding a cast time of 1 second to provide counterplay.

9, Remove celestial amulet. With the 4 stat amulet nerfs, celestial now provides way too much value. Raw stats-wise it is too good. And most of the best builds are probably running this now.

10, The classes feel fairly balanced in general - its really not that much of a fail balance wise.

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@Rickster.87521 necro shroud generation needs to be HARD nerfed, I shouldnt have to take 200k dmg to die.2 steal with casttime is big oof, it will mean thief cant combo it with other abilities anymore, insta cast with delayed effect might be reasonable.3 too much CC is a thing, dont know what could change. but in 2v2 I had times I was CC chained for 20s, but then again I didnt die becouse I was necro lol4 classes are not balanced AT ALL. fb necro broken as heck, mes is dog shit.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:@Rickster.87521 necro shroud generation needs to be HARD nerfed, I shouldnt have to take 200k dmg to die.2 steal with casttime is big oof, it will mean thief cant combo it with other abilities anymore, insta cast with delayed effect might be reasonable.3 too much CC is a thing, dont know what could change. but in 2v2 I had times I was CC chained for 20s, but then again I didnt die becouse I was necro lol4 classes are not balanced AT ALL. fb necro broken as heck, mes is dog kitten.

Shroud generation should not be nerfed. Shroud should just degenerate faster.

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@Rickster.8752 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@Rickster.87521 necro shroud generation needs to be HARD nerfed, I shouldnt have to take 200k dmg to die.2 steal with casttime is big oof, it will mean thief cant combo it with other abilities anymore, insta cast with delayed effect might be reasonable.3 too much CC is a thing, dont know what could change. but in 2v2 I had times I was CC chained for 20s, but then again I didnt die becouse I was necro lol4 classes are not balanced AT ALL. fb necro broken as heck, mes is dog kitten.

Shroud generation should not be nerfed. Shroud should just degenerate faster.

I understand that as a necro main you wanna abuse a build that needs to be chain stunned for 20s to kill, but for the sanity of all others this needs to be gutted.I fought against power mesmer and I legit didnt take any damage whatsoever, facetanking every single ability didnt even take half my shroud.And I dont even know what half my buttons do, I dread to think what someone competent could do with necro yikes.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@Rickster.87521 necro shroud generation needs to be HARD nerfed, I shouldnt have to take 200k dmg to die.2 steal with casttime is big oof, it will mean thief cant combo it with other abilities anymore, insta cast with delayed effect might be reasonable.3 too much CC is a thing, dont know what could change. but in 2v2 I had times I was CC chained for 20s, but then again I didnt die becouse I was necro lol4 classes are not balanced AT ALL. fb necro broken as heck, mes is dog kitten.

Shroud generation should not be nerfed. Shroud should just degenerate faster.

I understand that as a necro main you wanna abuse a build that needs to be chain stunned for 20s to kill, but for the sanity of all others this needs to be gutted.I fought against power mesmer and I legit didnt take any damage whatsoever, facetanking every single ability didnt even take half my shroud.And I dont even know what half my buttons do, I dread to think what someone competent could do with necro yikes.

Did you even read what I wrote? The issue is shroud camping. You fix shroud camping by increasing the degen on necro shroud or by limiting the maximum shroud to something like 15k.

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@Rickster.8752 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@Rickster.87521 necro shroud generation needs to be HARD nerfed, I shouldnt have to take 200k dmg to die.2 steal with casttime is big oof, it will mean thief cant combo it with other abilities anymore, insta cast with delayed effect might be reasonable.3 too much CC is a thing, dont know what could change. but in 2v2 I had times I was CC chained for 20s, but then again I didnt die becouse I was necro lol4 classes are not balanced AT ALL. fb necro broken as heck, mes is dog kitten.

Shroud generation should not be nerfed. Shroud should just degenerate faster.

I understand that as a necro main you wanna abuse a build that needs to be chain stunned for 20s to kill, but for the sanity of all others this needs to be gutted.I fought against power mesmer and I legit didnt take any damage whatsoever, facetanking every single ability didnt even take half my shroud.And I dont even know what half my buttons do, I dread to think what someone competent could do with necro yikes.

Did you even read what I wrote? The issue is shroud camping. You fix shroud camping by increasing the degen on necro shroud or by limiting the maximum shroud to something like 15k.

this fixes nothing, all you do is still juggle between 20k hp with 3,5k toughtness and prot. into 30k hp shield. into healed back to full 20k hp. into 30k hp shield.by the time 10s passes you have 100% shroud unless you got cc chained for the entire duration.and from personal exp only way I died was when I dropped shroud and got boomed by 12CC back to back to back, and a dumbass that I am didnt remove the CC becouse I dont know what button does it.camping in shroud is NOT the problem, shroud necro CD are long, you dont get to use them several times in shroud. spamming m1 for 1-2k dmg is not gamebreaking.What IS gamebreaking is the RAW ammouts of EHP you get throught shroud generation. Everything vomits shroud.

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