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Why are some weapons so god awful huge?

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Having a big weapon is one thing, but dual-wielding two weapons, like mace/axe, sword/sword, etc. has them nearly clipping through each other or smacking the player in the face. Why can't I just have normal sized weapons that aren't plain?

Additionally, it would be nice to have an option to preview main- and off-hand weapons in the preview window. If I could, I might not have bought the War God's Axe skin because it nearly clips through Shiverstone and I can't afford or acquire any good mace skins that are smaller.

And I mean, the charrzooka.......

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I also noticed some weapons seem to change size depending if they are on your back or not. Like for instance, I if I have my Perfected Rifle stowed on my character it appears decently sized. The minute I use it in combat it gets a little bigger. This also seems to happen with all Greatswords on Asura and certain weapons on Humans.

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I mean single two-handed weapons (greatswords, staffs, hammers, etc.) can be big, because there's no risk of them clipping with other weapons. But a lot of the one-handed weapons really could be smaller. They don't need to be that big in order to see the details. It just looks clunky and unrealistic for weapons to be like that.

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As Jinroh already mentioned, weapon also change sizes during gameplay. I noticed it pretty soon after admiring the visuals of my Engineer after starting the game: When I stand idle with the rifle drawn, it is normal size; however, when I walk, the weapon is getting sized down by 25% and looks skinny and as far as I remember also a bit distorted, not properly scaled down by 1:1 aspect ratio, most probably to prevent clipping.

Also, what I frequently hear when I play Asura or Lalafell (which is 100%, but still) is: "The armour too small, I can't see details". Maybe they went on the weapons like that, too.

But it's funny that someone else mentions that. Weapon aesthetics are important for me immersion-wise. Whenever I see the Predator or the precursor in the market board, I think the weapon is hideous because it looks so clunky and is reflecting too much. My current rifle is the default "rifle" rifle. Long, but thin barrel and normal proportions. No need to have a full Gattling-gun in your heands to look cool.

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oversized weapons are all the rage in anime/comic book inspired fantasy games. gw2, just like WoW before it is one of those games- so yeah it's gonna have oversized swords.

it's just the art style most MMOs adopt. big glowing wings, hardcore cleavage and a big glowing multicoloured sword the size of a surfboard. a very over the top sexy look.

I prefer an elegantly sexy look myself, a la BDO. but that's just me. I get the appeal of surfboards as greatswords. it's just not my dream.

the immersion qualm is something I will never understand in gw2 tho. this game has magical robots, wings, teleportation, magic, solid holograms etc. it's a future fantasy land where basically anything goes, there's no pretense that it's trying to be somewhat realistic like LotR. it's bright, colourful and fun. I can't see how something like a glowing sword, or huge gun would pull you out of the game. if anything a glowing holographic weapon that makes mario sounds is immersive, and fits with current lore. I'd lose immersion if I didn't see excessive skins lol

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The same way we can see glowy people with bees flying around them and huge wings. Some people have the need to feel "special" and stand out... without realizing they look absolutely terrible. For a game that allows such a massive customization, it's amazing how many people look exactly the same...

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@SmirkDog.3160 said:Having a big weapon is one thing, but dual-wielding two weapons, like mace/axe, sword/sword, etc. has them nearly clipping through each other or smacking the player in the face. Why can't I just have normal sized weapons that aren't plain?

Additionally, it would be nice to have an option to preview main- and off-hand weapons in the preview window. If I could, I might not have bought the War God's Axe skin because it nearly clips through Shiverstone and I can't afford or acquire any good mace skins that are smaller.

And I mean, the charrzooka.......

I think the person who designs weapon-skins for Anet has got to be somebody's nephew or son. They're absolutely terrrrrrrible. The only ones that look awesome are the legendaries. As far as skins from the trading-post go... only 10% or so are acceptable.

A lot of the funerary weapons from PoF look quite good. The nephew must have been out sick when they were added.

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I really really don't like shields in this game. Well on human and sylvari females they look terrible. All way too big, too square over their shoulders, they take over the character so much. When you have taken the time to mix and match some armour to look good, and then your shield takes over your entire character...

Some lower profile shields would be lovely.

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@Bish.8627 said:I really really don't like shields in this game. Well on human and sylvari females they look terrible. All way too big, too square over their shoulders, they take over the character so much. When you have taken the time to mix and match some armour to look good, and then your shield takes over your entire character...

Some lower profile shields would be lovely.

I agree that shields look janky on female human, but I like them big. it's preference I guess.

I literally built my warrior's whole set around the super shield. all yellow and blue. he even has matching yellow skin and blue hair (plus he glows the same colour as the super weapons :o ). bright colourful characters are so my thing.

I love the super set, better than legendary imo. come to think of it, I have a pale blue and red engineer themed after the super rifle. he's all tights and big poofy sleeves, with a massive inhuman head (the lion mask). actually looks like he's from a cartoon.

ah, this game really is just fashion wars 2. I love it

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@Bish.8627 said:I really really don't like shields in this game. Well on human and sylvari females they look terrible. All way too big, too square over their shoulders, they take over the character so much. When you have taken the time to mix and match some armour to look good, and then your shield takes over your entire character...

Some lower profile shields would be lovely.

trueThe only shield i like on my humans (or in general) is the one, round, little thing. Council of the six or somehow it'called.

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@CafPow.1542 said:

@Bish.8627 said:I really really don't like shields in this game. Well on human and sylvari females they look terrible. All way too big, too square over their shoulders, they take over the character so much. When you have taken the time to mix and match some armour to look good, and then your shield takes over your entire character...

Some lower profile shields would be lovely.

trueThe only shield i like on my humans (or in general) is the one, round, little thing. Council of the six or somehow it'called.

Yeah the round ones are ok! I think the more square ones mess with the shoulder line of the character

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