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Try it out: Battle Standar Warrior + FB in 2v2


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There is counter play in 5v5, but in 2v2 there is no counter play.

  • Focusing the Warrior is futile, since the FB can keep the Warrior up indefinitely.
  • Focusing on the FB is possible. However, the other team have to blow all of their stuns trying to kill the FB. After that, they don't have any CC left to stop the Warrior from using the banner. Rinse and repeat.
  • Left unchecked, the Warrior can kill really fast too. This is a worthy cheese against Lich Form Necro + FB.

Try it out before it gets nerfed! :relaxed:

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W> @Wayne.6253 said:

also FB + REV or FB + Necro is almost impossible to kill...

Well, FB is overtuned, and that's a fact. Pairing FB with any tanking class will keep the other one up for a long time. However, that's a separate issue from this Battle Standard cheese. Imagine blowing everything for 3 minutes trying to down the FB, and it's all reset xD. It's really a good comp to not ever lose in Plat. The only time you can lose is mistakes during the end game phase. But then, you still have big advantage due to all heavy armors and high health pool.

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@"Sunshine.5014" said:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_Standard

There is counter play in 5v5, but in 2v2 there is no counter play.

  • Focusing the Warrior is futile, since the FB can keep the Warrior up indefinitely.
  • Focusing on the FB is possible. However, the other team have to blow all of their stuns trying to kill the FB. After that, they don't have any CC left to stop the Warrior from using the banner. Rinse and repeat.
  • Left unchecked, the Warrior can kill really fast too. This is a worthy cheese against Lich Form Necro + FB.

Try it out before it gets nerfed! :relaxed:There are many duo combos that are much worse than necro+fb. I salute to everybody who figues one out, since the current necro hate just because 80% of the community is incompetent, sucks.

So I salute to you!

@DragonFury.6243 said:100% win rate vs this due is fb+tank core necro kite for 3 min then shroud and win with game mechanic only counter to this is two glassy build killing fb or necro fast (but it unstable) or other necro and the one having more shroud win .It depends on the warrior build. FB + glassy stunlock warrior has good chances killing the FB and interrupting the necro rez. But in general two burst builds are the way to go against core bunker + FB. Saves you a lot of time.

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