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Need Clarification on Cleansing Bolts.

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Does anyone happen to know how cleansing bolts actually work?

The wiki states the following -

"Whirl finisher bolts have a range of 900 units. Cleansing and Healing Bolts apply their effect in a 150 unit radius on impact."

So does this mean that if i use a whirl-finisher in a light field, which creates a cleansing bolt, and this cleansing bolt hits an ally, the ally, and any allies within 150 units radius of that ally will be cleansed of a condition?

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@"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:Does anyone happen to know how cleansing bolts actually work?

The wiki states the following -

"Whirl finisher bolts have a range of 900 units. Cleansing and Healing Bolts apply their effect in a 150 unit radius on impact."

So does this mean that if i use a whirl-finisher in a light field, which creates a cleansing bolt, and this cleansing bolt hits an ally, the ally, and any allies within 150 units radius of that ally will be cleansed of a condition?

It sends bolts out randomly out to 150 units of where the finisher takes place. If you have a target locked on they go towards the target a bit more (more random bolts that way rather than 360 degree spread). Larger hit boxes get hit by more bolts.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:It sends bolts out randomly out to 150 units of where the finisher takes place.

So your saying that the cleansing bolt doesn’t travel for 900 units? I don’t understand that. Pretty sure the cleansing bolts travel further than 150 units.

Sorry typing and reading on the phone while sick. They go out 900 units as all whirl finishers and apply effects within 150 units of where they connect. Targeting a foe forces more bolts randomly towards the foe rather than a random 360 spread.

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although the way you said it was confusing, I also came to the same conclusion as you. bolt goes out, hits an ally within a range of 900, and the cleansing/heal effect then applies effect within 150 radius to that ally and whoever within that 150 radius. that's what it sounds like to me. maybe im wrong though

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